
chapter 4: fight with the winter beast

after a while walking retsu encountered a destroyed site, dead corpses of animals and humans

retsu: in here should be a giant beast to cause this destruction or maybe the humans using magic or something destroyed all in here

then he heard several roars followed by screams of people and animals

retsu: It seems that they are still fighting... I must go quickly to help them

He began to go quickly towards the place of the roars and screams, to later see humans and animals fighting against a huge white dragon that with its claws destroyed the bodies of humans and with its icy breath froze them

retsu: youre the one whos causing this disaster huh?

Retsu went calmly towards the beast which was watching him with caution because he could attack by surprise.

adventurer leader: get out of there he's going to kill you!

The adventurer quickly launched a magical fireball towards the dragon which he would receive, causing his anger and attacking Retsu, an attack that he would dodge with difficulty.

retsu: let's see what I can do against you

Retsu would climb up his back and try to use his claws to damage him, only they would have no effect.

retsu(mind): the claws are discarded, the freezing touch will not affect him so it only remains to distract him and the adventurers use fire magic or use the dagger in weak points to poison him

retsu: hey you! im going to distract him and you and your group attack with magic

adventurer leader: okay!

retsu and the group of adventurers started with the plan while retsu attacked him by multiple parts of the body the sorcerers and adventurers who knew fire magic would start to charge their attacks

At one point, the adventurers and sorcerers launched their attacks against the beast, which would writhe in pain when receiving so many attacks, a very small part of its body would be left without scales due to the attacks.

retsu(mind): this is my chance, poison dagger

quickly retsu would stick his dagger in the place without scales this applying poison inside the body of the dragon

retsu(mind): now i need to resist an-

retsu flew away due to an attack the dragon made with his tail

the aventurers and sorcerers attacked again with the fire balls and the dragon due to poison and the fire attacks he fell unconscious

retsu up again opened the mouth of the dragon

adventurer leader: what are you going to do?

retsu: im going to finish him rapidly

Retsu stabbed his dagger into the upper part of the dragin's mouth, flowing out a lot of blood and managing to stick the dagger into a bone.

retsu(mind): the poison will kill him faster since it reaches the brain

system: xp gained 4780

system: you reached lv 5

hp: 580/580

mp: 780/780

speed: 41

strength : 32

defense: 46

intelligence: 34

power: 43

weapon: poison dagger

items equipped: none

Skills: Zettairedo (absolute zero): Full control over ice and environment by freezing it.

frezzing touch: when you touch something it freezes

universe/world: unknown

blood lines: none

relationship ships: none

adventurer leader: thanks for helping us

retsu: no need to say thanks

retsu maked his way to the cave and encountered nya sleeping

then something happened

system: you obtained new abillity

system: you obtained elemental construction

elemental construction: you can create weapons,armors,etc with your element

retsu(mind): this will help me very well

retsu used elemental construction to create a ice claw in his hand testing it cutting easily a tree

retsu(mind): this sure will help me to fight monsters with scales or armor

retsu started to walk again

retsu(mind): its already night, how long i walked?

retsu entered in the bed, hugged nya and went asleep

in the morning

nya(mind): again?!!?!?!




im going to continue this fanfic sorry for not updating any of my fanfics please forgive me i was having some problems with school and all that