
Red Lips

In a world full of normal, average people, there's something about each one of them that identifies them. Their lips! Depending on which lip is red whether it's your top lip, bottom lip, or both, your lips determine your strength but not everything about you. This is Red Lips the Novel, but it'll soon be made into a comic! Hope you enjoy!

_Bunny_Queen_ · Fantasy
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5 Chs

How things work

This story is about a world filled of people with red lips. No one is born with them, it develops when you turn a certain age, and that age being 16. Whichever lip is red determines which your position you play when it comes to "strength" also known as the position you play in the bedroom.

If your top lip is red, you're a naturally strong person and top others.

If your bottom lip is red, then you're not as strong as others but not necessarily weak but you're mainly topped by tops and switches. Now if both of your lips are red, you're a switch, your strength can change over time but you can choose to top others or be topped. In this world, everyone is judged by which lip is red but it doesn't determine everything about you. Some tops can be extremely strong, but will be shy and less talkative, some bottoms can be weak, yet will be courageous and outgoing. It is possible for your red lip to change if you want it to but it would take a lot of work, yet it has been done before. This is just an explanation of how the world works but people will be introduced soon.

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Just to let y'all know this is my first story so I'm sorry if it's kinda bad.

_Bunny_Queen_creators' thoughts