
Reborn To Love

“So, what do you want?” He Xinyan quickly glanced up into Gu Yechen’s face and frowned. Why did he look so familiar? Where did she see him before? “I want you.” “. . .” Well, that was direct. He Xinyan opened her mouth to speak but she couldn’t form the right words. “Let's make a deal. You become my girlfriend and you can ask for anything in return.” “Anything?” He Xinyan repeated. Gu Yechen nodded his head, “Anything.” He Xinyan thought about what could help her but realized that there wasn’t much she needed as of now. However, she would definitely need support in the future. There were many things she couldn’t do by herself, but Gu Yechen would definitely be able to do. “How long would this deal last?” Gu Yechen leaned back against the couch casually, “However long I feel like.” “And. . . that is about how long?” “Forever.” --- He Xinyan’s life was in ruins. After being cheated on by her fiance, her life went downhill as she lived under endless rumors and hate comments. Her stepsister framed her for things she never did, her fiance betrayed her, and her father kicked her out of the house for being an unfilial daughter. At the lowest point of her life, she died. . . A car accident killed her, and also brought her back to eight years ago, before everything started going downhill. With a second chance, He Xinyan was determined to take back what was rightfully hers and also take revenge on those who hurt her in the past. He Xinyan thought that she was already prepared for all the lies and secrets from her past, but she realizes that her first life was only a joke as more secrets get uncovered. In her twisted life and story, He Xinyan couldn’t possibly defeat everyone’s schemes and achieve her goals by herself. Through an unexpected encounter, she met Gu Yechen, the cold and powerful CEO of the Gu Corporation. With a powerful and cunning man protecting and helping her this time around, He Xinyan was certain that her second chance would be successful! However, success doesn’t come easily. . . --- Note ~ No rape and no major misunderstandings Update: 1 to 2 chapters daily This is an original story by me and not a translation. The picture in the cover is not mine. Credits to the owner :) Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/FVwPydp Author’s Instagram: helemon_author

helemon_ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
301 Chs

Su Zhiming In The House

After she was finished, she climbed onto her bed and stared blankly at the ceiling.

'Do I like him?'

The answer was no. Or not yet. . .

After Su Zhiming, He Xinyan wasn't going to fall in love so easily anymore. Although Gu Yechen was probably a hundred times better. . No, a million times better than Su Zhiming, He Xinyan still couldn't accept a new true relationship so easily.

It was hard to believe that a person like Gu Yechen, who seemed to be thousands of miles away from her, was so close to her now.

It was even harder to believe that he liked her!

He Xinyan had to admit that she was pretty. . . and very pretty. . . and extremely pretty, but was it really enough to make Gu Yechen fall in love with her? There were prettier girls out there that would beg to be with Gu Yechen, but did he like all of them?

So what was so special about her?

What He Xinyan didn't know was that to Gu Yechen, everything was special about her. She was perfect and unique, and every little thing about her attracted him.

As thoughts and questions continued to fly through He Xinyan's mind, she slowly felt her eyelids getting heavier and heavier.

At last, they closed.


The next morning, He Xinyan woke up and looked to her side to find the bed empty.

'Did he not come last night?' He Xinyan thought. -1 point! Not a persistent person!

He Xinyan frowned slightly as she got out of the bed, and as she was putting her slippers on, she stopped.

A sparkle lit up her eyes as her frown turned up into a bright smile. Aside from the rose from yesterday which was starting to wither, there was a new rose on the table.

He Xinyan knew that it was new because its petals were still in perfect bloom, and it was clear that the flower was still fresh.

Xinyan's mood brightened as she ran to grab a vase. She filled it up with some water and placed the new rose into the vase, throwing the old one away.

The single flower put He Xinyan into a good mood as she happily walked downstairs to eat breakfast.

It was Monday, and Bai Jiawei was already downstairs when He Xinyan arrived.

"Good morning, dad!" He Xinyan said happily.

"Good morning."

A few minutes after He Xinyan began eating, Li Yuyan and Li Huiran walked downstairs one after another. Even the sight of the two annoying people didn't affect her mood much as she continued to munch on a piece of bread with strawberry jam on it.

"Good morning," Li Huiran said before sitting down on her seat. Li Yuyan also muttered a quick good morning before sitting down next to her mother.

After an awkward and silent breakfast, He Xinyan returned to her room and sat down on her bed with a bag of chips to watch romance dramas.

She was on her third episode already when she heard several voices coming from downstairs. She immediately recognized Li Yuyan's voice. . . Well, it wasn't really Li Yuyan's voice.

Li Yuyan had raised her voice up at least four pitches and talked softly, making He Xinyan almost want to vomit from hearing the fake and disgusting tone.

She shuddered on her bed and turned up the volume of the drama, but then Li Huiran's loud voice entered her room and ears.

'What are they talking about?' Curiosity surged up He Xinyan as she slowly got off the bed and tiptoed out of her room.

She was still in her pajamas and her long hair was a little messy from laying on the bed. Even without any makeup on, her skin was glowing and her features were beautiful and defined.

She scratched her head like a little cat as she bent down and sat on the staircase, looking down to see what was happening.

He Xinyan could guess that they were probably sitting on the couch, but from the top stair, she couldn't see the couch. So, she moved down a few steps and leaned against the railing of the stair, moving her head around to try and get a glance at what was happening.

Finally, she gave up and realized that she needed another plan. After a while, He Xinyan stood up and confidently walked down the stairs, her eyes occasionally peeking over at the couch.

When she reached the last stair, her heart dropped. Why did she come down here?

Sitting next to Li Yuyan on the couch, was Su Zhiming.

He Xinyan wanted to slam her head against a wall for her stupidity as she hurriedly walked towards the dining table to pretend to get a cup of water.

When she was a few feet away from the table, Su Zhiming suddenly spoke.


He Xinyan turned around, annoyed, and casually waved one hand at him, "Hi. . ."

Su Zhiming stood up from the couch and stared at He Xinyan. She really got prettier by the day. . . When compared, He Xinyan almost made Li Yuyan's face look unbearable. Although Li Yuyan was also pretty, Xinyan was just on another level.

It made Su Zhiming wonder again why he chose Li Yuyan. . . Did he choose Li Yuyan? He chose both of them, didn't he?

*helemon's note: Wow. . . I have no words for Su Zhiming's shamelessness and ability to make me hate him.

Li Yuyan frowned slightly and tugged at Su Zhiming's shirt, making him look away. He Xinyan took this chance to quickly get her water and leave. But there was no way the disgusting couple was going to let her off the hook so easily.

"Yanyan, where are you going? Come sit down and talk with us!" Li Yuyan called with a smug smile on her face.

He Xinyan stopped and took a sip of her water. After some thought, she turned around to look at the three people sitting on the couch. Li Yuyan was staring at her with a one-sided smile while Su Zhiming seemed to be quite excited and eager.

He Xinyan played around with her half-full glass of water before smiling, "Sorry, but I don't really want to waste my time talking with dogs."

Su Zhiming: I'm not a dog! Bark, bark!

Li Yuyan: Bark bark! (me too)

Have a great weekend and please don't forget to vote ^o^

helemon_creators' thoughts