
page 4. Dinner

Rowan came back shorty after. "lets get her dressed to go out to dinner lydia?" "of course sir." Tara smiled slightly getting excited. Rowan leaned down and placed a kiss on Tara's forehead. Tara was no longer annoyed with him at all times. Tara's cheeks went up in pink flames. Rowan smiled at what his slight touch did to her. "see you soon." Tara said smiling. Tara was unsure of how and what had happened to make Tara and Rowans relationship so much different in just one night. Lydia took Tara to a very clearly old woman's dressing room, still black and white marble. Tara started thinking and remembering every sensation that come along over the past couple of days. she smiled at the thought, stopping herself before she could get lost in her own thoughts about what his lips would feel like on hers. Lydia was putting her hair that went just past her backside into a long tight braid. and doing her makeup to blind in with the night. Tara liked this look a lot better then what Annie had done. Lydia dressed her in a knee high black satin dress. with black and gold heels. Tara stepped in front of the full length mirror getting lost in her own looks. "oh my god this is beautiful thank you!" "im just doing my job madam." "well your doing a great job.. thank you for dolling me up." "of course." Lydia put her hand out to Tara. Tara took it happily. she walked Tara to the front door again. "now we wait for Mr'Hendrix." "oh okay." Tara looked stunning, her lean and curvy body looked unreal in her satin dress. unlike her family that were round and plump. They waited for only seconds before Rowan came from a room that was at the top of the left staircase. he was wearing a black suit with a red tie. matching Tara's eyes and lipstick. "wow.." Rowan and Tara said in sync. Tara was dazed, Rowan looked fake, Tara was unsure if her life was real. Rowan felt out of breath, she literally took his breath away.

Tara smiled her gleaming smile. Rowan smirked "i know i clean up nice.." Tara said giggling. "oh yes you do." Rowan said with a sexual energy in his voice. Rowan put his hand out for Tara. "shall we?" Tara took his hand blushing. his lava skin on her ice skin. made her return to her foggy mindset with her tingly feeling. "i need to call Annie and let her know i wont be coming home tonight." "okay we have a 30 minute drive ahead of us, take your time." "oh okay." Tara took her phone out tapping on Annie's contact after they headed to the highway. "hey brown whats up?" "hey Ann, i just wanted to let you know that i wont be home tonight im spending it at.. a friends." Annie noticed her hesitate. "who?" "no need to be nosy Ann." "tell me please?" "fine.. Rowans.." "what!" Annie yelled threw the phone. Tara cringed knowing Rowan could hear her and Annie both clearly. "stop! my eardrum in about to explode." "okay tell me everything what happened?" nothing he came into my work for some business and i happen to work there and he asked if i wanted to go to dinner. then i agreed and he took me to his house and i got dressed and then he asked if i want to spend the night and i agreed to that to." Tara spitted out on the spot. "wow okay. ill see you in the morning then, be safe.. please. and let me know if anything happens like he kisses you or somethin-" Tara cut her off. "goodbye then!" "but wai-" Tara hung up getting highly embarrassed. hiding her face in her hands "im impressed Tara." "what why?" "you edited that story for her so quickly. most people would slip." "well im not like most people so there's that." "i noticed that the first night i met you. you know exactly what you want and always make up your mind up so quickly. and you dont seem to have room for mistakes." "because i dont i made mistakes in the past so i decided i didn't have time for it anymore." "well im glad you agreed to come out with me tonight." "yeah me to, even if you are annoying sometimes." "im glad i keep you on your toes." They shared a chuckle. Tara starting connecting the dots.

this was a date. "Rowan?" Tara asked with worry her voice. Rowan got worried. Taras so called demon teeth tried popping out. "oh no." Tara muttered "stop worrying Rowan!" he shifted his mood. they retracted. "what the hell was that?" "you remember when i told you theirs rumors about how everyone born into my family is part of the devil?" "Yes?" "well when people get scared or worried or angry and mad i feed off there feelings and my fangs come out." Tara was unsure why she was being so open with him. "so you suck blood like a vampire?" "no its more to scare people more so to say. but if i did feed off humans i would start to turn more demon then human." "you are kinda scary sometimes." "thanks i guess? but what i was gonna say. is this a date?" "no just two people going out to dinner as.. friends i suppose." "oh okay." a awkward silence grew between them, they both wanted to say something. Rowan liked the feeling of going to dinner with her, he didn't like the fact Tara didn't. but she wasn't entirely sure she didn't mind the idea ether. Tara took a second running back threw there chat. friends? is that what we are? Tara asked herself wondering why her inner demon didn't like that idea. Tara's whisper spoke "his doesn't ether." Tara knew she could not answer aloud so she just swallowed nodding her head slightly. "so i dont know much about you Rowan?" Tara said as if she were a small child asking for a bedtime story "what do you wanna know?" "lets start with your parents." "oh well my father died when i was fifteen. and he was abusive. and my mother is still alive and me and her dont get along great i still have to attend her balls though." "im sorry he passed on." "dont be he didn't love anyone not even my mother he used her for children. and used his children to take his belongings." Rowans strong energy caused his eyes to turn all red. not on command this time. Tara couldn't think of something to say, she wanted to help him though. Tara put her hand out for him to take. he looked at her hand with some unknown emotion in his bright crimson eyes. Tara felt sympathy, her eyes turned all crimson, the same as Rowan, They we the Red Eyed Pair. smiled, in sync with Rowan, they rode to dinner hand in hand.