
reincarnated as a forest i controle it all

please do not expect GRAMMER or eanything of the sort this includes SPELLING

Daoist6zSfYk · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

2 days to go

system teach me ark magic [ark magic does not work like other magic it requires a set chant of words to be said ] well tell me one that can defeat

my opponent [fine just dont say it unless you want to cast it]

[it is

i as the primordial king of magic i hereby order they to decipher the laws of magic and destroy my enemy with this power i baiche they azonay great lord of magic grant me the power of the primordial spirit of ark and cast the power of the 4 elements down apon my target now destroy four

elements ]

and that all i need to do [and thats all i need to do how idiotic no like every spell has a mana cost the cost would drain your mana to 0