
Red Lips

In a world full of normal, average people, there's something about each one of them that identifies them. Their lips! Depending on which lip is red whether it's your top lip, bottom lip, or both, your lips determine your strength but not everything about you. This is Red Lips the Novel, but it'll soon be made into a comic! Hope you enjoy!

_Bunny_Queen_ · Fantasia
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5 Chs


This story is about a world filled of people with red lips. No one is born with them, it develops when you turn a certain age, and that age being 16. Whichever lip is red determines which your position you play when it comes to "strength" also known as the position you play in the bedroom.

If your top lip is red, you're a naturally strong person and top others.

If your bottom lip is red, then you're not as strong as others but not necessarily weak but you're mainly topped by tops and switches. Now if both of your lips are red, you're a switch, your strength can change over time but you can choose to top others or be topped. In this world, everyone is judged by which lip is red but it doesn't determine everything about you. Some tops can be extremely strong, but will be shy and less talkative, some bottoms can be weak, yet will be courageous and outgoing. It is possible for your red lip to change if you want it to but it would take a lot of work, yet it has been done before. This is just an explanation of how the world works but let's get into the actual story.

Hi! My name is Poka Polar and I'm 15 years old. But not for long, because my birthday is tomorrow! I'm turning 16 and I'll finally get to know how strong I am. I really hope that either my top lip or both lips are red because I want to be able to show others that I'm a strong person. Plus I want to show off that I'm stronger than them. Right now I'm on my way to school so that today will be over quicker and I'll have my red lip or lips.

??? : HEY POKA!! You finally got here on time for once, I'm proud of you! I thought I was gonna have to wait for you inside again.

Poka: I'm sorry. I was trying to get here as quick as possible, I swear. I'm just waiting for this day to be over so I celebrate my birthday tomorrow.

The person I'm talking to is my best friend Jesa. She's the most energetic person I know, and probably the only one I'll ever meet. We've known each other ever since elementary school. Mainly because I was always a quiet person and Jesa forced herself on me, and from then I've gotten more attached to her than she is to me. Lucky for her, she already has her red lip which is her bottom lip. Which is one reason why I'm attached to her, to protect her.

Jesa: OH! I forgot your birthday was tomorrow.

Poka: Are you serious?!

Jesa: No I'm just kidding. I couldn't forget your birthday even if I tried. BUT we're going to get in trouble if we don't hurry up and get to class, so come on slow poke!

𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜

Jesa: FINALLY, lunch time! I really hope they have some hamburgers or tacos today because that's all I've been craving for the past couple of days. What about you Poka?

... Poka?

... POKA!!

Poka: AH! I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. I was zoning out again.

Jesa: Well are you okay cause you've been out of it a lot today.

Poka: Ofc I am! I've just been thinking about tomorrow and which lip will be red...

Jesa: Well whichever lip is red, it won't matter cause we could end up being twins, and we will both have red bottom lips!

Poka: You're right! I just want to be able to protect you that's all.

Jesa: Aww~


Jesa: Should've known-

Later that day when I was sitting at home, I couldn't stop thinking about possibility of having a red bottom lip. I tried my hardest to not think about it, but no matter what I did, it kept on coming back to me. The only way I can get out of this situation without being able to be picked on is if both of my lips are red. I might as well try to get some sleep so I can wake up and know which one it'll be so I don't have to stress about it anymore.