
Record Of Evolution

============== Mysterious energy called mana has come to the world. Causing the world grown in size and creating big earthquake that destroy a lot of contry in process. Because of it the old law no longer followed, the world became complete chaos But world not the only thing change. After succeed withstand and absorbing mana that flowing in the atmosphere all living being has evolve. Human has become stronger and awakaned ability to gain skill. Animal has become a vicous beast that much more stronger and more intellegent then before. Plant has gain self awarness and become bigger and terrfying. Harold Frandes is a 25 year old normal office worker. The day the world change he was going camping with his 2 litte brother in forest that have a lot animal and plant. Can he and his brother survive in forest full with evolve animal and plant and get out ?. ================ Earth in this novel not the same with the real one. ================ Cover is not mine. If the artist want me to take it out, u can tell me :) ================

ChrisTheSlacker_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Chapter 20 : Drifting Cloud Step (2)

1. Tier 0 Essence Stone (0/10)

2. Tier 1 Essence Stone (0/2)

3. Mana Core (0/5)


1. Tier 1 Elixir of Skill Upgrade (0/1).

Just thinking about is enough to give Harold helpless feeling because of lack information about the item they need to upgrade it.

"Alex give me the skill manual" Harold said as he strech his hand to Alex direction.

Hearing what he said, Alex close the skill manual and put it in his hand.

"So Harold what ee gonna do today ? are we gonna do some hunt or try out the skill manual to acquire the skill first ?" Alex asked

"Hmmm ... we already have enough food in the storage box, and curently we still not completely recovered from yesterday fight. I think we shoyld just try our the skill today, what you both think ?" Harold replies as he looking at the skill manual in his hand after receive it from Alex.

"I agree" Alex said

"Same here, i have no problem with that" Roy said.

"Great, i will be the one that read the manual first. After that you both can take turn" Harold said as he looking at both Alex and Roy.

At his word, Both Alex and Roy is nodded.

After corfirming their opinion, Harold immediatly opened the manual and start reading the insturction to remember it before hand the skill manual to his brothers.

After reading the instructur from the manual, Harold found the requirement and method of how to acquire Drifting Cloud Step skill.

First requirement is to creating a the base foundation for the skill, and that is to create something called skill core inside his body or more accurately in his soul.

From what he read inside the manual, Skill core is the most importent thing that he need to create before he want to acquire the skill.

The reason is quite simple. After all skill core is needed from anyone that want to active any skill that existed.

Skill core is used as a medium that stored the essences of the skill in from of unique energy, when some one want to active their skill. They need to release that uniqeu energy from the core and spreed it to their body for them to use.

He dicovered there 2 type of unique energy that skill core can store. First is the Passive energy essence, this one will actived immediatly and will immediatly start to spreed around the user body, after the skill core created.

It has no cost mana to the user at all, and even though its will actived after the skill core created. The user still can be actived or deactived as user want.

The second is Active energy essence, different then the passive one, this one will not actived and start to spreed to the user body automaticly when the skill core created.

The user need to circulate their mana to the skill core to coverted it to the skill unique energy essence before start to spreed it to their body so they can used it.

And it cost mana when actived depand on from how much strong the skill capability not like the passive energy essence.

Harold immediatly try to creating the skill core with the method he found inside the skill manual.

He immediatly start to circulate and moving his own mana inside his body just like the how the skill manual show him while reading some mantra inside his head.

Few memont after he start his prosses ti creating the Drifting Cloud Step skill core, he suddenly can feeling pressure inside him, and at the same time as he feel a sudden pressure, he can feel his mana is moving in some pattern inside him.

Inside his soul, the mana he just circulate to move in his body is starting tk take a shape of a ball.

As every second passed the the ball shaped mana inside his body that eill become his Skill core is get more volume and become more solid than before.

But at the same time that happen, the more the ball increased in volume and become solid, the pressure that he take is increase too at the same time. But Harold not stop what he doing conttinue to circulate his mana to move it to creating the skill core.

After 3 minute of struggle he finally succed to creating the Drifting Cloud Step skill core inside his body.

Harold immediatly let go his body falling to the ground and start to lie down with a heavy breath he looking at the sky.

For him that few minute of struggle is just really tiring, almost all his mana is gone to created the Drifting Cloud Step skill core making him feel drained

The pysichal and mental fatigute he got from trying to keep the mana he circulate to moving it to create the skill core is no joke either.

While taking a short break before continuing, Harold turn his head to look at how his brother doing.

He found them with their eyes close sit in the ground close to each other while struggling to creating the skill core inside their body.

He can see a lot of sweat is dripping down in their frowning face. But at the same time, they too not stop what they doing and continue ro circulate their mana.

After 1 minute passed, Alex is opened eyes with a heavy breath and Roy followed him after 1 minute later with the same situation as Alex.

"So how was it ? did you both succed of creating the skill core ?" Harold asked as he looked at both Alex and Roy direction.

"Haa ... Haaa .... Haaa . .. i .... i able to created it, Thanksfully" Alex said looking down while still panting.

"I .. i able too create it too, but damn that is just too much" Roy said as he fall to the ground and start to lie down.

"I see, i guess we all able to create the skill core. Lets just take some rest first before we continue to acquire the Driftinf Cloud Step skil"

Harold said as he taking out a wooden bucket filled with water from his storage box and immediatly drink it from the bucket before give it to his brother.