
chapter 3: humans and a new friend?

retsu waked up from his sleep and walked outside seeing the winter forest

retsu: this is my second day in here and im already exahusted because of that battle with that dragon, and sleep in rocks didnt help

retsu: its time to investigate the forest

he said with a exahusted voice while he started walking through the forest

nothing special happened in that days he just encountered animals

retsu: this is my day number 23 in this forest and nothing interesting happened, i dont need to eat nothing or drink to live, it is something interesting but it surely is because him a god

retsu: im still thinking why im a god, why he maked me a god

retsu stopped thinking and started walking through the forest again as usual, then he sees humans in a road that he saw multiple times in this days

human leader: our mission is to find the cause of this winter on the forest

humans: sir yes sir

retsu(mind): they look like knights and adventurers that appear in the anime, if I'm correct there must be a guild or a king who commanded them to look for me

retsu(mind): should i show myself and try to talk with them?

retsu(mind): in the worst case if they attack me i can kill them easy with my frozen touch

Retsu left his hiding place and headed towards the humans who would be alerted by his presence.

leader knight: beast do not take one more step or we will eliminate you

retsu: beast?

adventurer: he c-can talk!

retsu: don't worry, I won't hurt you if you don't attack me

said retsu calmly observing and analyzing the knights and adventurers

adventurer: tell us your objective beast and why you want to talk to us!

retsu: my name is retsu, I'll clarify for they stop calling me a beast

suddenly retsu would see an adventure half cat half human approaching cat-like

adventurer: I'm sorry about what my companions said, but we are trying to find and capture or kill the being that made this kind of winter in the forest, by the way my name is nya atasuki

retsu: oh, well, it's me who did this winter in the forest, sorry for the inconvenience

knight leader: so you are responsible huh?

leader knight: kill him!

nya: wait! don't attack him

The adventurers and knights, ignoring Nya's words, decided to attack him and make death attacks.

retsu: so we're going to get like this huh?

Retsu would freeze and destroy the bodies of the knights and adventurers that he would manage to freeze by heading directly towards their leader.

retsu: DIE

the leader was frozen and destroyed in front of the eyes of all the knights and adventurers, retsu was still being attacked and he killed almost everyone

knight: wait please forgi-

retsu: no, you attacked me and i warned all of you

nya was frozen in his site seeing how retsu killed all his friends and other person that she didnt know very well

nya: ple-please stop

nya was the only alive and she was in the snow crying

retsu: its over, stop crying you are not going to die

nya: you killed all of them, even my friends!

retsu: come here

retsu grabbed the girl and started walking at the cave where maked a little house, nya was still crying in his arms until she went asleep in the arms of retsu

retsu(mind): shes traumatized because of what i did?, im still a little happy that i can now control the freezing touch

retsu learned this in day 7 while training his freezing touch

retsu(mind): i need to put her in the bed i made

retsu made a little house in the cave of the dragon, just a bed and a work table that he usually use to make tools, how he made the work table? rocks like pilars to maintain the table and wood the same with the bed just that he used some sheepskin with its wool still on, it was still a comfortable bed

nya: huh, where am i?

retsu: youre in my home

nya: oh, what are you going to with me?

retsu: youre not suprised?

nya: i was already expecting something like this while i was crying

retsu: already accepting your death or destiny?

nya: something like that

retsu: rest in the bed a little more, im going to go hunt something for you to eat

retsu leaved without hearing a word from nya and started to research for animals, he found the carriages of the humans and decided to look through their things to find something to help him in the task of skinning the animal after killing it since he didnt like to use his claws for everything

retsu(mind):this strange dagger should do the job

weapon: poison dagger

retsu(mind): this haves poison huh?, thats maybe why is so strange

system:Do you want to unequip the weapon? Everything you unequip will be stored in a small dimensional space, you can just say the weapon in your mind and it will be re-equipped

retsu(mind): unequip, poison dagger

the dagger appeared again in his hand like it didnt disappear

system: the effect of the dagger will disappear after the enemy dies

retsu(mind): this is going to be useful

retsu continued walking through the forest and encountered after some minutes some wolves

retsu(mind): lets see what can do this dagger, poison dagger!

Retsu immediately rushed towards the wolves taking them by surprise, stabbing the dagger into the two wolves, after the poison maked effect the wolfes died

retsu(mind): not bad, unequip poison dagger

retsu started to walk with the wolves in his arms after some minutes already in the night he entered in the cave who was lighted by a campfire inside

retsu: there we go, now I have to remove the skin, organs, wash with water and put them on the fire

nya just stared silent to retsu seeing all his movements, after a hour they started eating

retsu: its the most delicius thing i eated in several days!

after they finished eating

retsu: its time to sleep

retsu walked to the bed and stared a little to nya who was seeing the dark cave wall while she was sleeping, retsu sleeped with nya in the bed

in the morning

nya pov:

nya(mind): why i feel so cold as if i was sleeping in the snow in the middle of winter night

when nya opened her eyes, she found a sleeping Retsu hugging her tightly while she was on his chest

nya(mind): he was sleeping with me all the time, and why i feel comfortable sleeping with the assasin of my friends!

retsu while sleeping just before nya's shock hugged her tighter and brought his face covered by the mask close to nya's

after some minutes retsu waked up seeing a trembling nya and him hugging her tightly

retsu: good morning

retsu pov:

retsu got up began to stretch while nya simply calmed down since she was able to get out of that awkward situation

retsu: do you want to eat the rests of the wolves?

nya just nodded and they eated the rests of the wolves

retsu walked throught the forest as always he do in the morning

end of chapter 3