
Kill him with good looks

Equinox pressed the accelerator and ran the car in full speed leaving the Toyota Camry behind.

She thought she lost them, but when she again glanced at rear view mirror, she noticed the car behind still following them.

"This f**kers." Equinox started to get mad. Her eyes slowly turned red as her demonic self started to come out.

Anastasia turned around to see who was following them. She glanced at the Toyota Camry and noticed that this was the same car which was following her before while returning from Stafford village.

So they are cult members? Anastasia thought to herself.

Right now she has to find a way to stop these people from following her. But what should i do? She became puzzled.

When suddenly, an idea hitted her. "Equinox! Traffic lights! Go fast. When they come, I'll change the lights in red."

Equinox did as she said. After they went ahead, Anastasia turned the traffic light into red. Hoping that the driver would stop the car when they see it. But the driver was bold. Even after seeing light turning red, he didn't stopped.

"I knew they would do that." Equinox glared at those cult members angrily. She clenched her steering wheel tightly.

God knows what these people want? They were under Lilith's influence. Ofcourse she might have ordered to follow them.

"Damn! This people are crazy."

Because of breaking the traffic rules, the road police started to go behind the cult people to arrest them, asking them to stop the car. But the cult people still didn't stopped. They were not scared of anything. All they wanted to do was complete lilith's task.

"Looks like I need to find another way to stop them." She begin to think of an idea. "I don't know if doing this will be good or not, but I have no choice." She looked around to check how many people were there around them.

Seeing Anastasia thinking, Equinox became confused. "Wait! What are you thinking?" Before she could process anything. She heard loud noise of something falling on the ground.

A big branch fell from the tree and covered the road, which made the cult people's car to stop. They barely survived. If the branch would have fell on them, they would have died instantly.

"What the hell!?" Equinox looked impressed. She didn't expected this to happen.

She stared at Anastasia and noticed that her eyes were now purple. "What happened to your eyes?" She became concerned.

"Keep driving. Otherwise the police will come behind us." Anastasia said while rubbing her eyes. She glanced behind and saw the cult member getting arrested by the police. The driver who was driving was glaring at her continuously, like he wanted to kill her.

Equinox begin to drive the car again in normal speed. She curiously glanced at Anastasia and asked. "Does this happens always?" She pointed at her eye. "Turning purple?"

"Yeah." Anastasia said while rubbing her itchy eye. "Whenever I use my powers my eye turns purple." She smiled. "Like how your eyes turns red."

"Mine is different. I am a demon. Red eye colour is very common in hell. But you…" Equinox steer the wheel on the right. "You know purple eye colour is rare. Right?"

"Is it?" Her eyes turned back normal.

"Yeah. I never met anyone with this eye colour." Purple is a colour of royalty. Even the angels don't has this orbs. Then how come Anastasia have it? Equinox thought about it. There is something about Anastasia that they don't know about. Make sense why Lilith is hell bent on sacrificing her.

Equinox smiled and looked in the front and kept driving. So far, rest of their drive went smoothly. They arrived home with no harm in perfect timing.


While inside the mansion, Ezen was sitting inside his room, holding the key he found last night.

For minutes, he was trying to examine what this key is used for. After doing multiple research he found out that the key is used in memory box.

By opening the box with this key, the sole owner of the box can unlock a memory which they might have hided from himself.

These boxes are mostly made by a supernatural creature who are soon to be reincarnated as a human. By the help of this, they could easily remember the important moment of their past life.

If this object is meant for those people then why is this key with him? This thing was strange for him. Who might this key belong to? And why does anyone want it to be with him? Does that person want him to destroy it?

So many unanswered questions.

Ezen glanced at the golden key which was shining brightly in his hand. He squinted closely and noticed an alphabet carved on it. It was letter D.

"D for…" He was trying to think about the person who this key might belong to. When suddenly, he heard Equinox screaming his name from downstairs. He came out from the daze when he heard her voice.

"They are here already?" Ezen got up from the chair nervously. He remembered Equinox telling him to get ready before they arrive. But he was so keen to know about the key that he completely forgot that today was his wedding.

He was hesitant to go down.

If Equinox was here that means Anastasia might also be here. He don't know why but he was embarrassed to face her.

The thing which happened between last time. He was very nervous to meet her.

Even thought nothing happened between them last night except the kiss. But still, it was his first time. He was not that frank to act like nothing happened.

While he was thinking what to do. Equinox again screamed from downstairs.

"Ezen! Are you here or not!?"


"Ezen!" Equinox started to get mad now. God knows what's happening with her brother lately. From yesterday night he has been acting weird. When he came home last night, his face looked flustered. Who knows what happened to him?

"Let him be. He might be getting ready." Equinox said while looking at Anastasia.

"I think i know why he is not coming." Anastasia said while thinking something. "He is avoiding me." The thing which happened last night, she was sure he was avoiding her. Even though she knew that first kiss can be awkward for some people. But still, there no need ignore her.

"What!? Why will he ignore you? Did you guys fought or something?" She asked.

"No. That's not what happened."

"Then why make assumptions?" Equinox smiled. "See, I know sometimes he act cold but it is just his personality. He is kinda introvert you know." From young age Ezen lacked social skills. People think he is arrogant but in reality, he don't know how to interact with people normally. No one thought him that.

Equinox sighed. "Anyway, why are we talking about him? We have lot of things to do. Come fast." Saying that, she dragged Anastasia inside the room where group of ladies were waiting for them.

Anastasia stared at the ladies who were greeting her one by one. "Who are these people?"

"They are new maids." Equinox said while checking the wedding dress.

"New maids? Do they not know about you guys being demons?" Anastasia whispered softly.

"Ohh." Equinox stopped. "Actually they are ghosts so only we can see them. I hired them to take care of the mansion."

"What!?" You can do that too?" Anastasia was stunned. She didn't know ghost service was a thing.

Equinox picked a white off shoulder wedding dress from the stand and showed it to Anastasia. "See. It will look good on you."

Anastasia glanced at the dress and noticed it had deep low neck. She don't want to look too showy. "No. I don't like it."

"Okay then what about this?"

The new dress was good but it's design was little old fashioned. Anastasia was not very

Impressed with that dress.

"How about you try the dresses and then decide?" Equinox handed her dress and told her to change.

She came out wearing different dresses but she didn't liked any of them. Some looked good but it didn't fitted her. While other looked boring.

While trying other dresses, 1 hour passed by.

Equinox sighed and sat on the chair lazily. She didn't know what to do. Anastasia was not liking anything. She started to blame herself. She should have take her for shopping before only.

Anastasia was also feeling guilty. She usually is not that picky but some of these wedding dresses were too uncomfortable to wear.

While both of them were thinking what to do. A maid come inside the room while carrying a box in her hand.

Equinox looked at the box and got confused. "What's inside the box? Who send it?"

"His highness send this box for madam." She said while handing it to Anastasia.

"What?" Anastasia took the box while being astonished. What might be inside it?

"Oh my goodness!" Equinox mouth stayed open. Ezen bought a gift for someone? It was breaking news on its own. "Open it! I want to see what's inside it." She said while being excited.

Anastasia opened the box and was stunned on seeing a wedding dress inside it. How did he know she wanted this only?

"I knew it!" Equinox chuckled. Yesterday Ezen bought something in a bag. When she asked him about it, he didn't answered. Now she understood what it was. "Make sense why you were not liking any dresses i selected."

"Huh?" Anastasia blushed.

"Enough blushing. Now go and get ready. I can't stop time for too long." Saying that, she pushed Anastasia inside the changing room.

After getting ready, Anastasia finally came out.

The dress she was wearing had v neckline. The mermaid wedding dress she was wearing fitted her perfectly, showing of her curves. She truly looked like angel in her dress.

Equinox was in aww when she saw her like that. "You look so pretty. The fitting also looks perfect." She hugged her, wiping her happy tears. "I don't understand how Ezen found out which size will look good on you." She teased. "Looks like he is practising for future."

"Oh please…" Anastasia turned red with embarrassment.

"So…" Equinox helped her wear the veil, after they were done with makeup. "Are you not planning on thanking him for the dress?"

"For that I need to meet him."

"Then meet him." Equinox looked behind to see a maid coming with a message. "What happened?"

"The time is perfect for the marriage ritual." The maid said softly. "The guest is waiting."

"Oh really?" Equinox smiled and looked at Anastasia. "Our bride is ready. All we have to do is call our groom."

The maid turned around to go towards Ezen's room to inform him about it. But Equinox stopped her midway. "No wait! Not you." She had an amazing idea. "Anastasia will bring him."

"Me?" Anastasia became nervous. "Why me?"

"Because why not? You have to meet him anyway. Maybe you guys can talk before the marriage proceeds." She looked at the clock and held Anastasia's hand, bringing her outside. "Go, kill him with your good looks. You have my blessing." She whispered softly in her ears.

Anastasia chuckled because she knew what Equinox meant. The thing she was thinking, might not actually happen. But killing with looks? That doesn't sound too bad.

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