
Record of Ragnarok watches Anime?!

The Gods are voting to smite Humanity, but they have aone savign grace: Anime

WRizz1 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Side Chapter: Contest of Beauties from all the Realms

The grand halls of Olympus shimmered with an unusual aura—a radiant, pinkish glow that seemed to fill the air with love, excitement, and a touch of mischief. Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, had a sly smile on her lips as she examined her mirror, admiring her own ethereal reflection.

"Brunhilde showed us battles and valor," she murmured to herself, her voice a silky whisper. "But the essence of humanity lies in other delights as well. If these mortals can create such stories, then surely they must appreciate the beauty that dwells within them. Why not bring some of their most stunning creations here?"

With a wave of her hand, Aphrodite summoned an ornate portal—a shimmering gate with rose-petal borders, leading to realms far beyond the divine territories. It was a gateway to anime worlds, and Aphrodite stepped through, eager to gather the beauties she'd glimpsed while watching those marvelous stories.

As she stepped into each world—Fairy Tail, Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, Dragon Ball, and more—she was greeted with a sea of characters she had grown fascinated by. Powerful and gentle, fierce and alluring—these women were the heart and soul of the stories, just as important as the warriors. They were the heroines, the companions, the beacons of beauty that had captivated both viewers and warriors alike.

"Lucy Heartfilia, Erza Scarlet, Hinata Hyuga, Nami, Nico Robin, Rangiku Matsumoto, Android 18... and so many more." Aphrodite's eyes twinkled with excitement as she introduced herself to each of them, her voice soft yet commanding. "Ladies, I am Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, and I have come to invite you to a celebration—a celebration of beauty across our realms. Come with me, and let us show the gods and mortals alike what true beauty looks like."

The women, curious and intrigued by the allure of such an invitation, agreed. With another wave of her hand, Aphrodite transported them all to a massive chamber—a divine changing room filled with extravagant gowns, shimmering fabrics, and jewels that seemed to hold the light of the stars themselves.

"Today," Aphrodite said, her voice ringing with confidence, "we shall compete in a contest of beauty—goddesses, anime heroines, all of us. Let us show what it means to embrace our elegance, our confidence, and our power as women."

The changing room became a scene of laughter and excitement. Erza Scarlet picked out a stunning crimson dress, something that flowed with her every movement but still hinted at her strength. Nami and Nico Robin selected outfits that highlighted their adventurous spirits—Nami in a two-piece shimmering bikini with intricate gold designs, and Robin in an elegant black gown with lace details. Android 18, with her usual unbothered demeanor, chose something sleek and modern, a form-fitting silver dress that emphasized her grace and poise.

Aphrodite, ever the master of beauty, donned a divine silk dress that seemed to change color as she moved, like a sunset in motion. She admired the other women as they giggled and shared makeup, each of them radiating confidence and allure. They were goddesses in their own right, and Aphrodite loved every second of it.

The arena, a grand coliseum filled with divine architecture, was transformed into a paradise of charm and elegance. The audience consisted of gods, mortals, and mythical beings, all curious to witness the gathering of such dazzling beauties from across realms. The judging panel, comprising both mortal men and gods, sat eagerly in their seats. From Hades to Thor, from mere mortal poets to artists, they all waited to witness the spectacle.

The arena buzzed with energy as Aphrodite led the procession into the center. She was followed by a parade of the anime heroines, each more dazzling than the last. Their outfits were provocative, showing off their figures in a celebration of feminine power, yet they carried themselves with poise, an unspoken confidence that could rival any divine being.

Whistles and cheers erupted from the audience as Lucy Heartfilia twirled, her silver gown catching the light, and Rangiku Matsumoto winked playfully at the crowd, her dress accentuating her every curve. Hinata Hyuga, her shyness barely visible beneath her beautifully embroidered lavender dress, looked ethereal as her eyes, white as moonlight, scanned the awestruck crowd.

The goddesses Hera and Athena had joined in as well—Hera in a majestic royal blue gown, while Athena donned a stunning, high-slit golden dress that spoke of her warrior spirit while highlighting her divine beauty. For once, the gods and mortals alike sat as equals, caught up in the sheer wonder of the event.

Aphrodite addressed the crowd, her voice carrying the joy of the occasion. "Today, we celebrate beauty in all its forms—confidence, elegance, allure. It is a beauty that transcends realms and stories, a beauty that captivates both gods and mortals alike."

One by one, each participant took her turn to walk across the stage. Android 18's fierce expression contrasted wonderfully with the elegance of her silver dress, and she received roaring applause. Erza showed her warrior's spirit by wielding a massive sword in her evening gown, and the audience cheered at her boldness. Orihime Inoue from Bleach presented herself in an intricately detailed kimono, each delicate step exuding charm.

The goddesses did not hold back either—Athena, goddess of wisdom, showed her physical prowess by performing a powerful yet graceful routine with her spear, all while maintaining an effortless smile. Hera's regal aura demanded reverence, and even Aphrodite couldn't help but clap at her divine poise.

The crowd erupted into applause after each showcase, a celebration of feminine beauty and strength. As each woman presented herself, it was clear that this was no ordinary contest—there were no winners or losers here. This was a gathering of legends from different realms, all united under a banner of mutual admiration and joy.

Aphrodite watched the crowd's reactions with satisfaction. This was what she had wanted—a moment where all distinctions faded away. Mortal or god, anime character or deity, they were all equals in the appreciation of beauty. Here, in this grand arena, there was no Ragnarok, no looming threat—only laughter, joy, and camaraderie.

As the event drew to a close, Aphrodite took center stage once more, her voice filled with warmth. "We have seen the strength of warriors, but today, we have witnessed another power—the power of beauty, of unity, of joy. For today, we cast aside our titles, our origins, and celebrate together, for that is what makes existence so profoundly beautiful."

The crowd roared with approval, and Aphrodite turned to face her fellow participants—anime heroines and goddesses alike. They smiled back at her, their eyes twinkling with shared understanding. For once, they had all gathered not to prove their might, but to simply be, to express themselves in all their glory.

The celebration continued late into the night, the gods, mortals, and anime heroines mingling and dancing beneath the stars. Aphrodite watched as Thor awkwardly tried to engage Android 18 in conversation, while Goku laughed heartily with Rangiku. Even Zeus seemed relaxed, chatting with Nico Robin about her adventures.

In this fleeting moment, there was harmony—no battles, no hatred, no impending destruction. Just the pure, unfiltered enjoyment of life, beauty, and the ties that could be forged across realms.

Aphrodite smiled, content. This was what she had wanted—proof that even in times of uncertainty, joy could be found. And for today, that was enough.

Zeus, ever the competitive spirit, watched the beauty contest with an amused smile, a glint of excitement in his eyes. Aphrodite's event had been a resounding success, bringing together the loveliest women across realms, and the gods had reveled in the splendor of their beauty. However, Zeus had an idea brewing—an idea that involved turning the tables in a way that even Aphrodite wouldn't see coming.

He summoned Hermes, his loyal messenger, with a sly grin and gave him precise instructions. It was time for a counter-event—a spectacle that would feature the finest, the strongest, and the most attractive men from across realms. If Aphrodite could bring together the beauties, Zeus would assemble the paragons of masculine appeal.

With Hermes' lightning speed, the message spread across the anime realms and the heavens, and Zeus himself traveled through shimmering portals, extending invitations to each handpicked hero. He approached Naruto, the sage of Konoha, with his powerful frame and longer, wilder hair that gave him an aura of authority mixed with raw allure. Roronoa Zoro from One Piece agreed to participate, curious to see what the gods had in store. Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen, with his confident smile and mystique, was an easy invite. Even Hades, the dignified and intimidating god from Zeus' own pantheon, joined in, intrigued by the gathering of mortals and gods alike.

In no time, Zeus had gathered an ensemble of men with looks that could rival the divine themselves—each representing the pinnacle of masculinity in their own right, be it through charm, charisma, or raw power.

They gathered in an enormous changing room, one that mirrored the elegance and grandeur of Aphrodite's. Rich, dark-toned fabrics covered the walls, and silken garments hung from golden racks, each outfit tailored to suit the personality and strengths of the men present. There was a sense of excitement in the air, with all of these formidable warriors, shinobi, sorcerers, and gods preparing to showcase a different kind of power—the power of allure.

Naruto, now dressed in a sleek, form-fitting robe embroidered with golden flames, adjusted the collar as he looked at his reflection. His hair cascaded down his back, wild yet majestic, and his eyes held the depth of someone who had faced countless battles and come out stronger. Gojo adjusted his blindfold, opting for a perfectly tailored white suit that gave him an air of sophistication with a dash of playfulness.

Zoro, with his usual rough-edged charm, wore an open-chested formal kimono that allowed his muscular frame and battle scars to peek through. Hades, on the other hand, chose an all-black ensemble adorned with intricate silver embroidery, his long dark hair flowing freely, and his stern expression adding to his mysterious aura.

As they prepared, the men exchanged smirks and confident nods. This was no ordinary beauty show—it was a gathering of legends. Warriors who had faced gods, demons, and titans now stood united to represent the finest of the male spirit.

The arena, where the audience had previously gathered for the women, was transformed into a spectacle of grandeur. Rows of seating were now occupied by the goddesses, mortal women, and female warriors from across realms, their eyes wide with curiosity and excitement. There was laughter, giggling, and a sense of anticipation in the air as they waited to see the show that Zeus had promised.

As Zeus led the procession of men into the arena, the response from the crowd was immediate—a collective gasp, followed by excited chatter and applause. The women leaned forward, eager to take in the sight of such a grand gathering of attractive men.

Aphrodite, seated in the front row beside Hera and Athena, raised an intrigued brow, a smile playing at her lips. "Well, well, Zeus," she murmured, "you've certainly outdone yourself."

The men, each more dashing than the last, walked confidently into the center of the arena. Naruto moved with an aura of natural confidence, his sharp features making more than a few goddesses blush as he gave a charming smile. Gojo, with his signature blindfold, walked with a swagger that exuded playfulness, occasionally flashing his bright blue eyes to the audience, eliciting excited gasps. Zoro's muscular frame and scarred torso drew admiring glances, especially when he rested a hand casually on his katana, giving off the air of a rugged protector.

Hades, in all his dark majesty, stood tall, his presence commanding respect. The cold but elegant demeanor, combined with the aura of death that surrounded him, made him an object of fascination for many of the women. He gave a simple nod, his long black cloak swirling around him, a symbol of his otherworldly strength.

Each man stepped forward to showcase his own unique charm. Gojo, with his natural charisma, flashed a smile that could melt even the hardest of hearts, teasing the audience with a wave. "I may be the strongest sorcerer, but today, I'm here to show you that power and charm go hand in hand," he said, his voice playful and confident, drawing cheers and swooning sighs.

Naruto took the stage with his characteristic grin. "I never give up—whether it's in a battle or in making someone smile!" He gave a quick, flashy Rasengan for the audience, showing his power before offering a more subdued, heartfelt smile that spoke of his compassion and warmth.

Zoro, true to his nature, kept it straightforward. He unsheathed his swords for a moment, the glint of steel catching the light, and then relaxed with a grin that made more than a few women blush. "Strength isn't just about battle; it's about loyalty and protecting those you care for," he said, his gaze fierce but sincere.

The female audience watched, captivated. Hinata, her cheeks a delicate pink, whispered to Sakura, "Naruto-kun... he looks even more amazing." Sakura nodded in agreement, her eyes never leaving Naruto as he smiled brightly. Rangiku Matsumoto nudged Orihime, giving her a knowing smile as Hades gave an unexpectedly gentle wave. Even Erza Scarlet, usually composed, found herself giving an appreciative nod as she watched Zoro's confident stance.

Zeus, standing proudly at the side, addressed the audience, his booming voice filled with satisfaction. "Today, we present to you the strength, charm, and allure of men from across the realms. Be they gods, mortals, shinobi, or sorcerers, their greatness shines not just through power, but through their presence. Ladies, feast your eyes upon the finest that existence has to offer."

The crowd of women erupted in cheers and applause, their excitement palpable. There was laughter, giggles, and even a few blushes as the men continued to stand in the arena, exuding confidence and charm. The goddesses, mortals, and female warriors admired the spectacle, their admiration for the men unhidden, appreciating this rare moment of lightheartedness.

Aphrodite leaned back in her seat, a genuine smile on her lips as she watched Zeus orchestrate this grand event. She glanced at him, giving a playful nod. "I have to admit, Zeus, you've certainly brought forth a worthy response. Perhaps beauty truly lies in every aspect of existence, whether male or female."

Zeus grinned, winking at her. "Of course, my dear Aphrodite. There is beauty in strength, elegance, and even mischief. Today, we celebrate it all."

And so, the grand event became one of unity and celebration—a display not of rivalry, but of admiration and appreciation for beauty in all its forms. The goddesses and mortal women delighted in watching the men strut their charm, while the men themselves enjoyed the playful attention, their camaraderie growing stronger in the shared experience.

It was a day when gods, mortals, warriors, and legends came together to celebrate one simple truth—that beauty, strength, and allure could be found in every corner of existence, and that for today, there was no need for battle or division. There was only the joy of being alive, of being admired, and of admiring in return.

The festivities went on until the stars began to shine overhead, laughter and music echoing across the grand arena. The men and women mingled, danced, and enjoyed the festivities side by side. For one brief, shining moment, gods and mortals, heroines and heroes, stood as equals—united in celebration, in beauty, and in joy.