


Well honestly just an somewhat edgy person who's probably failing school, his parents and well just about everything except for My innate talent to waste Food and Oxygen. : D

2020-08-22 UnidoGlobal

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  • 2am_no_sleep

    but gandiva???

    No Noble Phantasm Drako had surpassed Rank A, except Laevatein's sealed attack, Rank EX. That said, a lot about the power of this Noble Phantasm by Rider, not to mention that he had an even more powerful one.
    Reincarnated as a dragon egg in DxD with a Fate System!
    Anime e quadrinhos · GreatSage_Master1
  • 2am_no_sleep
    Respondeu a MagnuS

    maybe he can make a martial arts called do-nut. just an idea maybe

    > Hire a bodyguard from Shen Society? Train in martial arts for his own self defense?
    My CEO Harem Cultivation System
    Urbano · RachelRuth
  • 2am_no_sleep
    Respondeu a MagnuS

    hmm probably unpopular opinion but I think full contact martial arts would suit him better. he seems to be the type to really be in control therefore combat styles regarding being up close and personal seems like something he would learn.

    > Hire a bodyguard from Shen Society? Train in martial arts for his own self defense?
    My CEO Harem Cultivation System
    Urbano · RachelRuth
  • 2am_no_sleep
    Respondeu a QuestionableReadin

    keep your friends close but your enemies closer -sun tzu the art of war

    He took out a small wooden chest from within his robes and opened it, retrieving what looked like a dark blue marble from within before summoning a knife from his storage ring.
    What do you mean my cute disciples are Yanderes?
    Fantasia · Draekai
  • 2am_no_sleep
    Respondeu a itsanime_Btw

    you fool you fell into my trap, because of the "corruption of minors" defacto rule she has to wait until she is 16 before she can give consent. and even if you play the "sincere relationship" card, i shall counter with "parents consent" card this card stops the child from giving consent and you have to impress the parents to proceed. not only that but if you wish to try and take her to bed even with her consent, the parents will immediately beat the christ out of you and send you to jail for "statutory r*pe"

    "Hello I'm Onodera Haru nice to meet you Sano-san." Haru said with a light blush on her face. 'What a handsome looking Onii-san.'
    H Mission Commencing!!
    Anime e quadrinhos · Kahel
  • 2am_no_sleep

    is the panda a tsundere???

    "...it's not just tonight, idiot!"
    My CEO Harem Cultivation System
    Urbano · RachelRuth
  • 2am_no_sleep
    Respondeu a FBI_Field_Agent

    this image just radiates pain peko

    All Might on the other end couldn't help but feel some sort of premonition, but deciding that it was just his body acting up, ignored it. "Well, I'll give a call to someone there so that you can at least have someone to guide you around. She's the daughter of a good friend of mine."
    Reborn as Saitama in MHA
    Anime e quadrinhos · Suploly
  • 2am_no_sleep
    Respondeu a DungeonMan25

    they say everything is part of gods plan so now how do you explain this

    Hiroto: I get to feel special
    Reborn as Saitama in MHA
    Anime e quadrinhos · Suploly
  • 2am_no_sleep
    Respondeu a Draconic_Terror_gn

    wouldn't say tsundere, but she seems the type to beat you up if you mess up her plan or her fun. although she also seems like a glass cannon type, 90 attack, 0 defence. which pairs quite well with hiroto's defence of a whopping 91 and 1 attack. (that 1 attack are the times where he absent mindedly throws some complements that makes her blush or something)

    "W-Well, enough about that! Anything new lately?" Rumi said, shifting the topic immediately.
    Reborn as Saitama in MHA
    Anime e quadrinhos · Suploly
  • 2am_no_sleep
    Respondeu a CIiff_Hanger

    although I do agree on this point, the thing I'd like to point out is about the relation between all might, hiroto and midoriya and the rest of the class. the relationship between midoriya, hiroto and all might is that of tutor and guardian. and in a lot of cases if you are close to someone you would show them favouritism, yes you can consciously try not to but subconsciously you want the best for them hence the favouritism. also if I sound like a jackass or a smartass or a captain obvious while reading this my apologies I do not mean for it to come across this way.

    "You'll go with those two separately from us at the start, but once we reach I-Island, I'll send you a message so that we can meet up before going to meet my friend. We don't want too many people knowing that I'm favouring you two over the others, it would draw more attention than necessary." All Might explained.
    Reborn as Saitama in MHA
    Anime e quadrinhos · Suploly
  • 2am_no_sleep

    I now understand why the chapter is called killers on the loose cause the assassin is going to have 6 people tracking him down trying to kill him.

    Ch 374 Killers On The Loose
    What do you mean my cute disciples are Yanderes?
    Fantasia · Draekai
  • 2am_no_sleep

    well uhh despite knowing full well how strong the girls are and how devoted they are to master, I doubt even with all of them attacking at once can bring Sophia down to one knee, of course maybe they could lock her in place for a second only to have our dragon loli shoot her death beam at her but seeing how master lin said it reminded him of his fight with lilith, even if Sophia was only 1/10th of liliths power, she would be able to either escape last minute or block majority of the damage. but this is assuming she doesn't immediately try and kil- i mean subdue them cause she wouldn't want to make master angry or sad. well anyways tldr didn't read she's stronger than all of them combined

    Why is she looking at us like that? Why are you so close to Master, you harlot? Do you want me to rip your eyeballs out?! I WILL TEAR YOU FROM LIMB TO LIMB IF YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT TAKING MASTER AWAY FROM US!!
    What do you mean my cute disciples are Yanderes?
    Fantasia · Draekai
  • 2am_no_sleep
    Respondeu a VitaVitaVita

    emerald splash is the ultimate move, what do you mean

    Perfect plan, even if I say so myself.
    What do you mean my cute disciples are Yanderes?
    Fantasia · Draekai
  • 2am_no_sleep
    Respondeu a SoftScratch

    and see Jimmy that's just life and how it is

    Don't Wanna
    Death... and me
    Fantasia · Suiyan
  • 2am_no_sleep

    wait did she just create a lightsaber? masters gonna teach her the force isn't he...

    Elaria materialised a rod shaped object with a flared end, flipping a switch that made it shine light out of one end.
    What do you mean my cute disciples are Yanderes?
    Fantasia · Draekai
  • 2am_no_sleep
    Respondeu a Ryofu

    aight its illegal to not share the sauce after sharing that image, I demand the sauce.

    Ch 39 Day's of Relaxation
    Reborn as Saitama in MHA
    Anime e quadrinhos · Suploly
  • 2am_no_sleep

    I don't know what kind of standard you put your writing up to but for me drunk writing is the best as you can just pull out all stops and just write. usually ends up being horrible but usually fun to read.

    [Authors Note: God I'm now sober and just read what I wrote, FML, it was a lot worse than what you're seeing, but let's just keep it at that. I still kept some parts drunk me wrote, try to spot them.]
    Reborn as Saitama in MHA
    Anime e quadrinhos · Suploly
  • 2am_no_sleep

    when your own creation surpasses you and stops you the author from writing... kek

    But then- *slap* God, "No, let him enjoy his hotpot for once, you monster."
    Reborn as Saitama in MHA
    Anime e quadrinhos · Suploly
  • 2am_no_sleep

    welp since this is a fanfic I hope geno- i mean todoroki gets a power up or learns something like compact ice or different temperatures of heat or somethin

    "If I can perfect this, I may be one step closer to him.' Todoroki thought, scribbling away in his book under the confused gazes of Izuku and Iida.
    Reborn as Saitama in MHA
    Anime e quadrinhos · Suploly
  • 2am_no_sleep
    Respondeu a Tezmaster

    well it was a physical thing but then god changed it into a quirk, but chances are if all for one did try and take it he either fail or explode from the power

    Gimme dat quirk
    Reborn as Saitama in MHA
    Anime e quadrinhos · Suploly