
Red Dragon Of Orario Chapter 5

This is an original story crossover. I do not own any rights to Highschool DXD or Danmachi, but I will use the characters and storyline. It will have a harem, but it is progressive and won't be a big harem.



Inner Voice



Chapter 5: Headaches, Truths & Explaining.

Hyoudou Household Training Room

Currently, Sona's peerage and Rosswiesse and her peerage are helping train each other using the new gadgets they received from Issei to see what limits they can hold. Even Sona was pushing her magic using the restriction to help get powerful spells using less energy while thinking of new ones.

"Water Dragon Strike!" Sona shouted while pointing her hand at the dummy.


"Hah, hah, this magic restriction is definitely working, but I also can see how much im wasting," Sona said out loud, seeing that Tsubaki was nearby.

"I agree with you, Sona, these gifts are doing wonders for us, and even the tips and schedule Issei suggested are helping all of us out a little bit," Tsubaki said as she panted from practising her sword.

"Yes, but I already see results as I've noticed how much more relaxed when we meditate to feel magic go through us," Sona said in a thinking pose.

As Sona and Tsubaki were chatting, Rosswiesse was on her way towards them to see what their plan was after the Graduation day so that they could sort out a mini party out back in the house with some friends, also hoping can help her at the school shes repairing when they finished all the graduations.

"Hey Sona, Tsubaki, how're things going for your Graduation and hope it's all going to plan so far," Rosswiesse asked.

"Oh, Hi Rosswiesse, everything is all set to go as far as it is from our side of things, just Momo and Saji's side to sort through now, which I think they are finishing later on after training. How're things going with you?" Sona asked out of curiosity.

"All is well. Apart from the so-called friends of Issei doing the usual annoying things, I had to give them detention the other day as they were upsetting the girls with their porn talks," Rosswiesse said as she face-palmed.

"Hm, well, I think it's time to kick them out of the school I think, and I'm sure Issei wouldn't mind as he was getting annoyed with the antics really from what I heard from Momo," Tsubaki said in a thinking pose.

"I agree. We will talk to the headmaster to see what he thinks due to all the complaints we get Im sure they will choose the right thing as they stay here. They'll ruin the school's reputation even more," Sona says, also thinking about the situation.

"Well, apart from that, I also been looking for future members for my peerage and noticed the kendo girls and Kiryuu-san have a faint sense of sacred gears, but it's hard to tell what they are," Rosswiesse says with abit of confidence.

If you let them in, we have to talk with them too to fill in on the situation regarding Isei. They need to know. The only person who knows about the supernatural is Kiryuu-san due to being a contract of Xenovia.

"Agreed, well, first one to ask to be Kiryuu-san as she knows about certain things but also asked if everything was ok due to the disappearance of the ORC girls and Issei" Rosswiesse explained the situation.

"Right, so let's contact Kiryuu-san then and see what she says about joining but also fill her in on what's happened," Sona says as everyone nods in agreement.

Kouh Academy Last Period

"Ok, everyone, remember this topic will come up on your final test before the Graduation for your seniors, so make sure you study hard," Rosswiesse said to the class.

"Hai, Sensei!" everyone shouted as they packed up their things to go to club activities or home.

"Oh, Kiryuu-san can you stay behind as I need to discuss something with you from your last homework," Rosswiesse said, hinting at something else.

"Oh, sure, sensei. Did I miss something or do something wrong?" Kiryuu asked while tilting her head, trying to work out what it was.

"Nothing too bad just missed some parts that need to be filled in," Rosswiesse says with a smile.

As Kiryuu stayed with Rosswiesse after class and put a barrier around so no one could come in or hear, Rosswiesse started to discuss what happened to Issei and the others, which she was shocked and saddened as even though she likes to tease Issei. She wants him as a friend and fun to be around but is more shocked at what the ORC girls did. Then Rosswiesse asked if she was interested in joining her peerage and learning more about the world and seeing the side of Issei that no one does.

"So what you say, Kiryuu-san, would you be interested in joining my Peerage and learning more about the world, even given a chance to learn magic?" Rosswiesse asks curiously.

"I'd love to Sensei to be able to learn more of what you guys do, and also more about Issei would be cool", Kiryuu says, excited about the chance.

"Right also, you have a Sacred Gear in you as well, which we can help you unlock but also can see what it is," Rosswiesse says.

"Oh, is that similar to what Issei and others have?" Kiryuu asks curiously.

"Kinda, Issei and Gaspers are Lonignous class, so more powerful than others, but till we find out what yours is, we can work out the strength of it from there", Rosswiesse says.

"Oh, that be cool, so how does one join a peerage?" Kiryuu asks

"Well, first I need to think what piece will suit you, then say a chant for it to go into you for you to be made into a devil", Rosswiesse explains.

"Oh, what piece was Issei?" Kiryuu asked curiously

"Issei was a pawn piece which allowed him to have abilities of all the pieces apart from the king piece", Rosswiesse explained.

"Oh, so you work from Chess pieces, that's cool. I would love to be a pawn piece if possible if I think of it. Pawns are like the second strongest when they set right," Kiryuu asked with a happy look.

"That's a first usually, people always moan at pawn pieces, but then again, Issei broke that look," Rosswiesse said as she giggled.

"Understandable, really, but also, I used to play a lot of chess back in middle school, so I have a basic idea", Kiryuu says as she shrugs her shoulders.

"Interesting, that's good to know, ok least see how many pieces it takes to make you into a devil then," Rosswiesse says as she brings out her pieces.

"Wow, they look so cool with the glowing effect around them," Kiryuu says as she admires the pieces.

"Yeah, it's nice. The ones with the green glow around are mutated pieces which are stronger than normal, but if you work hard, you can turn normal pieces into mutated," Rosswiesse explains as she ponders how many pieces it takes.

Rosswiesse then picked two pawn pieces as she felt the sacred gear was more substantial than a low-class gear by experience. She then chanted to turn Kiryuu into a devil and watched the pieces enter her. With a flash, the pieces were gone inside Kiryuu, and once over, Kiryuu was slightly tired but managed to stay standing.

"I feel so tired, like my energy is sapped then slowly regaining", Kiryuu said as she looked at Rosswiesse with a puzzled look.

"Ah yes, that's because you were once a normal human and now unlocked a section that was limited to you plus giving you bonuses and weakness of devils", Rosswiesse explained.

"Oh, so what advantages and disadvantages I got as I didn't think about it beforehand," Kiryuu says, blushing abit at her rash decision.

"It's okay, and I was going to explain to you anyways. You gain abit of strength, access to the devil's magic of imagination, see in the dark and can speak and translate most languages. The disadvantages are weakness to anything holy, so words from the bible or even a slight cut from a holy weapon can cause tremendous pain or death. Also, you have a slight headache in the sunlight but nothing too serious," Rosswiesse explains in her usual teacher mode.

"Makes sense but magic by imagination?" Kiryuu says, confused about that concept.

"Yes, see, unlike most magic like my Norse magic, Devil magic relates to the imagination for strength and also form, so with enough knowledge of an element, for example, you can create either attack or defence magic from that element, see my Norse magic if I use it resides to calculating for the strength of such" Rosswiesse said.

"I get it, I think?" Kiryuu said as she tilted her head thinking about it.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you with the rest of the peerage as well as Sona's Peerage", Rosswiesse says with a smile.

"Sona? How come?" Kiryuu asked, confused.

"Ah, I forgot to mention that Sona and her Peerage live with us at Hyoudou's residence due to what happened with the girls, as Issei wanted to ensure his family was safe," Rosswiesse said.

"But isn't Issei's house only a small place? How does everyone stay there?" Kiryuu asked, confused.

"Ah well, when Rias was there, it was upgraded into a mansion of sorts with training rooms and a swimming pool as well," Rosswiesse said with a smile.

"...." Kiryuu didn't say anything and just blanked, staring like her soul had left her body.

Kyoto Yasaka's Residence

It's been a few days since the trial of the Gremory peerage. Irina from the angel's side and one of the punishments was the Nekomata Koneko/Shirone. Due to the punishment, she was stripped of her devil piece and sent to Yasaka as a servant under her command due to them being nearly extinct, with only vast few remaining in hiding.

"Shirone, I have some news for you which you will follow due to having you come to me under orders from your trial, and thanks to Issei, as he was kind enough not to give you the same punishment as Rias had due to knowing it wasn't 100% your fault," Yasaka says with a stern voice. "So since you are not at the right age for me to have you at my side as an assistant, I am sending you to a relative of yours in the Eastern side of the Yokai area where your aunt lives and will watch over you till the time is right for you to return to me."

"I understand, Lady Yasaka. I know I deserve what I am given and will prove myself to you and Issei that this chance will not be ruined," Shirone says as she bows.

"As to be expected, Shirone, before I send you off, Issei left this letter for you. Read it when you arrive at your new location, and I will be waiting for news of your development," Yasaka says with a motherly smile.

"Thank you, and I will, Lady Yasaka I'll see you when it's time to serve you properly and make sure to learn all I need from my aunt," Shirone said before disappearing through Yasaka's magic circle.

"Try too young Shirone, as I know you have the determination to make things right again, maybe not as lovers, but hopefully become friends at least," Yasaka says to herself before carrying on with her paperwork.

Grigori Headquarters

"Have you finished with that paperwork yet, Akeno? It was supposed to be handed to me 10 minutes ago", Penemue says in a strict mode.

"Sorry, Aunt Penemue, I just finished the last bit. I'll be faster next time please forgive me," Akeno says as she bows her head.

"Forgiveness is a hard path to achieve, Akeno your lucky that Issei's punishment was to send you back to your dad and also due to the letter that he gave to your father not to blame himself and for you to learn that such things have doesn't always go the way you expect it to," Penemue says now as a caring family member.

"I know, it's just… I should have seen this could happen when I followed Rias's plan, and it wasn't my plan to hurt him in such a way, but as you said, forgiveness is a long path, and if I work hard, maybe one day, I can say sorry to Issei and make him know how much I mean it" Akeno says now with determination.

"Well, we just have to wait and see, but I know you are trying hard to get your dad's forgiveness for now, so I suggest to keep your head down and work hard and try and fix that first before going for the main goal of Issei's forgiveness," Penemue said as she collected the paperwork and headed off after leaving next lot of work for Akeno.

"I know Auntie and not more paperwork…." Akeno says before her head slams onto the desk.

Back to Hyoudou Residence

"Woah…. Okay, when you said mansion, I didn't think it was this big," Kiryuu says with her mouth open agape.

"Ufufufu, yeah, well, I know what you mean. I was like that when I first came here with everyone, but let's go inside so I can introduce you to the others, as it's common to share with other co-leaders of Kuoh," Rosswiesse says with a little bit of giggle.

As Rosswiesse and Kiryuu enter the Hyoudou residence, they meet with the rest of her peerage and Sona's peerage. Still, there are also Kiba's and Gasper's friends, Valerie and Tosca. After introducing Kiryuu to the rest, Sona explained everything about the devil community and the rules they must follow.

"So that's all you need to know about how things are done in the devil community with ranks and rating games as such", Sona said as she drank her tea.

"I understand, so if we work hard enough, we can not only improve money-wise but also get a chance to start our very own peerage someday", Kiryuu says while pondering.

"Yes, that pretty much sums it up in reality, but you also get tested to see how you would use your peerages as well, given a chance," Sona said with a severe look.

"Yeah, that's understandable, as some would abuse it for greed instead of something that would help out. Also, you said I have a Sacred Gear of sorts you think you can help me call it out and see what it is?" Kiryuu asks curiously.

"Well, that is the plan as trying to work out what it is, but another way of calling it is focusing on where you feel the strongest point is and then push it out with the imaginary power," Sona said with Rosswiesse nodding with that answer.

"Okay, let's see what I can feel", Kiryuu said as she closed her eyes and focused on where the pull of power was.

While Kiryuu was closing her eyes to focus on drawing out her Sacred Gear, they noticed her hands moving to the centre of her heart but away when a bright light glowed between them. Once the light dyed down, they noticed a strange book that appeared black and white with a red circle to cross in it. Seeing this, Sona and Rosswiesse looked interested and guessed it was a grimoire but couldn't work out which one as many were normal grimoires not turned to a Sacred Gear, but this one felt strong, so they had to work out what type it was.

"Now, this is interesting. I don't remember any grimoires ever being turned into a Sacred Gear, so this is rare, and with it, both have white and black covers, which means it's like a union of light and dark magic, I assume," Sona said looking at Rosswiesse for her thoughts.

"I agree with you, Sona, but also wrong to a certain point as the light and dark magic you think it is both Angelic and Devil magic, which means it's a Paradox Grimore", Rosswiesse said, now interested.

"Huh, this is a strange book," Kiryuu said, bringing the thoughts of both Sona and Rosswiesse to her.

"What do you mean by that?" Rosswiesse asked curiously, with Sona nodding in agreement.

"Well, I heard you call it a Paradox Grimore, but the name says The Grimore of the Heavens?" Kiryuu said, looking at them oddly.

"Well fitting name as it's why I said Paradox, as normally you wouldn't be able to see both Angelic and Devil magic together and no less in a Sacred Gear", Rosswiesse said, looking at her thoughtfully.

"Hm, I guess your right but from what I see, it's blank pages, so I wonder if Im taught magic in both, I could copy the magic to a certain extent, from my guess," Kiryuu said as she looked at it quizly.

"Just means you can gain ideas from magic we can show you and also make your version of said magic, same as the Angelic side, but I don't know if it will hurt you due to being a devil now, so be careful on that side", Sona suggested.

"I understand it, but if it's able to adapt to me, means even though it's Angelic but may be able to use for my purpose?" Kiryuu said while thinking.

"Guess the only way is to learn and try, but as Sona said, we must be careful. Maybe see if we can use their barriers or healing magic maybe?" Rosswiesse says

"Well, maybe, but for the time being, since it's getting late, I'll train with it whenever you want me to and make the contracts as well," Kiryuu said as she got up.

"No worries, Kiryuu, and come tomorrow for the first day of training and also get the first experience with the contracts," Rosswiesse says while getting up.

"Indeed, see you tomorrow, Kiryuu, and have a good night I will look for some magic books for you to look at," Sona says as she gets up to bid her well.

"Thank you both. See you tomorrow," Kiryuu says as she bows goodbye and leaves the residence.

"Well, that was unexpected but also good at the same time that Sacred Gear would make her a strong support type, and with the pawn piece, she can turn whatever magic into any situation with a boost," Sona says with a smirk.

"My thoughts exactly, Sona, this International Tournament is going to be fun when we it gets the go-ahead and know when we start it," Rosswiesse said while smiling.

"Well, I don't want to go against your team's due respect", Sona said with abit of a giggle.

"Now, now, Sona, you know you should be more confident in yourself, especially with the help from what Issei suggested," Rosswiesse says as she smiles while looking at her necklace.

"Oh, trust me, I know what you mean. It's just I want a fair chance to be even worse if we have to face Issei early on, depending on what his team be like," Sona said as she shivered abit at the thought.

"I agree with you that Issei is a lot smarter and stronger than he looks, which makes him very lethal to most," Rosswiesse said, shivering at the thought of going against him.

As Sona and Rosswiesse talked about the upcoming International rating game, both Tosca and Valerie considered joining Rosswiesse's team to help their friends and new family as they see it.

"What do you think, Valerie, in helping Rosswiesse, Kiba and Gasper out?" Tosca says while thinking.

"Hm, well, I do love Gaspy and his friends as they treat me as family, which is nice considering what we had to go through in the Vampire terrority," Valerie smiles. "So I think I will help out by being a backup healer with my Sacred Gear will help them out.

"Well, I also want to help out. They can also help me more with my Sacred Gear but also learn other things," Tosca says, thinking about what to do.

"That reminds me what Sacred Gear you got, Tosca. I never got a chance to ask you?" Valerie asks curiously.

"Mine is a barrier-type Sacred Gear with no name, so they can't trace it. All I know is it saved me doing the horrible time and froze me at this age as I would have been the same age as Kiba now", Tosca explained to Valerie.

As Tosca and Valerie talked, Kiba just finished training with Gasper downstairs, So Kiba was walking towards the girls to see what plans they had or liked to do.

"Hey ladies, how you doing?" Kiba asked while having a towel around his shoulders.

As both girls turned to the voice, Tosca smiled while Valerie looked for Gasper.

"Oh, we are fine, Kiba. How was your training?" Tosca asked, happy to see Kiba.

"As Tosca said, we are both good, but may I ask where Gaspy is?" Valerie asked the blonde knight.

"I'm glad you're both fine, and Gasper is just in the bathroom to wash up after our training session. He's gotten a lot stronger and more confident and hoping to catch up to Issei-kun," Kiba said with a smile.

"Oh, so proud of him. I'm going to find him, and then Tosca and I need to speak to Rosswiesse-chan", Valerie said while heading off to find Gasper.

"Hm, may I ask why you and Valerie want to speak to Rosswiesse-sensei?" Kiba asked curiously.

"Ah right, both myself and Valerie are thinking of joining Rosswiesse in her peerage so that we can be with each other more", Tosca said with a blush on her cheeks. "Also, I want to learn more about Issei, as I never got to talk to him before he left."

"You know, once you accept it, theirs no going back, right?" Kiba said, now a bit worrying for his friend.

"I know, but it will also help out with my Sacred Gear as well as being a barrier type, meaning I could have potential and even develop something new with it," Tosca says with determination.

"I understand, I was just making sure you knew what you were getting into, and I will also be glad to share what I think of my brother Issei," Kiba says with a smile of pride.

"Well, thank you, Kiba. I love hanging out with everyone. It's like a proper family now," Tosca says with a cheery voice.

"I'm happy as well. Issei's parents treat me as their son like Issei and also treat the girls like daughters, which is rare to see for most people. I'm happy I met him," Kiba says with a smile. "Anyways, should we find Rosswiesse to tell her what you and Valerie like to do"?

"Okay," Tosca says as she gets up to follow Kiba with a skip to her steps.

So both Kiba and Tosca walked to where Rosswiesse was to tell her that she and Valerie would like to join her peerage to help out and boost the protection of Kuoh with more members. Once they discussed it, making Rosswiesse happy, she accepted their offer and said they could join the group training and contracts tomorrow with Kiryuu since they are both on the same page and could learn together. She then pulled three pawn pieces out for Tosca, knowing it was a strong barrier Sacred Gear and also a bishop piece for Valerie. After the girls were reincarnated into a devil, both went their separate ways to rest and read up about jobs they like to be contracted to, thus leaving Rosswiesse with her paperwork not only for school but also paperwork relating to her king duties taking over Rias company firm as her own she was reorganising it to only respond through the internet for selected times to book, but also with a description of what kind of jobs they like them to help with, any related to anything sexually related was blocked and transferred to the right people with gaining a percentage of that charge being in their territory.

"Hah, that should be the last of the paperwork, booking schedules to contracts and adding the new members for the contracts once given the details of what they prefer to do. Now time to plan the training for tomorrow with the new members," Rosswiesse said to herself, not realising Sona was walking to her for her input for the training tomorrow.

"That's a big sigh there, Rosswiesse, everything ok?" Sona asked, a bit worried for her new friend and Co-owner of Kuoh.

"Ah, Sona, yeah, everything is okay. Just finished both paperwork relating to the school and the new contract schedule with the ideas from Gasper and Issei to help organise things better," Rosswiesse said with a smile.

"Oh, can I see?" Sona asks, curious about the idea for the contracts.

"Sure, here I show you what I've done", Rosswiesse replies as Sona sits beside her.

As Rosswiesse showed and explained to Sona the contract ideas, which made Sona shocked, and she also ask if they could use the same system for hers. Rosswiesse was happy to help with showing how to set it up. Then they discussed what they wanted to do for the training tomorrow, not only for her new pieces but also work on other aspects such as getting ready for any promotion tests in the future so knowing the knowledge of both devils and other mythologies as well.

A/N: Okay, that's it for this chapter hope you enjoyed it. They were showing a little progress in the DxD world with Rosswiesse and others, including abit of Akeno and Koneko showing what is happening to them after the trial. I got Koneko's idea from Skimreader as he reminded me how they got a relative in the Eastern side where Issei travelled with the girls to look at the mirror to find out about their past. The next Chapter will go back to Danmachi's world going to progress more to that side, with Issei getting a Falna and setting up his shop for his creations with help.