
She has became my drug.



Kabir opens the gate of his apartment and no one was their. he was alone and every light of his house was shut and he started them one by one tik.tik.tik. And then he sits on his chair and starts smoking ..

" Hay gives me that light love.." Vesh said from behind sitting the chair beside him.

" Fuck! Of … . " Kabir said with a stoic look and readyto burst out .

" Yah! Of Course love, who cares if a ghost smokes or not but can you atleast start the TV!"

And he started the Tv not wanting to hear him complain again , and some random TV channel was running on it and he started changing the channel and then.

" Stop right there!!,," vesh said pointing at the TV .

And he stopped at a news channel .

News narrator -

Stock market faces the biggest downfall in the last 20 years and many big companies are at loss of Words , big companies like Microsoft , Dell, Croma have taken heavy hits.

" Ha! Same thing again,can it be more boring? " Vesh said to himself .

Back to news narrator -

Stocks are getting, and she stops in mid sentence and looks into the news board and fears covering her like fire covered paper and she screams, and that shocks everyone in the studio, everyone in the streets and Kabir as well.

Some people from the studio went to help her and when they show news board , thay suddenly said,

" Shut ! The news ,off! Right! Now . "

And the news changed. And Kabir just took a deep breath. He rubbed his eyes, and looked a little angry.

" Can't this thing be something good! Once." He said muffled anger. And he starts to squish it with anger , and drop it.

He starts his phone and search for "Dev story" And when it came he played it but the network didn't work and his anger rise again, and he screamed in anger , and then his bell rang and his angry neighbour was ringing it , and when he opens the gait he tries his best to hide and compress the anger but falling miserable but somehow managed to do it and when he opened the door he find very angry looking neighbour who just started yelling at him and he somehow endure that yelling and in his inside anger was building inside him and for more vesh was pushing him

" Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!" Vesh said , trying him to do it

But he just say "sorry" to him and vesh said

" Really !! You are changed ."

the next morning he went up to office very late and got yelled again by the boss and he said "sorry " Than some of his work related person came and he asked for some paper and he didn't have them and he says " Sorry " Next some of his company's customer came and he said them " Sorry " And again said sorry to someone else than than sorry than sorry again and than sorry again and that make him angry ,

And he can't do anything .

In his office's bathroom.

Day - 02 without her.

As he stood there, water cascading down his face, the haunting sound echoed in his mind, piercing through his thoughts like a jagged blade. Frustration boiled within him, his anger bubbling to the surface as he clenched his fists and shut his eyes tight, willing the sound to cease.

"Stop!" he shouted into the empty room, his voice reverberating off the tiled walls. But when he reopened his eyes, the scene before him was a nightmare incarnate. Blood and flashes of violence painted the room in gruesome hues, and he found himself drenched in the crimson liquid.

An anguished scream tore from his throat, echoing unheard into the abyss of solitude. There was no one there to witness his torment, no one to share in his terror. Collapsing onto the cold ceramic seat of the toilet, he sought solace in the sanctuary of his earphones.

With trembling hands, he navigated through the sea of distractions on his phone, desperate to drown out the horrors that plagued his mind. Ignoring the mundane updates of the world around him, he delved deep into the realm of fiction, seeking refuge in the story of another.

"Devstory," he murmured to himself, his breath hitching with anticipation. Fingers flying over the screen, he immersed himself in the tale unfolding before him, seeking solace in the fabricated world of imagination. For in that moment, fiction was his only escape from the haunting reality that threatened to consume him whole.

Video's narrator -

… .

As the video played, Kabir felt a knot of tension tightening in his chest. The question posed by the unseen voice struck a nerve, sending a jolt of uncertainty coursing through him. "Have you ever wished you could start all over again and go back to the beginning?" The words hung heavy in the air, lingering like an unspoken truth.

His mind raced, grappling with the weight of the proposition. Could he truly reset the clock, erase the mistakes of the past, and carve out a new path? The allure of a fresh start beckoned to him, promising redemption and liberation from the burdens of his past.

But then came the caveat, the price to be paid for such a profound reset. Would he be willing to sacrifice another life to pave the way for his own rebirth? The question gnawed at his conscience, stirring a tempest of conflicting emotions within him.

As Kabir hesitated, grappling with the moral dilemma thrust upon him, the voice pressed on, urging him to make a choice. "Can you pay that price by taking someone else's life?" The question hung in the air, a dark cloud casting a shadow over his thoughts.

A heavy silence enveloped Kabir as he wrestled with the implications of his decision. On one hand, the prospect of a clean slate beckoned to him, offering a chance at redemption. But at what cost? The life of an innocent stranger weighed heavily on his conscience, casting a pall of guilt over his soul.

With a heavy heart, Kabir paused the video, the weight of his decision bearing down on him like a suffocating shroud. He rose from his seat, his facade of stoicism crumbling beneath the weight of his inner turmoil. Frustration bubbled within him as he reached for his phone, dialing the number of his therapist in a desperate bid for solace.

But the line remained silent, his calls met with empty echoes and unanswered prayers. With a resigned sigh, he returned to his chair, his anger simmering beneath the surface as he turned to his trusty keyboard for solace.

As the keys clacked beneath his fingers, a sense of resignation settled over him like a heavy fog. It was not the first time he had found himself at a crossroads, torn between the allure of redemption and the weight of his past transgressions.

"Sorry," he murmured to his boss, the words falling from his lips like a heavy burden. For Kabir knew all too well the consequences of his actions, the toll they had taken on his conscience and his soul. And as he stared at the blank screen before him, he knew that some mistakes could never be erased, no matter how desperately he wished for a second chance.

And than when he done working and when office time over he went to Samaira's office but didn't enter cause he don't have any appointment , he just wanted to visit her and saw her, in her mind he was doing as habit , and then he saw her getting in a car with a man and then he left and after that, he went to his home and try to calm himself and then he closed his apartment's windows and then down the curtains and after some more adjustments he set on his regular chair and than took a deep breath and than he start talking to himself like he his having a therapy and start talking,

"So! As you know, Samaira," he murmured, his tone heavy with the weight of his confession, "I'm an old military guy who worked in a very dangerous and secret division." His voice faltered as he spoke, the memories of his past threatening to consume him whole.

"I killed for the nation," he admitted, the admission a bitter pill and then laughed. His hands trembled as he recounted the countless lives he had taken in the name of duty, each death a scar upon his conscience.

"What am I even saying?" Kabir questioned himself, his words tinged with self-doubt. "I was lying to myself." The truth of his past loomed large before him, a specter of regret that haunted his every waking moment.

"I don't remember," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't even remember my name properly." The fragments of his fractured memory taunted him, teasing him with glimpses of a past he could not fully grasp.

" I remember killing people, I remember killing childrens, killing women and civilians. "

" We were just pawns, pawns of politics at the national level. And I remember this. " and he lost in his broken memories.

" Everything was ok ! Until he came," Kabir muttered, his words a desperate plea for understanding. "Or his call came...the call of the devil himself." The darkness of his past enveloped him, a suffocating embrace that threatened to swallow him whole.

Alone in the silence of his thoughts, Kabir grappled with the demons that haunted him, his words a desperate attempt to make sense of the chaos within. And as he whispered into the void, he knew that his journey towards redemption had only just begun.

Day - 03 without her.

As the first rays of dawn pierced through the curtains, Kabir stirred from his fitful slumber, his mind still reeling from the ghosts that haunted his sleepless night. With a heavy sigh, he dragged himself out of bed, his body weary from the weight of exhaustion.

The morning routine played out like a broken record, each action a mechanical repetition of the day before. Breakfast was a hurried affair, the food catching in his throat as he struggled to swallow past the lump of anxiety that had taken root within him.

Medicines followed, a cocktail of pills meant to soothe his frayed nerves and quiet the demons that clawed at the edges of his consciousness. With trembling hands, he washed them down with a gulp of water, the bitter taste lingering on his tongue.

Office was a blur of activity, the cacophony of voices and the constant barrage of demands washing over him like a tidal wave. He typed furiously, his fingers flying over the keyboard as he raced to keep pace with the never-ending stream of work.

Lunch offered little respite, a brief reprieve from the chaos of the day. But even in the relative quiet of the break room, Kabir found no solace, his thoughts consumed by the looming specter of his boss's impending wrath.

The afternoon passed in a blur of meetings and reprimands, each interaction leaving him more drained than the last. Only the promise of a coffee break offered any semblance of relief, the bitter brew a welcome distraction from the turmoil that churned within him.

But even as he sipped his coffee, the tension in his shoulders refused to dissipate, his mind consumed by thoughts of Samaira. For days now, she had been avoiding him, cancelling their appointments and leaving him adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

It gnawed at him, this sudden silence from the one person he had come to rely on for support. But try as he might, Kabir could find no answers, no explanation for her sudden withdrawal.

And so, he sought refuge in the familiar comfort of the voice on YouTube, the soothing tones offering a brief respite from the storm that raged within him. It was a temporary reprieve, a fleeting moment of calm in the midst of chaos.

But as the day drew to a close and Kabir made his way to Samaira's place, he couldn't shake the sense of unease that gnawed at his gut. Something was amiss, he knew, something lurking just beyond the edges of his consciousness, waiting to be revealed. And as he settled into bed that night, the weight of uncertainty pressing down upon him, he couldn't help but wonder what the days ahead might hold.

Day 06 without Her.

The void left by her absence becomes unbearable, manifesting as haunting nightmares and desperate longing. Kabir clings to the sound of a stranger's voice on YouTube, a fleeting respite in the storm raging within.

Day 09 without Her.

As the days stretch into eternity, Kabir's desperation intensifies. The mere thought of her departure plunges him into despair, his nights haunted by vivid nightmares that blur the lines between reality and illusion.

Day 13 without Her.

Desperation gives way to rage as Kabir's world spirals out of control. The anger festers within him, a relentless force threatening to consume everything in its path.

Day 16 without Her.

In the depths of his despair, Kabir grapples with conflicting emotions. Love turns to hatred, longing to resentment, until he is consumed by the darkness lurking within.

Day 19 without Her .

Samaira's absence becomes Kabir's obsession, a constant reminder of his own inadequacy. Her memory becomes his drug, a toxic addiction that threatens to suffocate him.

Day 21 without Her.

As despair tightens its grip, Kabir teeters on the edge of oblivion. The thought of her departure becomes unbearable, driving him to contemplate the unthinkable.

Day 25 without Her.

Amidst the chaos of his unraveling mind, a familiar voice pierces the darkness. Kabir's world tilts on its axis as he witnesses a confrontation, his senses overwhelmed by hallucinations and pain. And as consciousness slips away, he is left to confront the depths of his despair in the cold embrace of oblivionn. "

" I thought about committing suside. "

" BUT! "

"ONE DAY" all things changed.

Day - 26 without her.

As he walked along the dimly lit street, fatigue weighing heavy on his shoulders, he couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. The familiar scent of home teased his senses, luring him closer with each step. Suddenly, a voice, one he knew all too well, pierced the silence, causing him to halt in his tracks.

It was Samaira, her usually composed demeanor replaced by heated words exchanged in the middle of the deserted street. Though he strained to catch their conversation, the words eluded him, drowned out by the pounding of his own heart.

Anxiety gnawed at him as he observed the scene unfolding before him. Samaira's gestures grew frantic, her voice rising in intensity, while her companion remained a blurred figure in the darkness.

Then, inexplicably, his surroundings began to warp and twist. The pavement seemed to ooze with crimson liquid, staining his vision with macabre imagery. A sharp pain lanced through his skull, causing him to wince and clutch at his temples.

Desperation etched into Samaira's features as she rebuffed the advances of the shadowy figure before her. His mind reeled, unable to comprehend the sudden escalation of events. With each passing moment, the agony in his head intensified, a relentless drumbeat echoing in his ears.

And then, as if the world had conspired against him, darkness descended. His consciousness slipped away, consumed by the overwhelming tumult of his own mind.

Next morning,,,

Day - 28 without her.

Kabir's eyes fluttered open, his mind still mired in the haze of sleep. A familiar emptiness gnawed at his core, dragging him back into the depths of exhaustion. He longed to surrender to the embrace of slumber, but the demands of the day loomed large, pulling him reluctantly from his bed.

As he roused himself, a dull ache pulsed behind his temples, accompanied by the incessant beep of an alarm echoing in his mind. With a grimace, he reached for the bottle of medication on his nightstand, hoping to silence the cacophony wreaking havoc on his senses.

Just as the noise began to recede, his phone erupted into a frenzy of activity, vibrating with an urgency that cut through the haze of his fatigue. With a sense of dread, he saw the flood of missed calls and messages from Samaira, a flood of distress signaling that something was gravely amiss.

His heart pounding in his chest, Kabir dialed her number, his fingers trembling as he brought the phone to his ear. Samaira's voice, strained and trembling, filled the line, her words choked with tears.

"Kabir, please help me! I don't know what to do," she pleaded, her desperation palpable even through the static of the phone.

"Samaira, what's wrong? Talk to me," Kabir urged, his own anxiety mounting with each passing second.

But Samaira could only sob incoherently, her distress overwhelming her ability to articulate the nature of her turmoil. Sensing her panic, Kabir took a deep breath, his mind racing as he sought to calm her frayed nerves.

"Samaira, listen to me. I'm coming over. Just hold on, okay?" he reassured her, his voice a steady anchor in the storm of her emotions.

With a heavy heart, Kabir ended the call, his mind whirling with the possibilities of what could have driven Samaira to such a state of distress. As he hastily prepared himself for the journey ahead, he couldn't shake the sinking feeling that something truly dire awaited him on the other side of her doorstep.

Before he could depart, a voice startled him from behind, causing him to whirl around in surprise. It was Vesh, his colleague and confidant, his expression grave with concern.

"You might want to get ready," Vesh said quietly, his words carrying a weight that mirrored the heaviness in Kabir's chest.

" Fuck off " Kabir gathered his resolve and set out into the night, his heart heavy with foreboding as he made his way to Samaira's home

this is my dream story, and has a potential far surpassing the best of my stories. just wait for it, it'll be thrilling and long ride of pain epic storytelling. it'll reveal the true nature of humanity, that in the core, all. human are same. we all are rotten.

time_8_spacecreators' thoughts