
Reds Reset

The line between life and death is thin. With the numerous religions giving some glimmer of hope, people started hanging onto their thin rope. In an attempt to ease their minds about the unknown. But what if death is not the end? What if Death is only the beginning? Red lives in a vulnerable world, one where Windows to other planes of existence open often. Monsters and dangerous creatures reside in each, and the awakened are humanities only hope. Our story starts with Death and ends with Glory. Follow Red as he breaks through Worlds, practicing and growing stronger with each experience. The chosen Champion of the mysterious God.

Fairn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
197 Chs

New System!

Saya and Peter were walking back, reaching the village's borders.

"Master Saya's back" Said Samuel, pointing at the figure walking over. Behind her, someone peeked at them.

"What the fuck, isn't that one of the bandits?" Said Link, standing up.

"Hey, this is Peter" Saya spoke, patting Peter's head. "He'll be living in this village from now on"

"What?" Link, Samuel and both the Twins said at the same time.

Saya walked inside the house where Rao and Anny were sitting and started explaining what happened and Peter's story,

"I understand he was tricked but we still can't trust him" Link spoke, looking at Peter who was standing outside.

"Kid, i can't trust you as well. That wasn't a nice one to pull you know, you could have just asked for my help" Saya turned towards Link, with both eyes half closed.

Link wanted to say something, but stopped himself, he did use Saya even though she has only been helping him from the start.

"Sorry," Said Link "But what use will he be?"

"The bandits trained him a bit, he knows his way around the forest and can use a bow. Why not he becomes a hunter" Said Saya.

The group stayed silent for a bit, Link looked at Peter one more time and let out a sigh.

"My father can use a time off" Said Link," He can help out, especially now that the bandits are gone, there won't be much financial problems anymore."

After talking about it for a bit Saya and Link went to the village chief with Peter, telling him his story and finding an old hut in the outskirts of the village that he can use.

Surprisingly for Link, it went better than he thought, Elder Forl heard of the village's attack and pitied Peter, introducing him to Eddy, Sal, Gail and Robart to show him the ropes. Rao is at home with Anny, taking care of Lisa and Rena.

Samuel ran home, telling his parents about Saya's offer.

"What? Are you kidding?" Ranold, Samuel's father said "Go, Here i'll help you pack up"

"No dad, me and Link will be going together in 5 months, when he turns 14"

"Oh" Ranold Continued "Then tell him to grow faster for god's sake"

Ranold wasn't trying to get rid of his son, but he knew exactly the worth of such an offer, and wouldn't make Samuel miss it for the world.

Although convincing his mother was harder, taking a bit of time.

Peter was introduced to the village, The hunters were making his part in the bandits demise the first part of his introduction.


Saya, Matias and Link were in front of Link's home.

"So, about the Hell Bears Fur" Said Matias.

Link remembered what he said to Matias, cringing.

"Oh, umm yeah, i'll get it for you."

"No no, keep it. It's an Intermediate Level 1 Beast Anyways, Don't worry about it" Said Matias stopping Link.

"A Level 1?" Link thought, Not believing how weak he was.

"Alright, i'll take care of everything with the academy so you don't have to worry about it. The day after you turn 14 someone will pick you and samuel up." Said Saya, ruffling Link's hair "We'll be leaving now, see you at the academy brat"

"Ok, Have a safe trip." Said Link.

"So cold," Saya continued, "I expected at least a 'Stay longer' or something, But you're being honest and i like that. See you"

"Bye Link" Said Matias. The two of them started walking away, suddenly vanishing into thin air.

"What the hell, why is Matias friendly all of a sudden?" Link thought to himself, shrugging and walking back inside "I guess what i could do right now is wait for the system to complete what ever the fuck it's doing"


Link.. Link" In his sleepy daze, Link couldn't focus and see who it was.

"Get up, Breakfast is ready" It was Lisa, wearing a cute dress, she was jumping about, tugging at Link's Leg.

"Ok, i'm up, i'm up" He said.

Lisa and Link walk over to the living room, finding his mother with Rena setting up the table.

"Morning mother" Said Link, Waving.

"How are you feeling sweetie, Better?" She asked, looking at his smothered bandaged arm.

"Yeah, never better"

After a bit, Rao walked out of his room, still sleepy.

"What about you big guy" Said Anny, playfully hitting his arm.

"Even if they weren't my real parents it still feels awkward seeing them act all lovey-dovey." Link thought, helping with the table.


<System Updated Successfully, Restarting...>

Link froze. Everything was new to him, from the message color to the voice that suddenly spoke. He looked around, checking if anyone else head it as well.


<User: Link>

<Race: Human>

<Level 1>

<0/100 exp>

<HP: 10/10>

<MP: 10/10>

<Strength: 10>

<Agility: 10>

<Stamina: 10>


"What?" Link thought "You call this an Update? This shit looks like those really old rpg games people used to play. Is this a joke?"

<No. According to your current world, the old system was deemed unfit for use"

Suddenly, the same voice spoke, answering Link's thought. He flinched, dropping the wooden cup.

"Careful Link" Said Anny.

"Yeah Mom, sorry" Link was still shocked, but he picked up the cup and placed it on the table. He then turned around and power walked back into his room.

"Who is it?" He said in a low voice.

<My name is Zero, and i will be your Guide from here on forth>

"My Guide?"

<Yes, i can answer all your questions regarding the system and help you with matters beyond if within my capabilities>

"What are you? An AI?" Asked Link

<No, but you could think of me as such if you want>

"What is this, did that god have a part time job as a programmer or something?" Link thought.

<No, I am not a program, In your current world, they call my kind a Soul Imprint, which is found in high level Devices or Magical Items to inform the user of how it's used, But i am more special, i'm an Artificially created Soul, i can learn with you and assist you if needed>

Link took some time to get what the system said through his head.

"Can you show me that Status screen again" He spoke suddenly.


<User: Link>

<Race: Human>

<Level 1>

<0/100 exp>

<HP: 10/10>

<MP: 10/10>

<Strength: 10>

<Agility: 10>

<Stamina: 10>


"Well, mr Artificial Soul, explain to me What the fuck happened to my level and stats." Link said.

<User, please calm down, it was a necessary sacrifice for the system to change.>

"So that was the loss that god spoke of and you're the equivalent value?" Link continued "Fuck that, i don't want you, give me my shit back."

<I apologize, but the change is irreversible and permanent. But i can assure The User that there won't be any such changes in the future, unless evolving, which the System will change a bit to suit you>

"Evolving? What do you mean? How can i do that" Asked Link.

<You will evolve as long as you keep Leveling Up.>

"I won't be evolving and changing to something ugly right?." Asked Link, Worried.

<I have no knowledge of the evolution results, you'll have to wait and see>

"Do I still have The Inventory and Shop?"

<Yes, Inventory, Shop, Skills and Quests tabs are still available.>

"What about my skills? Or are they all gone as well?" Link asked "What about the Consume Core thing, i can still do that right?"

<Unfortunately, no. You can no longer buy Skills from the Shop and can only Consume the Mana Cores The System deems suitable, but you can still learn Skills by Books or earn them from The System>

"I fucking hate you" Link paused for a second "Wait, what do you mean earn Skills from the system, what Skills?"

<I am ignorant about that myself, i've only told you what i was supposed to>

"Great, I love it" Said Link, throwing his hands in the air.

<I'm glad you like it, User>

"I was… Nevermind, why do you keep calling me User, just call me Link"


"Go to the Skills Tab"


<0 Skill Points Available>


"Go to Shop"

<Shop Available at Level 10>

"At least something didn't change, go to Quests"

<Main Quests>

<Reach Level 10>

<Daily Quests>

<Do 20 Push-Ups> <Reward: 10 exp>

<Run 1 Mile> <Reward: 10 exp>

Link walked in circles before going out after hearing his mother call him. They sat and ate breakfast then went outside.

"I still have 5 months, i have to Level Up and get back my previous powers as fast as i can before going to the academy" Link continued "Will i still gain Exp from killing monsters?"

<You can gain EXP from killing anything, even humans>

"Good to know!" Said Link, Before dropping on all fours and starting to do his daily push-ups.







"....7" Said Link before his arms gave in.

"I really fucking hate you"

You've reached 60 votes so i delivered. Let's do this again.

Vote for faster Chapter releases, i will work hard.

I have to go to college tho so i might upload some a bit late.

80 Points = 1 Chapters Release.

100 Points = 3 Chapters Mass Release.

500 points = Mass release.

Fairncreators' thoughts