
Regressing as a Villain

In the final moments of his life, Dante was betrayed... The failure of the world, that was the name given to him. It was only at the end when he realised he was used up till his final breath. Deceived by his fiancé, abandoned by his family and discarded by his friends. He was truly alone. As he lay in the pool of his own blood, struck down by the hero, labelled as the villain by society, It's too late to turn back. "I.. lived right. So what if I didn't have talent... I don't deserve this... FUCK THIS WORLD! EVERYONE HAS TURNED THIER BACK ON ME AND FUCK OFF GODS FOR CREATING THIS SHITTY WORLD!" "If only, I knew it all back then... I.." His head suddenly came off with a single strike from the hero... "Pitiful..." He says as he spat on Dante's body. There were no tears as Dante lay on the dirt, not even his family. In their hearts he was a monster, holding only disgust for his memories. The same emotions were felt by everyone present as they watched his body on the floor. However, somewhere from beyond, a hand reached out touching the corrupted soul. "What a pathetic existence. Yet you dare to curse us within your final breath." The being laughed as it found him amusing. "Fine... One last chance. Let's see what you can really change, oh miserable existence." A bright light began to shine as a single soul would break the laws of the universe. One small black light flew from the hand's palm and was engulfed in the white glow of the soul. "A single gift from me..." The superior being said in a weak voice. "I must sleep now. So live your life as you have desired." The universe was devoured in that white light which soon ended. "AAAAAGHHHHHH!" A loud scream was heard inside the Demiscue palace. Dante had awoken screaming to find his palms smaller, it was as if he had shrunk. "What??" Dante questioned in a low voice feeling his face, he was back to his younger self, one year before the academy. Before he could speak again a voice popped up in his head. [Gift Received] [Host, Recognised...] [Starting... Villain System...]

TheFakeAce · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Goodbye Dante...

Vanessa was wearing a one piece black dress, the material was luxurious and covered one shoulder being long sleeved on one arm, whilst the other was open revealing her slightly tanned olive skin. The bottom part went up to her knees and had a single slit on the left side for mobility.

Her appearance was a mix of classy and confident.

The light shone on her red hair which was in a high ponytail, the bright red created a warm contrast over the dark black dress. Everyone in his family had different shades of red hair with the exception being Dante.


Vanessa held an arrogant smile on her face as she took a step down the stairway, her gaze never leaving Dante's eyes. Despite being a year younger than Dante she held no respect for him. He was always very kind towards her yet she never found it within herself to show the same courtesy.

If she was in a good mood she wouldn't even bother him, but in her worst moods Vanessa would resort to some petty bullying. Although they weren't much, the outcome from her parents would always punish Dante quite harshly, Vanessa had just always found it funny.

"It seems..."

"Despite you being here..."

"for a while now..."

She broke down her sentences as she calmly walked down the stairs, still maintaining the same haughty expression.

"You still have not learnt your place."

She was now only a few steps away from Dante, just like in life, she gazed down upon him whilst he was on the ground. She was expressively telling him how he was below her.

Her crimson eyes were the only thing that matched Dante, it was the symbol of their family. Red hair and Ruby eyes, the latter of which shone as if it were jewellery under the night sky.

"My place? As your elder brother?"

Dante replied back observing her reactions.


Her fiery eyes lost some colour, she looked disgusted. It was as if a rat was found in her bed. A vein on her forehead began to show as her marble like face went slightly red from fury.

Vanessa clicked her tongue as she crossed her arm, lifting up one hand and pointing 2 fingers towards Dante.

The air around him felt heavy as multiple gusts of winds began to pile above him.


Dante could only grit his teeth as he fell to his knees but after a few more seconds he fell flat to the ground like a dead animal from the sheer force of her technique.

It was [Gustic Force (F)] an F rank technique learnt for people with wind elements. Normally a normal unawakened person would be able to last 15-20 seconds without falling from the pressure, however, Dante only lasted 5.

This was due to his intense training earlier onto his body, the effects were now obvious.

"HAHAHA!" Vanessa laughed hard as she held her flat stomach from the laughter bursting forth.

"All that talk... And this is how pathetic you are...."

She purposefully stepped over him as if he were a rug on the tiles before letting go of the technique which held him in place. After a few steps she glanced back down at the struggling Dante who found it difficult to stand back up.

She gave him a look of both pity and disgust for his weak constitution.

"I don't know why I expected more for a second..."

"But listen."

Her face became serious once more.

"I assumed you realised but... Never..."


"Call yourself my brother."

"You are lazy, weak and most importantly a parasite to this family."

"The shame you forced everyone to go through because you live. Is a reason I can never forgive you..."

She turned around once more and walked through the door.

Dante watched her walk away in silence. Even after a few seconds he did not stand back up as she walked out of sight and her footsteps were the only noise that was left.

Soon the sound of silence was all that belonged, not even the servants were there. They were all in the dining hall enjoying the event.

After a few minutes he finally stood up and brushed the dirt off him. He looked outside the glass window close to him and saw and heard in a different room of the palace, loud sounds of music were playing through the widows.

They had began the event without him.

Dante looked down and noticed how dirty his shabby formal clothes were, he needed to fix it first and be slightly presentable. Luckily there was a bathroom next to him, in the mansion there was at least 12 ready for all guests.

As he walked in, he stared at his reflection once again.


His cold expression broke down into a slight frown. Despite his mentality becoming more ruthless. His body was still the same 16 year old as when he was younger, this also meant that he could vividly remember the same emotions and memories this version of Dante felt recently.


He punched the mirror in pure frustration.

His right hand bled with slight sprinkles of the mirror left within.

Dante saw a broken reflection within the mirror. Yet within he saw himself.

A tattered causality who's been thoroughly ripped apart.

Right now there were 2 Dantes within him. One that regressed and the body which remained a remnant of his former self.

Doubts began within himself. What if he didn't actually regress and this was a new universe entirely...

Dante's crimson eyes met his own pair trough the mirror. Nodding his head he began to wash off the blood in his hand and wrap it up in a bandage. He remembered a first aid kit was kept in most of the bathrooms underneath the sink.

It no longer mattered. These emotions Dante's body felt were one of longing he had always felt before in his previous life. So he could directly relate. To be accepted by his family that was what he had wanted.

After a while Dante grew up and realised it was never going to happen. It was an immense amount of internal pain deadly for a person to take.

It seems this is what his body was feeling when his sister told him the brutal truth that he never had the luxury to hear in his previous life.

"She was right, right now I am weak."

"If only I heard these words from her before..."

"I don't know if this is a blessing or a curse..."

Sighing, Dante stared at himself once more in the broken mirror and said the words he had wanted to hear most from himself...

He gave a warm smile.

"You have worked hard enduring it all these years, Dante."

"But what you desire for, will never come true..."

"And I think you know that..."

His warm smile disappear completely as the cold expression took over once more.

"Rest now Dante..."

Dante's voice was now low as he whispered to himself.

"Leave the rest to me."

The last words were like an echo that flowed over the body. A sharp electrical current went over Dante's body as he felt a weird sensation.

It was as if his body was wearing extremely tight clothing previously. Where as now it perfectly fit, not too loose nor tight.

He could also instantly tell his mind felt at peace rather than turbulence previously as his train of thought was more clear.


Suddenly, an alert went off inside his head. It was a notification from the system...

Dante's eyes grew wide over his message...



[ 100% ASSIMILATION RATE for your body ]

- The Host has been accepted by the body and the body has accepted the host. The Temple and the God works in unison so must the person.

Rewards :

- Full Control

- The host can now interact with all experiences and senses more freely as all reflexes have increased.

- Full Physique Potential

- Due to achieving fully control, the body and the soul are now in unison. The potential of the host can now be utilised by the body. However this is the potential alone, the body's physical state will not be adapted and changed, unless worked on.

- Advanced Statistic Viewing (UPGRADED)

- The host no longer needs to use a machine or awakener watch to see their statistic. They have a sixth sense now using the system to provide accurate information for them. This has been upgraded so the system would show more than just basic stats that other awakeners only have access to, such as techniques and elements.

This upgraded version does not currently show other's stats...


Dante read all of his new perks. It was true, he did feel more synchronised with his body. His fatigue felt lower. Dante began to do some push ups again. Although it was difficult, it was no longer as difficult as before. It was as if his whole body weight had been lifted from his back.

It also felt like he grew slightly taller and a tiny bit more muscle was laid onto him. They weren't major differences but something had changed...

"What the fuck..." Dante seemed quite confused as the more logic he tried to use to figure out how this worked the less he could.

All that his intuition and instincts were giving him was the fact that this was something he could not get answers to right now. Those who ruled the at the top of the world, the God's, deities and immortals. Those were the types of people that could alter reality.

Dante was also told he was the Villain of the world, although he wasn't sure how that would work. The system told him he would need to gain strength quickly...

His brain was leading him to something close to that. The Deities and the system itself...

After giving it a little bit of thought, he decided it's best to put it in the back of his head, until he is strong enough to seek answers. Just for now be grateful and a little weary.

'Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.'

What Dante seemed to be quite curious about was the last reward. He wanted to try it out and see what kind of display it had.

Sadly, he did not have enough time. He spent too long and is now quite late for the dinner and worst of all his suit some how looked worse than before.

"Tsk" Clicking his tongue he opened the door displeased.

After a few minutes of walking he finally made it into the closed door of the dining hall. It was a large oak door with many patterns engraved on it.

He could hear the classical music playing inside as the servants played their instruments, His eyes also spotted bright lights flowing through the cracks over the doors.

An empty feeling came to his stomach as he steeled his nerves. His parents were powerful awakeners. His father even close to breaking into the ranks of a S rank Saint, whilst his mother was a high B rank cultivator.

Taking a deep breath in he steeled his nerves and pushed open the large heavy doors...

Wow I have 10k views, thank you all so much for reading my novel, as a new writer this all feels amazing to me. Thank you for all the support.

If you have any thoughts please let me know :)

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