
Records: of Those who Hides

When the night is dark and the full moon is shining brightly on the sky. Have you ever wondered what creatures hide behind the shadow of darkness. Now , image of creatures from the stories of your parents or grandparents may come to mind. You might think that it's all just urban legends and stories to scare little kids. But what if I tell you that not only are they real , they may be just close by. And they may appear a little different from what you imagine. Don't look around , you will not see them. But don't worry , I will compile a book of records for you. For not all is able to see in the dark. So then I allow me to shed light to the creatures hiding in the dark. -Peter Rubio

UnluckyFisher · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Chapter 10: Track

After a few minutes of crying Marissa begun to calm down.

" So , I need to find what ever the ghost is using as medium , a cursed object?"

" hm .yeah"

" But how am I going to do that ?"

" Well you need to be in contact with her object or atleast be in it's vicinity for a period of time, so try to Weber if you have been in contact with something feels curse"

" I don't remember anything that feels curse, I have just moved to the city for my studies a few months ago..... that - that where it start ,my apartment. I started seeing things in my apartment could the apartment be the medium"

" No, an apartment can't be a medium, a building is too broad and it composed of many things together so its hard for the human brains frequency to resonate to so a medium are mostly handheld items or accessories"

" What can it be then?"

" Well , did you immediately experience the hallucinations after you moved in?"

" No, It was after a month"

" It means that the medium is in the apartment vicinity, you just have to find it"

" How?"

" A spirit movement follow a command embedded into them in other words , intuition. Though the connection of your brain wavelength, you can somewhat used that intuition too."

" So I will just go around my apartment and find it though intuition?"

" not you, we!"

" Wha-? huh?"

" Uh, You might have read the sign on the door. This kind of creatures are the what I research. So I want to observe it and study it though you"

" bu- haa. Ok professor , I will appreciate your help."

" Good , cleanup the mess you made I will just prepare my equipments"

With a word the doctor stand up and left the girl. After a moment of confusion , Marissa realized what the doctor meant, she get out of the bed and clean her vomit on the floor, with a grimace and embarrassment on her face.