
Regressing as a Villain

In the final moments of his life, Dante was betrayed... The failure of the world, that was the name given to him. It was only at the end when he realised he was used up till his final breath. Deceived by his fiancé, abandoned by his family and discarded by his friends. He was truly alone. As he lay in the pool of his own blood, struck down by the hero, labelled as the villain by society, It's too late to turn back. "I.. lived right. So what if I didn't have talent... I don't deserve this... FUCK THIS WORLD! EVERYONE HAS TURNED THIER BACK ON ME AND FUCK OFF GODS FOR CREATING THIS SHITTY WORLD!" "If only, I knew it all back then... I.." His head suddenly came off with a single strike from the hero... "Pitiful..." He says as he spat on Dante's body. There were no tears as Dante lay on the dirt, not even his family. In their hearts he was a monster, holding only disgust for his memories. The same emotions were felt by everyone present as they watched his body on the floor. However, somewhere from beyond, a hand reached out touching the corrupted soul. "What a pathetic existence. Yet you dare to curse us within your final breath." The being laughed as it found him amusing. "Fine... One last chance. Let's see what you can really change, oh miserable existence." A bright light began to shine as a single soul would break the laws of the universe. One small black light flew from the hand's palm and was engulfed in the white glow of the soul. "A single gift from me..." The superior being said in a weak voice. "I must sleep now. So live your life as you have desired." The universe was devoured in that white light which soon ended. "AAAAAGHHHHHH!" A loud scream was heard inside the Demiscue palace. Dante had awoken screaming to find his palms smaller, it was as if he had shrunk. "What??" Dante questioned in a low voice feeling his face, he was back to his younger self, one year before the academy. Before he could speak again a voice popped up in his head. [Gift Received] [Host, Recognised...] [Starting... Villain System...]

TheFakeAce · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

A tense dinner...

As the wide doors swung open Dante was blinded with a myriad of lights, the dinning hall was spacious as if it could fit half a ball room inside.

There were musicians playing beautiful instruments all around the room with one large dinning table in between. The table was shaped like a large thin rectangle reaching almost all the way to the end with 12 seats on either sides and an abundance of space in each chair per person.

Above the room was a large chandelier with many crystals upon them. Each one shimmered a bright white light upon every corner of the room driving away the darkness.

Sat at the top of the table was Salazar Demiscue, Dante's father. This seat was mainly reserved for the family head or the host. This was done to show respect as they could watch over everyone on the table.

On the left two seats were Dante's eldest brother, two years older than him, he is currently a second year at Artemis Academy. This was the school that Dante and Vanessa were scheduled to join the next year.

Although Vanessa was a year younger than Dante with her excellent potential and talent. She was allowed to enter a year earlier than the rest. She felt quite bitter over how she would have to enter the academy at the same time as her failure of a brother.

This was quickly shut down by her father as it would be more shameful to the family if he were to receive no education at all.

As Dante entered the room the beautiful harmonies that were playing had abruptly stopped.

His family which had all looked quite happy before conversing with each other and laughing, quickly lost their smiles.

It was as if a person had poured cold water all over the room, destroying any form of atmosphere at all.

Salazar's face was expressionless, yet it was clear from his tense nature that he was displeased by this sudden intrusion. Elena, Dante's mother, also looked quite displeased but did not even bother to look at Dante as she cut up the dish she was feasting on. She held great posture, and despite the fact that she was in her late thirties, she still maintained a very good figure.

Aiden, his eldest brother, took a sip of his wine and sneered at Dante as he entered the room. Whilst Vanessa still had a hostile attitude and simply looked away from him, not wanting to acknowledge him anymore.

'Still the same...' Dante thought as he walked through the side of the table, the eyes of all except Vanessa still following him. He was about to take a seat next to his mother when a rising pressure came from someone infront of him.

"You keep forgetting the rules..."

"A useless dog dies on the street..."

Vanessa said in a low and dangerous tone, flaunting her newly formed E rank Aura.

"Two seats apart..."

He looked at to his left as an unpleasant memory came back to him. Dante was never invited to eat with the family unless it was formal. Even when it was an official meal, he was still outcasted and sat at least at the distance of 2 seats away from his family.

How he previously wished he could have laughed and talk with them as if they were truly a family. But reality came crashing down hard shattering his hopes into a million pieces.

No more in this life will he be a dog.

Dante matched the cold look in his sister's eyes as he took a seat alone to the side.

Glancing around he could see the whispers of the servants, he knew that none took pity on him. As his name was spread out with curses under their breaths, all laughing at his attempt to sit with his family.

Soon however the party resumed once more. The beautiful harmonies came back and buried the deathly mood that was previously there. Replacing it with a symphony of life and laughter.

Soon after Dante was once again forgotten, sitting in a chair alone he closed his eyes as the world around him faded away.

A few minutes later, he was brought back to reality as a maid tapped lightly on his shoulder and said "Your food, sir."

She gave a polite bow as she slid the platter onto Dante's plate.

It was lamb. Yet it looked quite plain and seemed to be slightly raw. Dante glanced around him and saw the luxuries food prepared for the others and his in now way compared.


Vanessa chuckled as she saw Dante's meal, before continuing her conversation once more with her mother.

"Tsk." Dante clicked his tongue as he stared at his nasty plate of food.

He grabbed the thin fork and lightly stabbed the tender meat, slowly putting a small piece into his mouth.


As he suspected it wasn't even cooked properly. Fuck, it was barely even cooked at all.

To call it food would be an insult. Not even dogs would be fed this.

In the corner of his eye's he could see Vanessa laughing silently, as she chewed her meal...

'It seems even animals knew how to treat each other better.' These words flood Dante's head as he could no longer stand to be in the presence of these people.

Standing up, he held his plate on his right hand. The lamb swayed as it sunk into the mush of gravy and whatever else was in the monstrosity they tried to feed him.

The music lulled into a quiet hymn as everyone's eyes focused on Dante. He walked around the table quickly as the music slowed down significantly eventually leading to a deathly silence when Dante was stood facing Vanessa.

His eyes met hers once again, however, this time he was the one looking down at her.

She stared deep into his eyes, she didn't know why but something felt off.

Her senses were heightened.


She never flinched once, even when facing multiple rank 0 beasts, she killed them all with ease.

Yet for some reason. Right now.

His heavy gaze felt incredibly oppressive as if it were ensnaring her soul.

To her, behind his crimson red eyes was a deep black abyss, it devoured everything whole. She couldn't comprehend it as her hairs stood on ends.

She tried to move her mouth but words could not come out nor would her lips budge.

The trance was only broken when a warm liquid began to sludge down from the top of her scalp.




Multiple gasps were heard around the room as the servants held their mouths in shock, dropping their precious instruments.

His family were silent as they took a second to fully comprehend his actions...


Vanessa blew up as she realised Dante had poured his entire dinner over her head.

She looked livid as her face turned red, trying to wipe off the low quality "food" which has now stained her clothes and hair.

Aiden's smile disappeared as his eyes were held wide watching the event between the two proceed.

Elena stood up furious at Dante who dared to ruin Vanessa's day and celebration.


She screamed as she demanded Dante for an explanation.

Dante simply looked at both of them, a chilling smile appearing on his face as he puts his hand on his pocket in a casual manner, dropping the plate and letting it smash down on the ground.

"You wanted to treat me like a dog..."

He looks at the food splattered over Vanessa's black dress and chuckles lightly.

"So I thought I would act like one..."

He turned around and began to walk away, yet gave Vanessa one more glance and said with a demonic smile.


Vanessa could no longer hold in her anger as particles of wind began to gather within her right hand. A green light began to take over her palms and skin. A flurry of winds started to lightly blow everything away everything close to her.

The servant's and her brother and mother covered their faces as the wind started to move their hair slightly, it seemed the technique was learnt quite new and wasn't fully mastered yet.

"You fucking dirty bitch... It seems you don't learn with words alone..."

Long and thick threads of winds began to gather around her finger tips and the side of her palms as she raised them up as Dante turned his head to the left calmly watching her as she prepares quite a powerful technique.

Salazar did not make a move nor say anything, he had a stoic expression as he observed what would happen between the two.

"Maybe a few injuries should teach you how to behave like the dog you are."

It was the high E rank technique [Gale Slices (E)] these were powerful wind blades that when used against other E ranks would cause incredible damage.

To use it against an unawakened could lead to serious injuries, not to mention fatalities

She screamed as she sliced the air three times, each in different ways and directions.

At every wave of her arm, a wind blade was created and began flying through the air at an incredibly quick pace.

They approached Dante within a split second.

If this was the Dante previously, he would have instantly been injured heavily.

However, that Dante no longer existed. His existence had perished now, this was the same as being dead.

He moved his body to the right forcing his muscles to the limit.


The first blade narrowly missed, cutting off a miniscule amount of hair from the right side of his face.


Dante crouched low to the right as the diagonal blade of air passed over his face by a few millimetres.


The third one was slightly delayed from the rest, yet this time it was longer and wider. It came in a perfectly horizontal position.

With his past battle experience Dante found it easy to dodge the slices from a person who had not been in real combat before.

Using his right hand as a support, he activated his legs and core to perform a flip over the third blade which gradually dropped lower.

Each blade made a loud thud as they carved themselves over the large room.

Silence reigned over the air as no one could understand what just happened.

"How is this possible..." a few servants whispered under their breaths as Dante had shown movement only seen from heavily experienced awakeners...

The silence was suddenly broken by Vanessa as she quickly picked up a steak knife and threw it at Dante with an incredible force.

Their eyes all flocked towards this knife as it swiftly darted towards his face.


Dante thought as he pitied her for being so desperate.

'Was this really the person I cared so much for. For too long...'

Elena's eyes grew wide as she saw Dante not moving, standing still with the same cold expression as the knife went to his face.


Blood dripped on the floor as everyone had a look of stunned surprise.


Dante held the blade tight as his face never even twitched nor gave a look of fear.

Compared to Edward's blade, this little toy was nothing.

The knife clattered on the floor as it was dropped.

Dante looked disgusted for the first time as he gazed upon them all, after he turned around he pushed hard and opened the large door, walking out and heading back to his room.

All that was heard was the sound of his light footsteps fading away...

No sound was made as everyone tried to recall what was just experienced.

The servants all shared the same thought as they looked at each other in disbelief, some looking over to Jason as he was the butler who served him...

First look into Dante's new found strength, with his old life he knew the limits of his body through instincts. Dante doesn't take risks which doesn't benefit him or will end up hurting him...

Thank you all for reading and support. Im quite a new author so im grateful for everything and being able to learn through this all.

Please let me know if you have any thoughts :)

TheFakeAcecreators' thoughts