
Recollection System: Andromeda Saga

So in the end she betrayed him. No, she had planned it from the very beginning. Everything was a lie, an illusion, even her Class wasn't real. [Spirit Mage] my ass, she was an [Eldritch Warlock], similar powers, vastly different means of acquiring. I guess it really doesn't matter now since they are both dead. Now then, where am I? -------------------------------------- RS: AS Follows the story of a girl reincarnated with fragmented memories. Her past will haunt her as she discovers a new world, makes new friends, and encounters many challenges. This novel features a System, Reincarnation, A cast of unique characters as well as possible romantic interests, Slightly strong to very strong MC, and No Adult Content. (Only hinted at) Thank you for checking out my novel. This is the first time I have attempted to write something outside of a D&D Campaign story and I have spent a good amount of time studying and I hope to further improve my writing technique through experience and feedback. I hope you enjoy my novel and I hope we can have fun going on this adventure together! -Khaz

Khazmylar · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
66 Chs

More Troll Problems (Part 2)

Tendrils left a trail of slime as they caressed Ai's pale face, she had held herself away from the maw by grabbing the sides of its maw, but the slimy tendrils were slowly wrapping around her body, pulling her closer and closer to its toothy maw.

"S-s-s-s-sis! Help me please!" She tried to scream, but the fear choked her, turning her scream into a squeak, and she was forced to stop trying to scream when one of the tendrils attempted to invade her mouth.


Like a miracle, Freyr landed between Ai and the abominations head, creating a powerful explosion that sent Ai and the head flying in different directions, ripping the still clinging tentacles from its main body.

Ai looked down at the still-wriggling tentacles wrapped around her limbs and body and let out a high pitched scream as she pulled the tentacle off, throwing them as far as she could.

Amari appeared in front of the head as new tentacles started to form as she sent out a powerful stone punch, sending the head flying into a tree. "Sis, you ok?" She turned to see Ai curled up in a ball in the mud.

"Shit, just stay right there, big sis'll keep you safe." Freyr flew into her hand as she leaped toward the head that was now growing a body made of intertwining tentacles. "Fuck you're ugly." She said as she swung her sword through it's maw, she flicked her wrist as the blade cut halfway through, causing a powerful shockwave to explode outwards, sending large chunks of the creature across the island.

A tentacle wrapped around her leg as she quickly slashed it off, blurring up into a nearby tree. She watched as the head began to pull itself together and, to her horror, the other body pieces that the had burnt had started to crawl towards the head with their own tentacles.

"Fuck this. Oi, sis! I think it's time to turn this place into a crater! Whadya think?" She turned to Ai, who was still curled up in a ball, trembling.

Amari blurred next to her and picked her up into a princess carry. Looking down at her, Ai's eyes looked like they had no life, she seemed to have completely disconnected from the real world.

"Tch." Amari clicked her tongue and looked at the abomination that was slowly pulling itself together, its body mass increased exponentially with each piece of the original flesh that combined with the mass of tentacles and teeth.

"C'mon sis, let's go back to the ship and blow this place to hell." Amari blurred further away in the direction of the Leviathan and dashed out of the marsh, using the trees to propel herself forward.

Finally reaching the edge of the swamp, she saw the ship just a short distance away from the bank, she jumped from rock to rock until the vessel was in range of her [Flash Step], she blurred away and reappeared just above the ship, landing on the deck.

"Oi, Cidney! Got any smelling salts? Sis is in shock and needs a wake-up call."

Cidney looked over at Amari, surprised that she appeared out of nowhere. "Ah, yeah Ami, someone should have some." She responded as she turned to her crew scattered about the ship, looking with the same surprise at Amari's sudden appearance. "BOYS!" She yelled out. "SMELLING SALTS! NOW!"

One of the crew members towards the bow ran up and grabbed a small pouch hanging from his belt, tossing it towards Cidney. "Here." She tossed the pouch to Amari.

"Alright sis, this is gonna stink, but you'll feel better after blowing shit up." She said as she opened the pouch and held it up to Ai's nose.

Life returned to her eyes immediately as she began violently gagging and coughing. "What the fuck, sis!? You trying to kill me!?" She yelled out before remembering the traumatizing experience she just went through.

In a panic she looked down at her body, searching for any tentacles, then breathed a sigh of relief when she realized she was safe.

"Oi, sis, that thing is still growing out there, you've been wanting to blow some shit up, right? Well now's your chance."

Any sign of fear in her face instantly melted away to be replaced with a look of sadistic joy. "Finally~" She said as she turned towards the swamp. "Time to put that bastard down for good."

"Sis, I'm going all out, I will pass out from this. Cidney, you are gonna want to start moving the ship now." Ai's sadistic grin never dropped once as she instructed Amari and Cidney. Cidney gave her a look of confusion but nodded her head as she blurred away to the helm.

"We're moving out, boys! Raise the Killick!" She shouted and the Leviathan immediately began to move as the anchor was brought back up to the ship.

Ai blinked up to the bowsprit once again as she summoned the massive ballistae that nearly covered the entire ship in length. Once the rear of the ship was lined up with her target, Ai began to cast her enhancements.

"This~ is~ gonna~ be~ beautiful~ [Accelerate] [Empower]!" Large purple and red circles appeared at the tip of the spear as she poured every single drop of mana into the spell.

The ballistae launched forward and completely disappeared the moment it touched the enhancement circles, and then...


Blinding white light completely engulfed the area as the ear-splitting explosion shook the earth for many miles around, quakes would surely be felt from Lockwood and Rubar, and any other towns and cities nearby.

As the light finally died down, a large pillar of dirt and dust could be seen covering at least a mile from the initial explosion, even part of the river behind the Leviathan was completely vaporized and the vessel itself was blown airborne above the raging waters below.

Amari looked towards the bowsprit and noticed Ai was no longer there, she yelled out for her sister but that all that could be heard by everyone was the painful ringing in their ears, realizing that she likely fell off after casting the spell, she jumped off of the ship, falling down to the distant river below.

She looked around panicked, and finally, she spotted Ai falling into the waters below. Summoning a series of circles beneath her feet, she constantly blurred towards where Ai had submerged and dived into the water the moment she was close enough. She searched through the blinding, powerful currents and couldn't see her.

She blurred forth through the currents, only stopping to check for her sister before moving further downstream. She finally saw Ai, but her heart stopped when she saw red flowing into the water as Ai was impaled by a jagged rock.

Amari blurred next to Ai, stomping down on the rock that had impaled her, snapping her loose, she grabbed her sister and swam as fast as her legs could take her until her head broke the river's surface. She blurred up to the bank which had risen due to the increased pressure.

Looking around in a panic, she saw the Leviathan fast approaching and launched them both into the air, activating [Flash Step] the moment the ship was in range. She appeared on the deck, tears streaming down her face as she yelled out for help, but once again, no sound could be heard.

She stomped down on the deck, shaking the entire vessel as Cidney finally looked towards her, her eyes now open in shock seeing the rock sticking out of Ai's chest. She gestured for Amari to follow as they went below deck.