
Reborn with my smartphone

Well first of all please read the auxiliary chapter it will give you some insight to the story I'm trying to produce. Now to the synopsis: A young man gets killed and sees God. God planned for him to be isekai'd with some wishes to spice things up. Wishes granted he will start a new life in the same world? God screwed up... Big time... Apparently he pressed the wrong button and sent him back to his original world. Now with our protagonist back on earth what will he do with his newly gained powers.

2am_no_sleep · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Never underestimate the power a girl's punch

(AN: yes it's an author's note at the beginning of a bloody chapter amazing, why am I typing this? well I'm going to experiment some more with this chapter mainly switching from third person pov to first person pov, if this doesn't work then I might stick to one or another but if it does huzzah though I need to know about your (the readers) opinions anyways to the story.)

I will be using [] for thinking like [this]


(MC pov)

"well I hope you have a good next life" said God as he pressed a button

As soon as he pressed the button I (conveniently) blinked and the next thing I knew I was back where I stood previously. Wait a minute aren't I supposed to be isekai'd to another world where I get overpowered and have a harem full of beautiful ladies? Why am I here back on earth? What happened to the new life I chose? God dammit God you just had to give me hope of a new life and put me back here.

Sigh, welp I guess it's back to slowing killing myself then.


What was that?

I turned and looked around only to find a girl with black hair wearing white skirt laying face first flat on the asphalt road.

"urm, are you ok?" I was curious as to why there was suddenly a girl lying on the ground. "do you need any help?"

Hmm she doesn't seem to be conscious right now and as much as I just wanted to leave her alone on the streets, my conscience wouldn't allow me to do so. So reluctantly I tried to pick up her body but it didn't seem to budge. How in the world does a girl like her weigh so much?

It didn't make any sense how can a girl who looked no taller than 160 centimeters weigh so much? Last time I checked I still could deadlift 60 kilograms did I really get that weak after 2 months of not exercising. Damn I really should work out sometimes this is making my pride take a hit.

As I was still trying to find ways to lift the girl off the floor I heard another groan come from her. It seems she's finally gaining consciousness.

"Hey you" I said "You're finally awake, you were laying flat on the asphalt are you ok?"

"uh... huh, huh why is everything so big?" she said [why is this human giving me a hand?]

"Urm hello?" I asked again "are you injured or anything?"

"Why is there such a huge human? last time I checked humans aren't supposed to tower over trucks." she asked "unless you're a giant which then makes sense but giants aren't supposed to exist..."

I looked at her with a confused look, trucks, giants, things looking big. What was she off about? As I continued to give her a confused look as she mumbled to herself I started to think... Why was there a girl that weighed like an elephant lying on the ground? Things didn't make sense I was returned to my original spot, the time of day was about the same as when the truck hit me....hit me...hit me... that's right I wished for truck-kun or should I say truck-chan to be my companion.

As I had a revelation as to who this girl might be she suddenly said "Hey aren't you the guy I was sent to kill?"

A shiver went down my spine as she said that, I had forgotten that her main goal was to kill me. I panicked and told her "No no no no, you're mistaken I'm not the one you're sent here to kill, no not at all" as I sweated nervously.

"Don't you even try to lie, you bastard" she said as she stood up with a murderous aura surrounding her "I remember that recognizable, averagely average looking face, so average that it can be considered unique".

With each "average" coming out from her mouth I felt a stab in his chest and heart. I had considered my looks to be slightly above average but with those words that were spoken in her sentence his soul took massive damage.

Coughing out my imaginary blood I recomposed myself with my weakened spirit and locked eyes with her only to nearly piss myself with the gaze she was giving me. [Holy shit she's actually going to kill me, fuck I'm so dead wait but she's just a small girl now would a punch really hurt?].

Narrator: Famous last words of our Main character here

huh what was that... I could have sworn I heard something about the last words of a character. But as I focused back at the truck-chan I saw her swinging her fist and instinctively tried to dodge her punch. But I reacted too slow and a blow landed on my arm. As her first made contact it was heavy, unusually so, it felt as if a truck was hitting me.

Narrator: it was at this moment he knew he f*cked up

Unable to pay attention to what the voice was saying I felt a sharp pain rising on my side as I heard cracks ring through the air. The next thing I knew I was flung through the air, crashing into a tree then landing on my bin. I couldn't even react, there was intense pain coursing through my body from my arm to my back. I couldn't even feel my arm, it was so painful it was numb and it dangled and bent in ways that it shouldn't; that punch had completely crushed all my bones to pieces.

For the second time in my life I was fearing death, the first being the time I tried to take my own life. But this time I couldn't stop it, this is what I wanted right? Death, the sweet release of it being free with no more burdens... right? But my body wanted to stay alive, it shuddered and shivered. My heart started to beat faster and faster, it wanted to live, it didn't want to die... I didn't want to die.

So as I saw her rushing in or the killing blow I inhaled through my pain and I screamed "Somebody please help, anyone!!!! There's someone trying to kill me!!!!!!". My cry of survival had drawn the attention of people from their homes and out their door, but before they came out truck-chan said "I'll be back to finish the job"

As she ran away and people started to come to my help I blanked out before hearing the words call the ambulance.

Ya I tried to make it as good as I can, didn't turn out as long as I expected it to be and took a too long of a time to finally write it

I'm a novice and bad writer as you can clearly see and it took me three tries to get this somewhat decent. Anyways hope you enjoyed.

2am_no_sleepcreators' thoughts