
Reds Reset

The line between life and death is thin. With the numerous religions giving some glimmer of hope, people started hanging onto their thin rope. In an attempt to ease their minds about the unknown. But what if death is not the end? What if Death is only the beginning? Red lives in a vulnerable world, one where Windows to other planes of existence open often. Monsters and dangerous creatures reside in each, and the awakened are humanities only hope. Our story starts with Death and ends with Glory. Follow Red as he breaks through Worlds, practicing and growing stronger with each experience. The chosen Champion of the mysterious God.

Fairn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
197 Chs

Found It!

Having no skills or spells he can use to attack, Link had no choice but turn around and run. Jumping over corpses and broken items everywhere, he barely managed to outrun the little guys.

There were many of them but it didn't change their physique, one being the size of a child they are unable to run fast. Link hid behind a tent at the far side, trying his best to stay quiet. He had his back covered by the wooden wall while he took quick peeks around.

"What should i do now?" He thought, squeezing the handle of the knife in his hand.

<Goblin's like darkness, they won't be out for long. You should wait it out>

"Ok, let's wait till they go back inside" Said Link, opening the Skills Tab. He saw the Skill point he had and forgot to ask about it, the skill he has doesn't have a level or anything so he was a bit confused.

<Skill Points are used to raise or improve a Skill>

"I used to Level Skills up and they get stronger the more I use'em, do I not have that anymore?" Asked Link.

<That still exists, but in a different form. What was called Leveling Up, became Mastery. Something a Skill has where you can add Skill Points to. Your skill, Rock Skin, has 4 slots, after that you'll be unable to add anymore and the skill would reach its limit.>

"I understand. What do you think I should do with the point I have? Should i save it?"

<Even though Rock Skin was improved when a human had it instead of a rabbit; but people, beasts, Magical beasts and whatnot don't use normal weapons. It's either magic, Enchanted Weapons, Artifacts or something else, i'm not sure. Adding that point to the Skill seems wasteful>

"That makes sense, i'll keep it then" Said Link, peeking out again. "I don't see them anymore"

Link walked out, stepping on a half melted sword.

"It's such a waste, these items would have been useful" He said.

<It can still be used, even if the weapon is useless the materials might not be>

"Ohh, you're smart, I should take as much as I can , shouldn't i" Said Link, stepping on the sword again. "I want to test something out, if i'm right then i might have other uses for it"

Thinking of Inventory, The sword underneath his foot disappeared, adding it to his Inventory with ease.

"I knew it, this is great"

Link kept walking, collecting all broken iron or steel shields, swords, armor, and anything that might come in handy. He even checked all tents that came in sight, slowly making sure that no Goblins were inside and taking all valuables, though it wasn't much.


A sound came from one of the small tents, Link walked to it, peeking inside.

The same small and hideous creature sat there, eating what looked like some berries.

<It's the Goblin that led us here, those are the barriers he picked>

"Is it alone?" Link Asked, not expecting an answer but asked anyways.

<It is, if it wasn't then it wouldn't be the only one eating that, or would be the one that still has it. It probably decided to hide by itself so it doesn't have to share>

"Selfish bastard" Link smirked "Should i go for it?" He asked, gripping his knife tighter.

<Don't look down on it, Goblins might be small but they are very nimble and quick. Though with small feet they can't run very well>

Link put his knife away, grabbing his bow and arrow, nocking and aiming it at the Goblin.

<Can you do it? You don't have your old Bow Mastery from before, what if you miss?>

"I can easily run away then, it won't be a problem" Said Link, taking a deep breath and releasing the arrow.

It flew in a straight line, only the sound of the bow string resounding.


It screamed, dark green blood splattered everywhere. The arrow penetrated its right shoulder, sending it tumbling back.

"F*ck!" Link muttered, grabbing his knife and rushing it. Unexpectedly, the Goblin took the arrow out, and blocked Link's stab, using its left arm, blood still flowing non stop from its now wide open wound.

"That was a dumb thing to do" Said Link, looking at the open hole in its shoulder.

<Not entirely, Goblin's have incredible healing. The wound would close in a bit, you need to finish this quick.>

"Now you tell me this" Link jumped back, adding Mana to his body, boosting himself and dashing at it again. The Goblin ducked down avoiding its head being cut off and swinging it's short sword upward, aiming at Links chin.

"Sneaky" He said, moving his head to the side while leaning on his left leg and lifting the other, hitting the side of the Goblin's head, dissorianting it with a smooth Roundhouse Kick.

With the Mana flowing inside of him, Link manages to do a move that he wouldn't be able to without.

The Goblin took two steps to the side before falling, hitting its head on the floor. Without wasting any time, Link lifted his knife and swung it, cutting off the Goblin's head easily.

"Yes" Link said excitedly.

<Lesser Goblin Killed>

<100 EXP Has Been Granted>

"Lesser?" Link asked. "There are Ranks even within Goblin? God"

<For Higher Goblins they are 2 feet taller than this guy with horns and claws, but they live in deep parts of luscious forests.>

"Getting rid of these won't be that hard then" Said Link, Putting the Goblin's Body inside his Inventory with the Short Sword.

<Don't forget the number advantage. If they overwhelm you you're dead.>

<Would you like to Loot the Monster? Yes/No>

"Loot?" Asked Link.

<It is not an animal, its meat isn't edible and can even be poisonous to some. The only things I think would be of value is the Mana Core and Its right Ear.>

"I understand the Mana Core, but why the right Ear?" He asked, scratching his head.

<The Hunter's Guild would reward you for every Goblin Kill, using the Right Ear as evidence.>

"Oh, that's good" Said Link, Pressing Yes. Two items appearing.

<Lesser Goblin's Right Ear. Fresh>

<Lesser Goblin's Mana Core. Advanced Level 0>

Link pressed on the Mana Core as soon as it appeared in his Inventory.

<Lesser Goblin's Mana Core. Advanced Level 0. No Elemental Energy Detected>

<Would you like to Consume it? Yes/No>


The exciting messages appeared.

<Consumption Successful>

<New Active Skill: Sneak>

<Sneak: Allows The User to move around an area in a quiet way, governs The User's ability to escape detection by others. -50% Noisiness.

<New Permanent Mana Points: +5>

"Better than the Rabbit at least" Said Link, Checking how much Mana he has.


<User: Link>

<Race: Human>

<Level 2>

<150/200 exp>

<HP: 15/15>

<MP: 21/21>

<Strength: 10>

<Agility: 11>

<Stamina: 10>


"Nice, we're so close to Leveling Up. We should kill as much as we can" Said Link, Looking around the room, grabbing Leather Arm guards in good condition and 3 daggers. "This can come in handy" He said, equipping the Leather Arm Guards.

<I have an idea> Said The System, stopping for a bit.


<Why don't we burn the Giant Tent down? Wouldn't we manage to kill some and flush the others out?>

Link's eyes widened.

"You're a freaking genius, Zero"


Currently :


-- Status :

<User: Link>

<Race: Human>

<Level 2>

<150/200 exp>

<HP: 15/15>

<MP: 21/21>

<Strength: 10>

<Agility: 11>

<Stamina: 10>


-- Skills :

<Rock Skin> <Passive Skill>

<Sneak> <Active Skill>

<1 Skill Points Available>


-- Quests :

<Main Quests :>

<Reach Level 10>

<Stay Awake For 24 Hours> <Reward: 200 exp>


<Daily Quests :> <Completed>

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