
Red Blood Century

Anastasia's visit to her grandmother's house takes an unexpected turn when her curiosity leads her to the long-forgotten forest nearby. Intrigued by its mysterious history, she embarks on an exploration that unravels a startling secret -the presence of a trapped demon within its depths. As Anastasia becomes entangled with this otherworldly being, she must summon her courage and unravel the forest's ancient enigma to protect herself and those she loves. A thrilling encounter that will test her resilience and reveal her true strength in the face of the unknown.

RomanceFanatic028 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

What happened yesterday?

Early in the morning, Anastasia woke up with a sigh. Her head was paining like hell because of last night hangover.

She rubbed her eyes and sat up on the bed.

For minutes she was just staring in daze, in front of her while trying to remember what happened yesterday night.

When suddenly, she begin to remember.

"NO!" Anastasia screamed so loudly that her voice reached downstairs.

Emily who was having breakfast downstairs choked on her food when she heard the scream.

Claudia handed her a glass of water and patted her back. "Looks like she is awake. She was so drunk last night. I don't even remember when she came home."

Emily drank the water and scoffed while looking at the stairs. God knows what is happening with her sister lately. "She was drunk and you didn't even scold her? If it was me you would have killed me." Emily wiped her fake tears while being dramatic. "Why so partiality with me god?"

Claudia knew Emily was acting, that's why she laughed. "Who said she won't get scolding? I am just waiting for her to get up." Claudia kept her fork down and looked nervous. "Maybe she is hiding something from us. Yesterday a guy took her call, thankfully he was there with her. If not, god knows what would have happened."

"Speaking of a guy." Emily chewed her food and smiled. "Yesterday night I was hearing very weird noises from her room."

Claudia became curious. "What noises?"

"You know…" Emily smirked. "The noises you make when your lips touch."

"Shameless girl!" Claudia became horrified when she heard it. "If there was someone in our house then would I not know?"

"Mom! You don't know youngsters this day." She smiled. "They are very secretive."

"Yeah. Like you know everything." Claudia scolded. "If you would have used this much brain in your studies then you would have never failed your tests. Focus on your studies." She was finding this hard to believe. She don't think Anastasia would do that.

"Truth hurts Mom! If you don't believe me then ask her." Emily said while eating her breakfast.

"Fine then!" Saying that, Claudia climbed the stairs and headed towards Anastasia's room.

Upstairs, Anastasia was having a bad time whenever she thought about the kiss which happened last night. She couldn't remember what happened after the kiss. Did they?

"No!" Her face became red because of embarrassment. "Not that fast."

She was not regretting the kiss. She was regretting that she was the one who initiated it first. This was not suppose to happen.

"Stupid! How can you be so desperate?" She slapped her head and buried her face in the pillow.

"ANASTASIA DE ROSSIE!!" Suddenly, she heard someone calling her name angrily.

Anastasia quickly got up from the bed and stood up while shaking. She don't even get scared while talking with ghosts. But mom's scolding? Who isn't scared of that.

"What happened mom?" Anastasia clenched her cloth and tried to look as innocent as possible.

Claudia crossed her arms. "Where were you yesterday night? And when did you came back?"

"Me!?" Anastasia tried to think about a lie. "I was studying at…" She tried to remember someone's name who can lie for her. "Uhh… Emma's house."

"Emma's house?" Claudia raised her eyebrows. "She called me yesterday. She said you were drinking…. In the bar."

Anastasia cursed Emma under her breath. When did she called her? Right now, she can't even admit the truth. If she told her what happened? What is she supposed to answer?

"Oh my goodness." Anastasia acted shocked. "How can she lie like that? Me and drinking? Never!"

"Don't lie to me Anna. I know everything. You think you can fool me." Claudia looked at her suspiciously. "By the way, who was in your room last night? Emily said she heard noises from your room."

"What!? Emily?" Her soul felt like it left her body. "Did she came inside?"

When she asked this, Emily answered while leaning on the door. "No sis. Don't worry about it. Why will I disturb your personal time? After all, I don't want to traumatise myself." She said while teasing.

Anastasia threw a pillow at her. "Go and study!!" She became annoyed.

Emily showed her tongue and ran away from her room giggling.

"Mom! Don't listen to her. She might be hallucinating."

"Fine! Let's say she was hallucinating." Claudia nodded. "Then what about the phone? Who picked up your phone yesterday?"

Anastasia massaged her temples. She knew Ezen picked her call yesterday. But what should she say to her. "My friend. He picked the call."

"Did he dropped you in home?"

"No! I came here alone." She lied. Because she knew if she said the truth, Claudia will ask many questions about him.

"Don't lie. I was sitting near the entrance door all night. I didn't saw you coming."

"Mom you were sleeping. And… I came from the back door. Maybe that's why you didn't saw me." Anastasia tried to end the conversation.

"I know you are lying." Claudia looked at Anastasia suspiciously. She locked the back door herself. How did Anastasia came inside without knocking? She had lot of questions but she knew Anastasia was not going to answer it. That's why she let it slide. "Anyway… you have appointment with Miss copper today."

Mr copper was her therapist. At least once a month she had to meet her for check up. But Anastasia hated going there. Whenever she went there, she felt like she was sick.

"Miss copper? No mom. I don't want to meet her. I am fine." Anastasia whined.

"No! You are hiding lot of stuff from me already." Claudia scolded. "Maybe by talking with her you will feel better."

"But mom! I have lectures today. I have to study." Anastasia explained.

"When is your lectures gonna end?"

"6:30 pm. In the afternoon." Anastasia added extra hours just in case.

"Fine. Meet miss copper at Sunday." Claudia sighed. "I'll let her know you are not coming."

Saying that, she left her room dejected.

"Thank god." Anastasia sighed a relief and layed on the bed. She stretched her body lazily and yawned.

She was about to sleep again when she heard her phone ringing.

Anastasia got up from the bed and picked her purse which was laying on the ground. She took the phone out from it and checked the caller Id.

The call was from Equinox.

"Morning sunshine." Equinox voice sounded bright as usual. She was very excited about something. "Did you sleep well?"

"Well. Not exactly." Anastasia rubbed her eyes.

"Ohh? Why not?"

"I slept late last night. Maybe that's why." Anastasia answered with tired voice.

"That's bad." Equinox's voice saddened. "Actually… I wanted you to come here early."

Anastasia sat on the bed while being confused. "Why?"

"Did you forgot?" Equinox face palmed. "Today is your wedding. Don't you want to select dresses?"

"What!?" Anastasia got stunned. "It was today?"

"Ezen didn't told you anything?" Equinox got mad. How can her brother be so careless? He forgot to inform the bride she was getting married?

"He did… but I thought he was joking." She didn't took him seriously that time.

"So what now?" Equinox sighed. "Go get ready now. I'll come to pick you up. We'll go shopping." She smiled.

"But Equinox…" Anastasia panicked. "I have lectures to attend." She can't skip her studies.

"At what time is it going to start?"

"It will start at 10:30 sharp."

10:30? Equinox thought about it. "It's not a problem. We'll be done before that."

"Really?" How will that be possible?

"Yes. You don't need to worry about that. I'll deal with it." It was not big deal for Equinox to make time pass slowly. She'll use her power for it. "Don't waste time any longer. Go get ready. I'll be there in minutes." Saying that, Equinox ended the call.

Anastasia glanced at the clock and saw that it was 8:25 am already. She hurriedly ran towards the bathroom to take shower.

After freshening up, she got out from the bathroom and dressed herself quickly. She wore a yellow waist top and left her black wavy hair open.

After doing little makeup, she took her purse and was ready to go. She was so tensed that she didn't even did her breakfast properly. After sipping little orange juice, Anastasia ran outside quickly.


Outside, Equinox sat inside her new sports car, waiting for Anastasia. Right now she was talking with someone on her phone.

"Are you there yet? Please assemble the clothes neatly." Saying that she ended the call.

Equinox looked around the area and felt shivers down her spine. She felt like someone was watching her. She looked around but saw no one there.

This feeling was making her more scared, because she knew who was keeping watch on her.

"I am sorry I was late." Anastasia said while sitting inside. She looked at the new car and got excited. "When did you bought this?"

"Just now." Equinox answered while still being stressed.

"What happened? Who are you looking for?"

"Them." Equinox said while pointing at bunch of owls who were sitting on the tree.

Seeing owls in the morning was rare. They won't come unless someone called them. "Is it Lilith? Is she trying to keep tabs on us?"

"Yeah." Equinox nodded. "It's her little minions. She is trying to find where we are going. We can't let her know that you and Ezen are getting married."

Equinox knew Lilith might have been doubtful about things happening here. If she found out about the marriage then she'll go crazy. When Lilith gets mad, anyone can either get hurt or die.

"So what are we going to do? If they caught us buying the wedding dress then they will understand everything."

"You don't need worry." Equinox knew this all is going to happen, that's why she changed her plan before only. "I called the boutique owner at the mansion. You can choose your dress there." Equinox smiled. "And… I also called some makeup artists. They will make you look more pretty."

Anastasia chuckled. "I don't understand why we are doing so much for a fake wedding."

"Fake or real. Why does it matter? Wedding is wedding." After all it was her brother's first marriage. Ofcourse she wants to make it grand.

"Anyway. Put on your seat belts. We are going. Let's not waste time." Equinox said while tightening her seat belts.

After everything was done, Equinox begin to drive her car.

The ride went smoothly at the start, but in middle of driving. Equinox again started to feel weird. She knew someone was following them.

She checked the outside rear view mirror and saw a black Toyota Camry following their car.

Two grown buffy man were in that car.

The driver of the Toyota Camry smirked and pressed the accelerator pedal to match their speed.

Equinox knew what to do. She gave Anastasia a hint and told her to be ready.

"Are you ready? It's going to be a long chase scene."