
Record of Ragnarok watches Anime?!

The Gods are voting to smite Humanity, but they have aone savign grace: Anime

WRizz1 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

The First Battle of Ragnarok: Thor vs. Lü Bu

The divine arena of Ragnarok stood as a grand, sprawling coliseum suspended between the realms of gods and men—a battlefield where fate would be decided, where mortals and gods would clash, not just for victory but for their very beliefs, for the essence of their existence. The heavens roared with thunder as a steady stream of spectators filled the arena—gods, demons, humans, and spirits from every mythology and every corner of the earth. There was tension in the air, mixed with excitement and trepidation. This was Ragnarok—the final test, the battle between gods and mankind for survival itself.

At the center of the arena stood Brunhilde, the Valkyrie, her eyes steely as she surveyed the audience. With a deep breath, she began, her voice amplified by the power of the gods, echoing across the vast expanse.

"Behold, the beginning of Ragnarok!" she declared, her tone carrying an unmistakable authority that silenced the gathered masses. "Thirteen battles between gods and humans. Each side will send their strongest champions, and the side that claims seven victories shall determine the fate of humanity. Gods shall be the executioners—or humanity shall prove its right to exist!"

The crowd roared in response, the excitement palpable. The gods were eager to crush their defiant challengers, while the mortals—a mix of awe and determination—held onto their hope. And so, Brunhilde continued, "The first battle shall commence... Let the gods and humanity send forth their champions!"

A low rumble, like the growl of an ancient beast, reverberated through the arena. The doors of the gods' side creaked open, and from the depths of the celestial gate emerged the figure of Thor, the Norse god of thunder, the strongest warrior of Asgard. He towered above those around him, his massive frame draped in a long crimson cape, his face hidden beneath the shadows of his winged helmet. In his right hand, he carried Mjölnir, his fabled hammer, a weapon so massive it seemed impossible for any mortal to even lift.

Thor stepped into the arena, his presence commanding silence, his crimson eyes glowing with fierce determination. But this Thor was different—something had changed. The countless anime and stories of humans had touched him, given him a glimpse into their spirit and dreams. There was an eagerness in his stride, a rare sense of anticipation. He looked across the coliseum, raising Mjölnir into the air, and the sky responded with a storm of lightning.

He spoke, his voice deep and powerful, yet with a hint of respect. "Humans... Let me see what you are truly capable of."

The gates of the human side opened, and out strode a man whose very presence seemed to shake the ground. Lü Bu, the fabled warlord of the Three Kingdoms era, the mightiest warrior in all of Chinese history, approached the arena with an unmatched swagger. His massive halberd, Fangtian Huaji, rested easily across his broad shoulders, and his long, dark hair flowed freely behind him. Lü Bu's armor was adorned with red and black, giving him the appearance of a fierce, untamed beast.

As Lü Bu looked across at his opponent, his eyes narrowed, not in fear but in exhilaration. The gods, the rulers, the ones who always stood above... today, he would test their strength for himself.

He turned his head to the mortals in the stands, raising his halberd high above his head. "Let the heavens hear this! I, Lü Bu, fear no one! Not even the gods!" His voice rang with defiance, and a cheer rose from the human crowd, their spirits lifted by his sheer audacity.

The Battle Begins

Heimdall's horn sounded, signaling the start of the first battle of Ragnarok.

Thor was the first to move, his massive form almost blurring with speed as he closed the distance between them. He swung Mjölnir down with tremendous force, aiming to crush Lü Bu outright, but the warlord was prepared. Lü Bu leaped into the air, avoiding the impact as the ground beneath him shattered, sending chunks of earth flying in every direction.

Lü Bu responded in kind, descending from the sky with Fangtian Huaji, aiming a devastating blow at Thor. The god raised Mjölnir, blocking the attack, and for a moment, their weapons clashed, the sheer force sending out a shockwave that shook the coliseum. Thor's eyes widened in surprise. Lü Bu, a mortal, had stopped Mjölnir—a feat no god had thought possible.

Thor smirked, a spark of genuine excitement flashing in his crimson eyes. "Interesting," he muttered. "You may indeed be worthy of a god's power." He pushed forward, using the immense weight of his hammer to force Lü Bu back.

Lü Bu, undeterred, twisted in midair, landing deftly on the ground. His face bore a savage grin as he swung his halberd in a wide arc, the air around him whistling from the sheer speed and power. "Come, Thor! Show me the strength of a god!"

The battle raged on, a dance of raw power and unyielding determination. Thor, with Mjölnir in hand, unleashed blow after blow, each strike accompanied by thunder that roared across the heavens. Lightning crackled around him, the raw energy of a storm given form. At times, it seemed that Lü Bu would be overwhelmed by the sheer ferocity of Thor's attacks—craters formed beneath them, and the earth quaked under their power.

But Lü Bu was undeterred. When the tides turned in his favor, he moved like a raging tempest, his halberd striking with unparalleled precision. He launched himself into the air again, bringing his weapon down in an attack so fierce it sent Thor skidding backward. Lü Bu's eyes burned with the thrill of battle, his laughter echoing through the arena as he matched Thor, blow for blow.

For a moment, it seemed as if Lü Bu was truly dominating the god, his halberd slashing and striking relentlessly, pushing Thor to defend. The audience was on edge, the mortals cheering Lü Bu's name, their hope swelling as they witnessed the might of one of their own standing against the divine.

Thor, however, was far from done. With a roar, he called forth the true power of Mjölnir, the hammer glowing with an unearthly light as lightning enveloped its form. He swung it in a wide arc, the very air splitting apart, and Lü Bu barely managed to bring his halberd up in time to block. The impact was devastating, sending Lü Bu hurtling backward, his armor cracking from the force.

In a brief lull in the battle, their backstories flashed before the spectators—two warriors, each with their own path to greatness.

Thor, the protector of Asgard, the one who faced giants and monstrous creatures, had always fought because it was his duty, because he was the strongest. But beyond duty, there was something else—a yearning for a worthy opponent, a battle that could ignite his very soul. Watching the anime, seeing the indomitable spirit of humanity, Thor realized he wanted to face that spirit firsthand, to see if there was a mortal who could truly challenge him.

Lü Bu, born in chaos, a warrior whose only purpose was to fight. His motivations were raw and simple—he sought power, glory, and the thrill of battle. He feared nothing and respected no one, always searching for someone stronger to test himself against. For Lü Bu, life was a battlefield, and every opponent was a step toward the ultimate challenge. Facing Thor, a god, was the pinnacle of his dreams—proof that his strength was without equal.

As they faced each other once more, battered and bruised, there was an unspoken understanding between them—a shared respect that could only be born through combat.

Thor raised Mjölnir, his voice carrying across the battlefield. "Lü Bu, you are a warrior unlike any other. For this battle, I thank you."

Lü Bu grinned, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. "Come, Thor. Let us end this... with everything we have."

The sky darkened as Thor summoned the full power of the storm. Lightning gathered around him, a massive swirling vortex of energy as he prepared his final attack. Lü Bu, not to be outdone, channeled his own energy into Fangtian Huaji, his aura flaring with a brilliant crimson light. With a mighty roar, both warriors charged at each other, their weapons meeting in a final, cataclysmic clash.

The impact shook the arena, a blinding light engulfing the battlefield as the energy of their attacks collided. The spectators shielded their eyes, the sheer force of the clash overwhelming.

When the dust finally settled, Thor stood alone, his chest heaving, Mjölnir resting heavily at his side. Before him lay Lü Bu, his body battered, yet a satisfied smile on his face. Thor looked down at his fallen opponent, a rare expression of sadness in his eyes.

"You were truly magnificent, Lü Bu," Thor murmured. "A warrior worthy of a god... and a rival I shall not forget."

As the arena fell into silence, the mortals watched with heavy hearts. Their champion had fallen, but he had fought with everything he had, standing toe-to-toe with a god. There was no shame in his defeat—only glory.

Brunhilde, watching from the sidelines, clenched her fists, her eyes filled with both sorrow and determination. This was only the beginning. Humanity had lost this battle, but the war was far from over.

Thor turned to the audience, raising Mjölnir in salute. "Let it be known that Lü Bu, a mere mortal, fought with the heart of a god. Let his name be remembered, not just among humans, but among us as well."

And with that, the first battle of Ragnarok came to an end. The gods had claimed their first victory, but in doing so, they had gained a deep respect for their opponents. The spirit of humanity was not to be underestimated—this was only the beginning of their struggle for survival.