

“Haha, do you believe that I would have affection for a woman such as yourself? Furthermore, could you possibly think that I would enter into matrimony with a lady of rural upbringing? It is evident that you do not align with my preferences, you foolish individual." Hwang Yu-Jin expressed in an exasperated manner. "Indeed, can you honestly believe that you are deserving of being Yu-Jin's fiancée, let alone his wife? He has never harbored any love for you. You are merely an inexperienced girl from the countryside trying to take everything away from me." Song-Ae-cha declared, delivering a forceful kick to Song-Chae-yeong's abdomen with her shoe, causing her to painfully cough up a mouthful of blood. Song-Chae-yeong gazed at the man she had adored for as long as she could remember, accompanied by her trusted step sister. To her utter dismay, they both proved disloyal and treacherously turned against her. Rivulets of scorching tears cascaded down her exquisite, blood-stained countenance, as she lay motionless upon the elevated shoreline of the majestic lake, consumed by agony and sorrow. "Let us not squander precious time in this location, lest we attract unwanted attention and arouse suspicion," Yu-jin cautioned, his gaze fixed upon the lifeless form of Song-Chae-yeong, firmly grasping Song-Ae-cha's waist. "Very well, proceed to dispose of her in the sea and relinquish her to the marine life," Ae-cha uttered maliciously as Yu-Jin stepped away from her side and proceeded to drag Chae-yeong's lifeless body, who was barely breathing, and cast her into the sea from a great height. "Let us depart, my dear," Ae-cha declared whilst forcefully pulling Yu-Jin's arm, and together they turned their backs, walking away without glancing back. "Excuse me, awaken and cease your snoring resembling that of a swine," Song-Chae-yeong heard a voice as she sluggishly opened her eyes and surveyed her surroundings, realizing she was in a classroom. "What just happened?" ...She didn't know but it was so real. "How long has she slept to see all this while sleeping" she thought, wiping her face with her small soft palm hand. "What I definitely see isn't a joke, it's something about my past life, God loves me to return me back to life and set all things right, things repeat itself if care is not taken and I will make sure it never happened again and revenge and pay back 100 times with whoever ever hurts me and my loved ones in my past life." grab your popcorn and find out how she managed to survive. she lose? or win? each chapters shall let us know what happened and how she ends her life. let’s go and give it a shot.

Rikky_Joy · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
134 Chs


"Okay deal." Joo Won said, smiling cutely.

"Okay then, good night." Chae Yeong said and yawned tiredly.

Joo Won nodded and left her room to his. Chae Yeong stood up from the bed and locked her room before going back to the bed and lying down.

She yawned again closed her eyes and drifted to dreamland.

The Next day….

Chae Yeong woke up to the sound of her phone.

She yawned and stood up from the bed to her study space spot in the large room.

She sat on the chair and opened her system. Likewise, she started typing, and then a notification popped in, she clicked on the notification and a satisfied smile formed her lips.

Furthermore, she saw a post from a popular company that deals with hacking and coding. The company's team name was called Spirit World of Hackers. They had been trying to hack an account and gain access to the account that had been disturbing their site, and it was really hard for them to gain access to the unknown account. This unknown account had been hacking into their site and caused much damage to their work. Even though they're one of the best hackers in the world, they still couldn't do anything about this. They thought they could find help if they posted it on the site, maybe someone better and more experienced expert who knows more than them could help and fortunately for them, they received a notification from an unknown account that could help. However, they just want to give it a try and give the unknown messenger who commented on their post that said he could help. They also stated on the post that if anyone could do the work, they were going to pay $500,000 for the work. Chae Yeong saw the post on the website and commented that she could help.

So she received a direct message from the page named Spirit World of Hacker.

That says in the direct message that, they would give her a chance to try the task, and once the work is done, the money would be transferred to her bank account.

They dropped some information she would need to have an idea of what she would do about the task given to her.

Chae Yeong accepted the task and quickly started to work on her system, typing and moving her mouse. She focused on her work and typed like an expert. In some minutes, she was done and the task given to her was successful.

She clicked on her private chat and message the pager and typed,

"work done. Check it, this is the information details on the account that had been disturbing your company. The team from the company is called SMART BRAIN HACKING WORLD. They are the best and top-ranked hackers in hacking, you know that and heard of them, right? That was why it was hard for your company to handle them." Chae Yeong typed the message and sent it.

The Page sender replied after some minutes of checking the work Chae Yeong had done.

Chae Yeong received a reply from them that said, "Oh my God, you did it. Which company do you work for? Can you join our team? Please, we really need someone so good as you on our team, and our company will treat you well."

Chae Yeong smiled and typed "No, thank you, I appreciate your company offer, but I'm good, but if you have any task to give me, you could message me directly, and I shall do my best to help in any way." She typed the message and clicked send.

"Okay, thank you so much. It's our pleasure to get some help from the world's best hacker like you." Chae Yeong received a reply from the sender again.

With no delays, Chae Yeong received an alert of


She was so happy when she saw the alert, she smiled and said to herself," This is so much."

She finished typing and replied to a few messages from the person she met on Webo who wanted to start working with her, and their conversation was about meeting next week.

" Like I told you, I can only start to trust you when we meet." Chae Yeong typed and sent.

She received a quick reply again from the person, that says;

"Okay, boss."

"I'll get back to you later. I've got to go now." She typed again and shut the system.

She stood up from the chair and stretched her tiny little body tiredly.

Likewise, she walked to the bathroom and quickly took her bath.

She finished her bathing and wiped her dripping body from the bathroom with the towel she wrapped around her chest.

She creamed her body with her lotion, used some skincare oil, and chose to wear a white short gown that was hung neatly in her closet. Then combed her long hair down to her waist.

A knock came on the door.

She walked to the door and opened the door and revealed a maid who knocked at the door. The maid greeted her with a slight bow.

"Good morning, young miss." The maid said and greeted.

"Morning." Chae Yeong responded.

"You have a special guest waiting for you downstairs, please do come down quickly to see your guest." The maid delivered the message to her and left.

" Guest? Who could that be." Chae Yeong thought.

And suddenly, her eyes lit up like she remembered something.

"Oh my God, it is almost time Lee Min Ho would come around to pick me up…. Or could it be the visitor waiting down the stairs was him? No, it can't be him, right? He wouldn't dare to lower himself to the level of entering our Song's family." Chae Yeong muttered to herself silently and walked to the bed. She picked up the bag she prepared to carry along with her to the Lee family villa. The bag contained whatever she would use to start old Madam Lee's treatments. She carried the handbag and left her room.

She strolled down the stairs to the large sitting and spotted Lee Min Ho, who was sitting on the sofa. He was his legs with his usual strong powerful, cold, arrogant, and elegant aura that could judge him that he's not an ordinary simple man.

Chae Yeong was surprised but frowned. She walked fully to the sitting room. Everyone was present. Grandma and Grandpa's faces were full of questioning looks that interpreted "what's going on between Chae Yeong and Min Ho." her dad's face was full of confusion, Dal Rae and Ae Cha's expressions were full of surprises that covered confusion, and the jealousy in their face. Joo won expressions were usual, Calm, and cold.

She walked to Lee Min Ho and frowned before she opened her mouth and said something.

"What is seventh, young master, came in to do here." She said, not smiling.

" Oh, is it bad to give my wife surprises and come in to see my in-laws?" Lee Min Ho said sarcastically, with a hint of joke in his voice.


Everyone in the sitting room was shocked to hear that.

"Wife? What do you mean by that young master of the Lee families." Chae Yeong's father said with a hint of respect in his tone while he spoke.

Lee Min Ho wanted to talk again, but Chae Yeong stopped him and quickly talked before him.

"Don't mind him, he's such a joker." She rushed her words and glared hard at Lee Min Ho.

Lee Min Ho chuckled lightly and winked at her.

Chae Yeong was so mad at him, but she needed to clean up the mess he caused now in front of her family.

"It is true seventh master is joking." Chae Yeong's father asked calmly with a smile.

Lee Min Ho took a quick glance at the angry Chae Yeong and he opened his mouth and said something.

"Yes, that was a joke. Chae Yeong is just a friend of my grandma. My grandma asked me to come pick her up for her." Lee Min Ho said, but his voice was cold and chill like ice, which would make anyone who heard the voice tremble in fear.

His face was back to his usual normal cold face.

Chae Yeong wanted to say something, but she was at a loss for words. Her eyes were dark and fuming in anger.

"Oh good." Chae Yeong's father said and gave old Madam Song a look.

Old Madam Song understood the face and nodded her head.

"So our A yeong is a friend to old madam Lee, that must be where she was yesterday that I called her when she left her party right." Old Madam Song asked.

" Yes, grandma. We'll get going now. Like you heard him say earlier, he came to pick me up for Grandma Lee. It wouldn't be nice if we keep him waiting and questioning him, so we should be on our way now." Chae Yeong said rushing the words in her mouth.

"Okay, be back on time." Old Madam Song said with a little smile.

Dal Rae's and Ae Cha's hearts were full of jealousy and anger.

"Why must it be her again, how did she become a friend with the Lee's family? Even the whole popular seventh young master of the Lee family came to pick her up. Or is there anything between them?, that can't be, he's not even interested in women and Chae Yeong can't be his taste. But this should be me. Why is she so lucky to be friends with the Lee family." Ae Cha thought. Her heart was so heavy with jealousy.

"Let's get going, young master." Chae Yeong said with a fake respectful smile.

" Oh, sis, can I follow you?" Ae Cha said with a pleading innocent look.

Chae Yeong sneered and rolled her eyes.

Lee Min Ho saw this and decided to say something instead. "No, she's only invited, not someone like you." Lee Min Ho said coldly, his voice was cold and not friendly.

Ae Cha was so embarrassed, she was so jealous and angry at the same time. She looked up at her dad's face and blinked her innocent pretty eyes, but Tae Hyundai couldn't say anything.

Joo Won chuckled loudly, who had been silent The Whole talk. He walked to Chae Yeong and said, "When you get back, you need to explain yourself to me." He said softly, lowering his voice. Likewise, he took a quick glance at Lee Min Ho before walking out of the large sitting room.

Lee Min Ho frowned. "Why did this punk give me that look." He thought jealously.

Dal Rae was surprised to see the twin's closeness.

" When do they become friendly to each other." She thought and felt sad.

"Seems things are not falling the way I have thought. I need to do something before this little bitch becomes powerful, or else things would be difficult for me and challenging to bring these twins down." Dal Rae thought, feeling so angry.

"Let's go." Chae Yeong said and left with Lee Min Ho.

Assistant Myung greeted Chae Yeong when he saw her coming with his boss.

"Good morning, Miss Yeong." He greeted.

"Good morning, assistant Myung." She greeted back.

They got in the car and were driven straight to the Lee family's villa.

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