



HEIGHT - 5.9





The subject is walking through the corridors of a war-torn building adding a layer of silence in the loud warzone, making it more unsettling . The gunfire and sounds of moving vehicles heighten the sense of danger and chaos. The subject's attire, a grey shirt and plain black pants, gives him a sense of anonymity amidst the turmoil, while his heavy build and square glasses suggest a certain resilience and intelligence. Subject's neutral, passive look could indicate a detachment from the horrors around him, perhaps a coping mechanism to navigate through the nightmare. The bullet holes and dead bodies strewn across the floor paint a grim picture of the conflict he finds himself in, with the presence of both Taliban and military personnel adding complexity to the situation. Perhaps these elements reflect deeper fears or anxieties within the subject's subconscious, manifesting in this haunting dream scenario. In practical terms, it might be helpful for the subject to explore the underlying emotions and triggers behind these nightmares, perhaps through therapy or journaling, to better understand and cope with them. Additionally, practicing relaxation techniques before bed and creating a calming bedtime routine could help reduce the frequency and intensity of these disturbing dreams.

As Subject walked past the gruesome scene, the subject felt the chilling sensation of blood and gore underfoot but remained unfazed, subject's focus drawn to the persistent cries of a child echoing through the corridors for the beginning, which was getting louder and louder, as he reached near a certain red door Upon opening the door, subject was met with the sight of a tableau of a deceased mother cradling what looked like a infant, which wasn't moving a bit. Subject's expression remained unchanged as he gazed at the lifeless figures, her features obscured from view, and the subject remained silent for a while, standing there with expressionless face.

Closing the door behind him, the subject continued his journey through the endless hallway, the sound of gunfire punctuating the eerie silence. Ignoring the abrupt cessation of the child's cries, Subject pressed on, the seemingly interminable corridor stretching out before him. Descending the stairs, he encountered a surreal sight—the bottom steps submerged in light blue water, gradually enveloping the floor below.

Undeterred by the rising water, the subject pressed forward, each step leaving him increasingly soaked. Submerged beneath the water's surface, he kept on moving, not feeling anything. However, as the surroundings began to shift, a female voice pierced through the darkness, calling out his name with a sense of urgency.

Opening his eyes, the subject found himself face to face with a woman submerged in the deep water, her outstretched hand a beacon of desperation. Caught between the murky depths of the dream world and the beckoning call of the unknown woman, the subject's journey through the labyrinth of his subconscious took an unexpected turn.

And after an alarm, the subject came out from his nightmare.



As Kabir's weary eyes fluttered open, he was met with the harsh glare of morning light, accompanied by the incessant wail of his alarm. With a groan, he reached out to silence the intrusive noise, his head throbbing in protest. Fumbling for his headache glasses, he swallowed a couple of pills, cursing his luck and the persistent ache in his temples.

"Why was she in my dreams?" Kabir muttered to himself, his thoughts swirling in a haze of confusion. Was it merely a trick of his subconscious, or something more profound? He couldn't shake the image of the woman who haunted his nights, her presence casting a shadow over his troubled mind.

As he stumbled through his morning ritual, the question lingered like a stubborn echo. "I don't love her?" he wondered aloud, the words tasting bitter on his tongue. Yet, the nagging doubt remained - did he? Was it possible to feel such a pull towards someone he barely knew, or was it merely a figment of his restless imagination?

Lost in his thoughts, Kabir found himself standing in front of the stove, mechanically preparing breakfast. The rhythmic chopping of vegetables did little to soothe his troubled mind as he wrestled with the conflicting emotions swirling within him.

"She helps me a lot," he admitted to himself, a reluctant acknowledgment of her impact on his life. "But it felt like she is just replacing him. Instead of him, I'm seeing her now." The words hung heavy in the air, a confession tinged with apprehension.

And then there was Vesh, the unwelcome specter from his past, lurking in the recesses of his mind. With his mocking tone and biting remarks, Vesh was a constant reminder of Kabir's darkest days as a soldier. The memories, fragmented and hazy, whispered of unspeakable horrors and unforgivable sins, leaving Kabir to grapple with the guilt and regret that threatened to consume him whole.

As Kabir sliced through the vegetables with practiced precision, Vesh's voice pierced the silence once more, a taunting reminder of his past misdeeds. "So when are you gonna bang her?" Vesh jeered, his words laced with malice.

With a sharp intake of breath, Kabir's grip tightened around the knife, his knuckles turning white with suppressed rage. "You know I'm paying her to get rid of you," he hissed through clenched teeth, the words dripping with venom. "So don't say anything about her or me."

But Vesh was undeterred, his presence a relentless assault on Kabir's sanity. "You know she charged a lot," he sneered, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You better pay me instead."

The tension in the room crackled like static electricity, each word a dagger aimed at Kabir's already fragile resolve. And then, without warning, Kabir lashed out, the knife slicing through the air with lethal precision.

As Vesh vanished into thin air, leaving behind only the echo of his mocking laughter, Kabir was left alone with his thoughts. "Damn it," he muttered, pressing a hand to his throbbing forehead, his heart pounding in his chest.

His name was Kabir, or so he believed. His past was a patchwork of half-remembered memories and fabricated truths, a tangled web of lies spun to conceal the darkness within. But try as he might, he could not escape the specter of his past, nor the relentless torment of his own mind.

Haunted by his demons and plagued by doubt, Kabir stood at the precipice of his own unraveling. Would he succumb to the darkness that threatened to consume him, or would he find the strength to confront his past and forge a new path forward? Only time would tell.

As Kabir stepped out of his house, he couldn't shake the feeling of unreality that seemed to cling to him like a heavy shroud. The world around him appeared distorted, as if he were trapped in a surreal dream from which he couldn't wake.

"Sometimes I think I'm in a dream," he muttered to himself, his voice tinged with uncertainty. The air seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly quality, and even the mundane sights and sounds of everyday life took on a bizarre and unsettling hue.

As he made his way down the street, the world around him seemed to warp and shift, like a funhouse mirror reflecting a distorted reality. His senses were assaulted by a cacophony of strange sights and sounds - food flying through the air, television screens flickering with images of violence and chaos.

"Things don't seem real," Kabir whispered, his words swallowed by the surreal landscape that surrounded him. He reached for his medication, the familiar routine offering a tether to reality in the midst of the dizzying confusion.

With each swallow, the world began to right itself, the hallucinatory haze lifting to reveal the cold, hard truth of his existence. His food sat untouched on the plate, the television now tuned to a mundane news channel, its images devoid of the surreal horrors that had plagued him moments before.

"Sometimes I think I'm not even real," Kabir mused, his footsteps echoing hollowly against the pavement as he walked. The weight of his existence bore down on him like a burden too heavy to bear, each step a struggle against the suffocating grip of his own doubts and fears.

"The reality is cruel, mine more so," he thought bitterly, his fingers tightening around the handlebars of his motorcycle as he revved the engine to life. The roar of the motor drowned out the whispers of doubt that echoed in his mind, offering a fleeting respite from the relentless onslaught of his own insecurities.

"And I can't believe my reality is this," he muttered, the words a bitter admission of defeat. The world around him seemed to blur and shift once more, a disorienting kaleidoscope of colors and shapes that threatened to engulf him whole.

"My motor functions are as sharp as ever," Kabir thought wryly, a grim reminder of the facade of normalcy he presented to the world. Despite his inner turmoil, he had managed to carve out a semblance of a life for himself, complete with a job and a driver's license - tangible proof of his existence in a world that often felt like little more than a figment of his imagination.

"I felt this isn't real, this world," he murmured, his gaze fixed on the darkening sky above. The first drops of rain began to fall, splattering against the pavement with a sound like a thousand tiny drumbeats.

"Rain is pretty real though," came the annoying voice of doubt, its mocking tone cutting through the quiet murmur of the falling rain. Kabir said nothing in response, his thoughts consumed by the tumultuous storm raging within him.




HEIGHT - 5.7






Kabir's days at LMD FINANCE CO. were a monotonous grind, each hour passing in a haze of discontent and frustration. The office, with its dreary walls and cluttered desks, mirrored the bleakness of his own existence. Yet, like a cog in a machine, he trudged through the motions of his mediocre job, the weight of his dissatisfaction pressing down upon him like a leaden cloak.

"I hate this job," Kabir muttered under his breath, his voice a whispered lament against the backdrop of his mundane surroundings. He buried himself in his work, his mind numb with the tedium of it all.

Then, like a recurring nightmare, the middle-aged man appeared before him, asking the same question over and over again. Kabir's patience wore thin with each repetition, his irritation bubbling to the surface like a simmering cauldron ready to boil over.

"No sir, that is two steps ahead, in that corner," Kabir replied mechanically, his eyes fixed on the file in front of him.

"Oh thank you!" the man said, oblivious to Kabir's growing frustration as he repeated the same question time and time again.

Kabir's stress ball became his lifeline, the familiar squish of its worn surface offering a brief respite from the mounting tension that coiled within him like a serpent ready to strike.

When the man returned yet again, Kabir's resolve finally crumbled. "Take him to the claim department," he instructed his peon, a sense of relief washing over him as the man was led away.

"Didn't that guy come four times to you?" Vesh's voice cut through the silence like a knife, his presence a haunting reminder of Kabir's inner turmoil.

"Leave me, Vesh," Kabir snapped, his anger simmering just below the surface.

"Yah! But you didn't answer my question, love, do you?" Vesh persisted, his words laced with a malicious intent that sent shivers down Kabir's spine.

"I don't wanna talk to the dead, and yeah, I saw him and it's just my hallucination," Kabir retorted, his voice tinged with bitterness.

"Why don't you kill them?" Vesh's grin was like a grotesque mask, his suggestion chilling to the bone.

Kabir's hands clenched into fists, his nails digging into his palms as he fought the urge to lash out. "You know I was thinking that Samaira should change my medicines, 'cause you really start to piss me off."

Vesh's disappearance brought a fleeting sense of relief, but the memory of his presence lingered like a foul odor in the air. Kabir's encounter with the man once more left him feeling unsettled, a nagging sense of unease gnawing at his insides.

As he left the office, a sudden pain seared through his mind, accompanied by the jarring sound of a gunshot. His coffee spilled across the table, the dark liquid staining the surface like a portent of impending doom.

"Fuck...!" Kabir's curse hung in the air like a heavy fog, his heart pounding in his chest as he braced himself for the inevitable onslaught of his fractured reality. "Again...!"

As Kabir stepped into the clinic, a sense of anticipation mingled with apprehension coursed through him. The building, though nondescript from the outside, held the promise of solace within its walls. With each step, he drew closer to the sanctuary that awaited him, a haven from the storm of his own mind.

Inside, the air was suffused with a sense of calm, a stark contrast to the chaos that often plagued Kabir's thoughts. He made his way through the corridors, guided by the familiar routine of his weekly appointment.

And there she was, sitting in the dimly lit room, a beacon of light amidst the shadows that threatened to engulf him. Samaira, with her gentle smile and compassionate eyes, exuded an aura of warmth and understanding that eased the knots of tension in Kabir's chest.

"So, Kabir, I was wrong again, and your improvement was short again, right?" Samaira's voice was soft yet firm, her words cutting through the silence like a knife.

Kabir nodded solemnly, his gaze fixed on the floor as he wrestled with his own shortcomings. Samaira had become his lifeline, a steady presence in the tumult of his inner turmoil. Her guidance and support had been a balm to his wounded soul, offering him a glimmer of hope in the darkness that threatened to consume him.

"This is Samaira, my psychiatrist, and the reason I don't explode like a bomb in anger," Kabir thought to himself, a silent acknowledgment of the debt he owed to the woman before him.

Together, they delved into the depths of Kabir's psyche, unraveling the tangled threads of his thoughts and emotions. With each session, he felt a little lighter, a little freer from the weight of his burdens.

As he left the clinic, the weight of the world seemed a little lighter on his shoulders, a testament to the healing power of Samaira's guidance. Though the road ahead was fraught with uncertainty, Kabir knew that with Samaira by his side, he could weather any storm that came his way.




HEIGHT - 5.6





"Yes! And for more, I am facing more visions now. Just like now, I am seeing a dead body on your couch who has been penetrated from the heart," Kabir confessed, his voice tinged with unease as he recounted his latest hallucination.

Samaira glanced behind her, her expression unreadable as she surveyed the spot where Kabir claimed to see the gruesome image. A subtle nod was her only response before she returned her focus to him.

"Your hallucinations are going really vivid nowadays," she remarked, jotting something down on her notepad before her phone rang.

Excusing herself, Samaira answered the call with a hint of annoyance, a rare occurrence during their therapy sessions. Kabir watched as her demeanor shifted, her usually composed façade faltering for a moment. There was a distant look in her eyes, a flicker of something Kabir had seen mirrored in his own troubled gaze too many times before.

"Doc… Samaira!" Kabir's voice broke through her trance, pulling her back to the present.

"Yah! Hah Kabir, can you come tomorrow? I just am… I'm busy right now… can you. Can you come tomorrow? I really have to go somewhere," Samaira requested, her urgency palpable.

"Ah, o-ok, you nev…" Kabir began, but Samaira interrupted him.

"I know! But it's important. If it wasn't necessary, I didn't… you know I'm a little caught off, a little!" she explained, her words rushed with concern.

Kabir acquiesced without argument, understanding the gravity of the situation. He left the office with a sense of sadness, a pang of longing for the connection he shared with Samaira.

"But I want to talk to her," he murmured softly as he departed.

"It's a bit awkward! If you see her response," a voice echoed in his mind, echoing the uncertainty that clouded his thoughts.

"What happened? She usually is a very calm woman, but that phone call changed her completely. What's wrong with her?" Kabir pondered to himself as he mounted his motorcycle and rode off into the unknown.

As Kabir sat on the empty bridge, his gaze fixed on the raging river below, he felt a sense of solitude wash over him. The heavy rain had transformed the once calm waters into a tumultuous torrent, mirroring the turmoil that churned within his own mind.

He drove to the edge of the city, and sat on the empty bridge, looking down on the raging river beneath his feet, the heavy rain had made the river storm. He sat there silently, and took his time to reminisce about his life. It was the evening, the sun was going to set, sooner or later. The sound wave of water rumbling under his feet wasn't even facing him, he was trying to feel calm, when the rain started once again. He felt the rain on his face, and felt the calmness of it. The rain was soft and misty, gently hitting his body. Ignoring the rain soaking his body, he felt the calmness that rain brings a bit. He tooks out his ear phone and plays some YouTube videos and it's about some motivation videos.

Video narrator , which is a book written-LIFE-on it.

" So do you wanna hear a story about demons, if yes keep going and like always there is a choice. "

" First You can stop right now, and you can save your brain for thinking straight for up to 30 minutes Or, Second, you can keep going, and find some unanswered questions or maybe unspoken questions too.

" So! "

" Ok! "

" Pick one, and now don't blame me . "

Lucifer. the most beautiful angel in the world , more beautiful than beauty itself . If you ask someone who is the most beautiful angel, they'll reply in the same tone.

" Lucifer "

" But ! He didn't know that , because nobody told him that he was beautiful .

In the beginning he only focuses on worshipping god and getting praise from him.

whenever he worships the god he got praised by him, every single time and this was his habit he did that on daily bases for many millennials .

But "ONE DAY" he didn't get his praise, and he ignored it. He thought he might forget this time , but after some time, it became a habit , now the god didn't praise him that much, he wasn't paying much attention to him and when he asked god about it he simply said

" He was busy " And he accepted it . And for the time being god said " You should meet other angels you might get friends " And when they saw him they were shocked after seeing him .

He was so beautiful from them and that time he knows that he is beautiful, more than anyone else and everybody starts to like him and praise him for his looks. All of them wanted to talk to him. He became quite popular among angels and that popularity caused him the first sin to be ever made " Pride ".

And we all know what happened after that he brought the first war ever and cus of his popularity and influence he brought some of his angel friends with him and they fell with him.

and after that all kinds of sins and demons came into lifes and now war became more often and after some time now became devil Lucifer became bored from this so called "war" .

He feels like he needs something new, his demons need something new, and he feels war ,,, just don't make it anymore. So he decided to visit the human world, and when he did, he felt so,,,,,awesome! humans were Phassenating. They do stuff that no other animals can do , they make things that can touch heaven itself, reach the deepest parts of the ocean, talk to anyone in the World at any moment . and they had created the most fascinating thing "society" ,and one thing he liked the most, was there desires, they didn't hunt for food they hunt for passion, they kill for fun,they eat for taste, they marry to continue their bloodlines, they fight for what they consider their own, they kept their precious things safe and always desire for previous things of others. they were just like him, they were just HIM!!!! They also wanted what they thought belonged to him.

And,,,,,( a big silence)

He didn't like that . He didn't like that at all.

And now he had a new thing to do , a dream to achieve.

He stopped his war and made peace in the all names of heaven , he said" he regrets what he has done and wants to redeem himself by doing the service of God once again and for his sins he will leave his all beauty and sense of pride who made him like this.

And when he offered god all this, the god accepted this all, they made the first ever deal

" The deal of blood " .

In this deal they made themselves very clear,

The demons will never attack heaven and earth again and they will be in the vision of lucifer , earthling will be in his vision he will keep them chek , and make sure they'll worship the god.

And in return the god will keep his word and leave demons and devil alone till they are not attacking earth or heaven.

. Easy.

And after that all demons became very disappointed , now they don't have anything to do.

and now when lucifer lost his beauty and became the true devil they start hating him they start blaming him from their Treachery and stand against him , and when they were in front ready to end his life,

He laughed at them and because he knew they would do something like this they would show their true colours when the time came, he knew they were with cause of his beauty and now when it was gone they didn't admire him, and by removing his beauty he removed the Thorns who might be the problem one day ,and who didn't follow them was the true server of him and they will never betray him and now it was the time , to complete his deal .

he made demons to follow humans , follow them Wherever they go, whatever they do just follow them and watch them, he said they can choose what people they want to follow by their sins and feeling if they feeling sorrows, the demon of sorrows will follow them, if they feels anger , the demon of anger will follow them and it became quite popular in demons cause they found something more interesting than fighting, they love to saw human suffering, feeling sorrows, crying hating each other , The earth became hell itself,

Now you'll ask if the earth became hell why does god didn't do anything? Right! ,

cause maybe he got something from it as well .. Just think what will sad people do when they don't have any kind of hope?

Yes ! They went for God .

Those people who were under the demon's Shadow , started praying to god even more ,and for that god didn't do anything he saw people and ignored them because he was getting everything that he wanted from them .

Latter on time passes like a stream of water and after decades after many centuries things never change and mankind became demon themselves, they lack any human morals they hunt each other, thay devover corpses,thay sell there bodys and soul, they don't have any kind of kindness and humanity in them, their souls were corrupted ,those who was in power became thieves, greed blinded everyone , there were no difference between the man who can't see and the man who can see .

And Now even God can't do anything to fix it. He ignored the virus, and now the victims became viruses themselves .

And God, did the same thing that a normal person does when viruses rush your computer, he reset the computer , deleting every single life in the earth, heaven and hell, killing billions , and starting over .

" Now tell me who wins? "

" Devil or god?"

If you think devil you are wrong .

If you think god you are also wrong .

The winner of the story is humans because they got a second chance. The Devil didn't get it nor the god.

God will be God and devil will be devil and humans will be humans and That Will be a victory with a little price cause they'll be human not some kind of demons if God learns from his mistake.

But the question is . if God learned from his mistakes,so! Why is this world still like this? Maybe God didn't learn from his mistake yet.

So all just forget about it and listen to this now

"Demons " Are just feelling and sorrows, which come from greed , anger, and sadness.

Didn't make much sense right .

And the video ended.

As Kabir listened intently, he couldn't help but draw parallels between Lucifer's story and his own tumultuous journey. Like the fallen angel, he too had grappled with feelings of inadequacy and the desire for redemption.

But as the tale unfolded, Kabir's thoughts turned to the ultimate question posed by the narrator: who truly emerged victorious in the eternal struggle between good and evil? Was it the devil, the god, or perhaps humanity itself?

The answer, it seemed, lay not in the triumph of one over the other, but in the resilience of the human spirit. Despite the trials and tribulations they faced, humanity persevered, finding strength in their ability to endure and overcome.

As the video came to an end, Kabir was left to ponder the deeper meaning behind the narrator's words. In a world fraught with uncertainty and despair, perhaps the greatest victory of all was the capacity for hope, for redemption, and for second chances.

And than Kabir unplugged his earphones and notice, the rain has stopped, and the night has fallen, the lights on the bridge are blinking on and off, and a group of dogs were barking at him, he stare at them for some time and his mind of thought were interrupted by a gunshot. he try to cover himself and then notice it was far away and he tries to ignore it and start moving in opposite direction, and then he heard one more gunshot but that didn't bother him the thing that bother him was crying sound of a child, who maybe just lost their parents.

And that cry hit him ,and his eyes got a glint of a ger, and another gunshot stopped the cry and his steps .

this is my dream story, and has a potential far surpassing the best of my stories. just wait for it, it'll be thrilling and long ride of pain epic storytelling. it'll reveal the true nature of humanity, that in the core, all. human are same. we all are rotten.

time_8_spacecreators' thoughts