
page 5. Pleasure

they rode to dinner in bliss. feeling the haze of their energys flowing together. they arrived and ate making small talk about his family and the origin of his house and her past and family. "and they all would bully me so to say. they hated me and at the time i was very afraid to protect myself. so i didnt." Tara looked around remembering one event. "well.. i did once. i flew a man across the main road in my villiage. im not proud of it but i remember coming home and the man had come to my parents and told them. i couldnt leave the house for a few months for that one.." Tara said with a frown. "well you have to do what you have to do tara. speaking of tara? whats your full name?" "why do you wanna know?" Tara said with a slight smile. "well you know mine." "true. its Aolani Tara Rain Koi.." Tara said her name with sadness in her voice. people had many nicknames for her as a child, such as, rainy tar tar, nini, most were made to make fun of her so none of them she was fond of. Rowan noticed her staring at the floor and stood up to get her out of there. she looked up at him like a lost child. he put his hand out to her with a dazzling look on his face. "come." Rowan demanded. Tara obeyed not wanting to find out what Rowan acted like when mad. she waited while he paid. staring off at tiles on the ground to panels on the walls to light bulbs leaving green marks in her vision. Rowan didnt take his eyes off her. they walked to the car staring at each other from the corner of there eyes, Rowan buckled her in and rubbed her hand before closing her door.

after arriving back at Rowans house. Rowan and Tara both got dressed for the night. Tara let her eyes trail up Rowans body staring into his red and now silver eyes that were stunning. "i-" Tara stuttered trying to get the words out without sounding like a complete idiot. "come on ill lead you to the guest room." "sure!" Tara agreed loudly. they made there way to the room. Tara laid down more comfortable then expected. "thank you." Tara dropped her body on the bed. she groaned in a foggy state. "for what?" "im not sure." Rowan didnt speak for a moment, he walked over to almost asleep Tara. his breathing going even. "may i kiss you Aolani?" Rowan asked. causing Taras heart rate to spike. "yes.. you may." Tara breathed. Rowan lips met Taras. his lava lips, her ice lips, moving together perfectly. his lips were soft and sweet, but firm at the same time. her lips were spicy and graceful. but lustful. Tara pulled away sucking in a big breath. finally opening her eyes. burning with crimson lust. Their lips met again but more eager. her eyes closing again. Rowan groaned. Tara moaned, as his lips moved down her jaw making a stop at her ear wispering "goodnight." Rowan said with pain in his deep seductive voice. Tara opened her eyes seeing Rowan pull away from there kiss. "goodnight.." Tara said mirroring the same pain Rowan felt. Tara heard her door and Rowan suck in a deep breath, it didnt do much. Tara felt a pain in her chest, she was yearning to be with him, though he left seconds ago. Tara drifted off to sleep not long after.

Tara woke up remembering everything from the night before. she climbed out of bed walking over to a mirror that covered the whole wall. staring at herself, taking her fingertips retracing where Rowans lips were, noticing a light purple mark on her jawline, he gave her a love mark. she smiled. hearing a knock on the door. "yes?" she called as she jumped. "may i come in?" she heard Rowan call out. "yes you may." Rowan opened the door in more casual clothes, still dressy. "lets get you dressed your gonna come to work with me today." "oh am i?" Rowan turned his head to his fresh rejection. "yes." Rowan said getting mad. getting softer once looking in her crimson brown eyes. Rowan stalked forward, now standing just inches away from Tara. Her breathing spiked, Rowan leaned forward placing a light but passionate kiss on Taras lips, Tara forgot what was happening for a moment. Rowan pulled away, giving her a gleaming smirk. "fine.." Tara muttered. Rowans eyes shifted noticing the mark he left on her, his eyes turned a proud crimson. "that is amazing.. Lydia!" Rowan called out raising his voice for Lydia to hear. Tara jumped.