

“Haha, do you believe that I would have affection for a woman such as yourself? Furthermore, could you possibly think that I would enter into matrimony with a lady of rural upbringing? It is evident that you do not align with my preferences, you foolish individual." Hwang Yu-Jin expressed in an exasperated manner. "Indeed, can you honestly believe that you are deserving of being Yu-Jin's fiancée, let alone his wife? He has never harbored any love for you. You are merely an inexperienced girl from the countryside trying to take everything away from me." Song-Ae-cha declared, delivering a forceful kick to Song-Chae-yeong's abdomen with her shoe, causing her to painfully cough up a mouthful of blood. Song-Chae-yeong gazed at the man she had adored for as long as she could remember, accompanied by her trusted step sister. To her utter dismay, they both proved disloyal and treacherously turned against her. Rivulets of scorching tears cascaded down her exquisite, blood-stained countenance, as she lay motionless upon the elevated shoreline of the majestic lake, consumed by agony and sorrow. "Let us not squander precious time in this location, lest we attract unwanted attention and arouse suspicion," Yu-jin cautioned, his gaze fixed upon the lifeless form of Song-Chae-yeong, firmly grasping Song-Ae-cha's waist. "Very well, proceed to dispose of her in the sea and relinquish her to the marine life," Ae-cha uttered maliciously as Yu-Jin stepped away from her side and proceeded to drag Chae-yeong's lifeless body, who was barely breathing, and cast her into the sea from a great height. "Let us depart, my dear," Ae-cha declared whilst forcefully pulling Yu-Jin's arm, and together they turned their backs, walking away without glancing back. "Excuse me, awaken and cease your snoring resembling that of a swine," Song-Chae-yeong heard a voice as she sluggishly opened her eyes and surveyed her surroundings, realizing she was in a classroom. "What just happened?" ...She didn't know but it was so real. "How long has she slept to see all this while sleeping" she thought, wiping her face with her small soft palm hand. "What I definitely see isn't a joke, it's something about my past life, God loves me to return me back to life and set all things right, things repeat itself if care is not taken and I will make sure it never happened again and revenge and pay back 100 times with whoever ever hurts me and my loved ones in my past life." grab your popcorn and find out how she managed to survive. she lose? or win? each chapters shall let us know what happened and how she ends her life. let’s go and give it a shot.

Rikky_Joy · Urban
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135 Chs

Let’s Make a bet

"You just have to keep calm, don't worry about getting angry or jealous of this little treatment they're giving her. All I want you to do is keep acting and destroy her secretly." Dal Rae said lecturing her daughter wrongly.

"Okay, Mom, I just can't wait to ruin her and send her to meet her mom in heaven along with her brother." Ae Cha said and clenched her fist, fuming with her anger.

"Shh, we'll teach her a lesson together. She will die a painful death with her brother, just wait and watch." Dal Rae said devilishly.

" Okay, mom. I trust you." Ae Cha said, smiling happily as she felt relieved by her mom's sweet talks, comforting her.

"That's my lovely daughter. Sleep tight." Dal Rae said and lay Ae Cha to bed before leaving the room, closing the door behind.

Chae Yeong strolled up to her room up the stairs and locked her door after talking and acting cute to her grandparents. She walked to her study space in the large room and sat down on the chair.

She opened her laptop and quickly worked on the computer for almost two hours before shutting down the system.

Furthermore, she stood up and walked to the bathroom after she was done typing on her system.

Likewise, she took a quick shower and came out of the bathroom with water dripping off her hair. Furthermore, she dried her hair with the hair dryer and changed into a comfortable pajama. Then a knock came on the door.

She stood up, walked towards the door, and opened it.

She checked who was there and found out it was her twin brother.

Likewise, she was surprised to see him, though, but she let him in.

" Why are you here?" She asked, walking to her bed and sat down on her soft bed.

"I don't know. I just wanted to talk to you for a while." Song Joo Won said with his cold voice.

Chae Yeong raised her brows, questioning (?)

"What do you want to talk about, my cold twins' brother." Chae Yeong said sarcastically.

"I'm not cold, I'm just still mad at you." Joo Won said, pouting his lips childishly, looking cute and funny.

(^. ^)

Chae Yeong's eyes almost popped out of her eyes sockets. "I didn't offend you, so why mad at me." She said, raising her brows cutely in a funny way.

Joo Won chuckled lightly.

"Why did you leave me those years? Why did mom don't take me with you? Why did you blame me that I caused Mom's death?"

" Why did Mom leave me while I cried every day to meet Mom and you." Joo Won questioned Chae Yeong softly, but his voice was down and sad.

Chae Yeong smiled and looked up at his twin bro and opened her mouth to say something.

"Mom and I never left you. Mom took me away, while Dad refused to let her take you with us. She took me to her younger sister In puja and left the town that day to come take you no matter what, even when dad refused and didn't want her to take you. But two days after she left the town of Puja for Seoul, the news I received about Mom was her death. They killed Mom, I know they killed Mom. They lied it was a car accident, but mom left Puja that day, but the news said she got into an accident and lost her life on her way to Seoul after two days of her leave from Puja. Which means she didn't reach Seoul like she was kidnapped for two days before her death. If not, how could she get into a car accident after two days she left Puja? Dad never investigated the matter of mom's death and didn't care to know, because of that woman. I never blamed you. She's trying to brainwash you, so you would hate me and Mom." Chae Yeong said with tears, trying to hide them from Joo Won.

Joo Won walked to Chae Yeong and sat down beside her on the bed and pulled her to him, comforting her.

They looked like real siblings.

"It's okay. I'm sorry, I thought so much and believed her words. I didn't want to, but I didn't see you and Mom, so I chose to believe her lies. She lied and said to me, you caused Mom's death, but you pushed the blame on me and the family, and you refused to come back. I believed in everything she said. I'm sorry." Joo Won said softly as he hugged his sister.

" It's okay, I know everything and she will pay ten times all that she did. And if she ever touched my loved ones, she would be to pay double times and regret it for the rest of her life." Chae Yeong said coldly as she disengaged from the hug with her brother.

Joo Won shivered and looked at his sister but chuckled.

"Are you even a girl? Why is your voice so cold and chill like ice that made me shiver almost in fear like I was the one that offended you." Joo Won said jokingly with light laughter.

Chae Yeong glared at him and knocked his head lightly. "Remember, I'm your sis and still older than you." Chae Yeong said mockingly.

"Just some minutes older, why bragging so much? Haha! You know I'm a man and stronger than you." Joo won said bragging.

Chae Yeong raised her brows with a cold smile that was not friendly.

"Are you sure you're a man and stronger than me to fight me?" Chae Yeong said questioning.

"Haha, A yeong is so funny. Dear twin sis, I won't even fight you because I know you're weak, but I'm stronger than you, no matter how stubborn you are, I…" Joo Won couldn't finish her sentences when a hard knock fell on his forehead again.

"Ouch. That's painful." Joo Won said and pouted, rubbing his head painfully.

"The knock on your head is just to shut you up, or I will knock you off and make you pass out." Chae Yeong said with a little frown but smiled and chuckled after. Seeing her twin bro pouting his lips made her chuckle.

"Okay, that's painful. You're being too harsh right now, sis." Joo Won said, pouting.

"Haha, don't pout your lips like that, you look ugly doing that." Chae Yeong said, pulling his leg.

"That's a lie, I'm every girl's dream guy, and I'm cute every way, no matter how I act." Joo Won bragged.

"Dream on, ugly bro. Haha." Chae Yeong said, laughing hard, looking at her bro acting cute while blinking his eyes like a baby doll.

"Believe it or not, I look good in every way." Joo Won said and shrugged off his shoulders.

"Haha, oh my dear twin bro is acting cute." Chae Yeong said laughing happily.

She missed him so much. They were separated because of their parents' argument which the witch mistress their father called wife now, caused it all. And their mom died of the matter.

Chae Yeong smiled sadly and blinked back her tears.

"Hey sis, how about we play video games on my new computer system? It's an upgrade and expensive. Let's see how good you've developed after some years of our separation." Joo Won said happily.

"Let's make that tomorrow, I'm tired, and I want to get to bed now." Chae Yeong said and yawned.

"Okay. I'll remind you tomorrow, get ready to lose because I'm confident that I'm so much better and have developed a lot in my gaming skills." Joo won said bragging.

Chae Yeong sneered, rolling her eyes. "You brag too much. Go back to your room, and let's see who is better and master the gaming skills tomorrow." Chae Yeong said with a faint smile.

"Let's make a bet then. Anyone who wins will be the master to the loser for three months and the loser must listen or get beaten up, hmm?, How about that?" Joo Won said and raised his brows arrogantly. He was so happy with his idea. He missed playing games with her.

Chae Yeong chuckled and smiled.

If Joo Won knew he just fell into her trap right now, he would be crying by now.

Chae Yeong nodded in agreement. "Okay deal. Let's make a bet and whoever loses will listen to anything the winner says or commands the loser to do, it is a must to do it or get beaten to do it by force." Chae Yeong said, smiling devilishly, and added to the rules.

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