
Trouble after Trouble

After a tense trip, we finally arrive, we parking along a fenced in railroad line.

Daryl threatens T-Dog if Merle's not okay, but T-Dog insists that the "geeks" can't get through the chains on the door.

As we travel on foot below a highway overpass, Glenn decides the group should go for Merle first, because going for the guns would mean doubling back. And splitting will be a bad idea I add.

So we follow Glenn in Atlanta walking between the buildings, with me here, we didn't much make in subtility if the group of walkers was less than 20, I take care of it if more we dodge it. I'm not fast enough to kill more walkers and protect the group. They still new at this so I give them a lot of advice to how to fight them, strategy, details that you need to take into account. Everyone listens seriously even Daryl.

So like this, we quickly arrive at the department store we left Merle. Daryl and I clean quickly the walkers inside while the rest guards our back. We climb the stairs and arrive in front of the chained door. I hear some sigh of relief but I know we will only find a hand. T-Dog uses the bolt-cutters and opens the door. Daryl rush on the roof yelling the name of his brother.

But he finds nothing. He screams of despair as the other looks on helplessly.

Once Daryl calms down I cough loudly to get the attention of everyone and said: "Merle is probably still alive." Yes, I know the plot, but I also learn how to track someone. Before anyone could react I approach the severed hand of Merle still handcuffed at the pipe and continue.

"Look closely at the hand, it was cut not torn or chew." then I point toward the hacksaw full of blood.

"He probably uses this to free himself. Now he should have escaped from here, so we should follow the blood see if we can find him."

So with this good news, we get ready to follow the trails. Daryl put the hand of his brother in a do-rag inside the backpack of Glenn and T-Dog retrieve the Hacksaw and Dale's toolkit. Once this done we follow the blood with Daryl leading. In the way, Daryl kills the walkers hinder us and we also cross dead walkers.

"Hey, even with one armless, he killed them easily!" comment Daryl.

We end up in the kitchen, where Sterno cans burn next to an iron steak weight crusted with skin.

"He cauterizes his stump," I said.

"Nobody can kill Merle but Merle" reply Daryl.

The broken window leading to the fire escape tells us that Merle left the building.

Rick agrees to help Daryl search the streets for his brother. I also agree

When we looked to T-Dog and Glenn to see if they're in, T-Dog scoffs.

"Only if we get those guns first," he says.

"I'm not strolling the streets of Atlanta with just my good intentions, okay?"

In an abandoned office building near the department store, Glenn outlines a plan to retrieve Rick's bag of guns on an old whiteboard. Glenn doesn't know how to fight but he knows how to use his brain which is good. So the plan is like this.

Daryl will watch his back from the store's alley, while Rick and T-Dog cover a second alley that is two blocks away and I will protect the escape road. Either way, Glenn says, he'll have a safe place to run. We all agree with his well-constructed plan, and Daryl asks him, "Hey kid, what'd you do before all this?"

"Delivered pizzas," Glenn answers. "Why?"

No wonder he knows Atlanta so well.

"And you?" Ask me Daryl. Well, it seems that he opens up a little. That's good, a team is only strong if you trust your teammates.

I lie saying"Just a student", hearing this the eyes of Daryl twitch a little 'Students are so dangerous those days now?'

Now everyone gets in position, me at the escape road even if I know it's pointless. Rick and T-Dog to the second alley.

Glenn and Daryl climb down the ladder to the alley and Glenn drops his backpack while Daryl stays behind to cover him. On the street, Glenn runs towards the tank.

Walkers are waking up all around him, but he grabs the bag and Rick's hat without much trouble and heads back toward Daryl.

In the alley, a teenager, Miguel, sneaks up on Daryl from behind. Daryl quickly turns and trains his crossbow on the teen, interrogating him about his brother Merle and telling him to be quiet.

Miguel screams, "¡Ayudame!" (Help me!) in Spanish despite Daryl's warnings.

Rick and T-Dog, hearing Miguel's screams, head for the alley so do I. Daryl is jumped by two men, Jorge and Felipe, who have also come for the guns with which Glenn has just arrived at the alley.

He turns to run the other way but the men grab him and start beating him.

They take the bag of guns. Daryl fires an arrow into Felipe's hindquarters, causing him to drop the bag while yelling in pain.

Felipe and Jorge instead grab Glenn, throw him in a getaway car while fighting off walkers and drive off, leaving Miguel and the guns behind.

I arrive and help Daryl shutting the gate in the alley to keep out the walkers before turning on the teenager. Rick and T-Dog arrive just in time to pull Daryl off Miguel as Daryl explains that his friends took Glenn.

"Let's take him with us, he knows where is their camp and don't forget the bag." I said, need to be quick.

Taking Miguel with us, Rick grabs the bag of guns and his hat, and we head back up the ladder to the roof.