
Reborn In One Piece as Kouu The Tyrant King

A man is on his way home when he is killed due to a ROB's mistake. The ROB decides to give our MC the power of a character from the last manga he has read ( Petals of Reincarnation ) to make up for his mistake. Our MC decides on the powers of the strongest returner Kouu The Tyrant King and is sent to the world of One Piece. Watch as he makes his name known to the world of One Piece

NOT_EVEN_MAD · Anime e quadrinhos
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7 Chs

Chapter 4 : Battle and New Powers.

The Guardian looks up to me he gives of a snort of indifference. I decide to test the waters with my first attacks to see that it does virtually no damage. I continue my barrage of attacks whilst the Guardian easily dodges, it jumps backward and looks at me and does something sort of similar to a smile.

Following its provocation, I decide to take it up a notch and attack with my full power, I speed up and give and axe kick towards its head. The Guardian looks up in surprise as it did not expect such speed from me based on our previous clash. It raises its hand to block my attack. As we clash the attack sends off a shockwave which blows the dust off the ground. It raises it other claw which forces me to backoff as I do not have the means to block its claw. " I really should've made a shield or something," I think as I barely dodge a claw coming towards my face.

I throw a an uppercut which lands squarely on it's face, I jump in the air over it and slam it down into the ground. It crashes into the ground at incredible speeds which leaves a giant crack in the ground. Using my momentum from falling I put both my arms together and try slamming it one more time. The Guardian looks up to me and manages to roll out of the way before my attack can connect. The guardian swipes its claws at the air which send sword-like slashes through the air. I dodge the attack by jumping over it, taking this as an opportunity to send two more of those slash attacks towards me. Realising I couldn't dodge the attack I cross my arms and let the attack hit me. The slash gouges into my skin and leaves me in large pain "AAAHHHH, THAT FUCKING HURT YOU BASTARD" I shout as I land of the ground. My arms dangle beside my body and are left unusable for the rest of the fight.

Realising I should finish this fight soon I rush towards the Guardian "I need to disable its arms so I can't use any more of those claw slashes". It swipes its claw at me as I dash towards it. I slide under the claw and attack it, though the attack does some damage it doesn't make its leg unusable. After some continuous attacks, I manage to bend one of its legs in an odd direction." Finally, I've been at this for a few hours now, not only have I disabled one of its front legs which makes it so it can't use those slash attacks, I also greatly reduced it mobility"

Realising its predicament it starts wildly slashing its good front leg sending a barrage of attacks towards me, Barely managing to dodge most of the attacks the last one hits me square in the chest. Blood wildly spurts out of my injury and I feel myself getting light headed. Whilst I was staggered the Guardian rushes towards me once again and knocks into me. The attack sends me flying a few metres and I slam right through the door. Barely managing to get up I look at the guardian. Deciding I should end this in the next attack I rush towards it. It swipes is claw at me which I manage to dodge. I jump in the air and manage to land on it's head and start stomping on it. I fall into a sort of trance of dodging its attacks and stomping on its head. After one last attack the head is finally pulverised as I fall onto the floor and blackout.

"Where am I, did I manage to kill the guardian ?" I wake up and look to my left to see the headless body of the guardian, as I was about to celebrate I was hit with a wave of pain. I look down to my body to see large gashes on my arms and across my chest. "No wonder I'm in this much pain, I need to start making my way to the Devil Fruit". I try standing up but immediately fall over, "Guess I have to crawl my way over". As I start crawling towards the fruit which was on a pedestal, I can see it more clearly. The fruit was completely black with multiple eyes with Pupula Duplex. The fruit also had some sort of black mist floating around it. I somehow manage to grab the fruit and take a bite out of it. I almost spit the fruit out the cause being its horrendous taste, not only did taste like old crusty socks, dipped in old eggs. But this is also soon overridden by the surge of power I feel, I look at my arms and my chest and see them rapidly healing.


I decided that before leaving this island I'm gonna get used to the fruit's powers and also learn Soru and Geppo and maybe Tekkai so I can better defend myself against attacks like the Guardian's flying slash attacks. I also started experimenting with my fruit and Its different powers. Firstly I tried using omnireceptable, the power to turn all of creation as my weapon. I smash apart a rock and let my aura control all the smashed pieces, I tried moving the pieces further and further away to see how far my control extends and felt myself lose control of the pieces when they were 10 metres away. I also wanted to see how much fine control I have over the pieces so I tried making them make a humanoid form but I quite struggled with that. "Seems like I can only make basic movements with them so far, nothing a bit of practice won't fix." I think.

Next, I started using the aura to make extra limbs and also cover my body with it like the original Kouu. The aura appeared and it was covered with eyes with Pupula Duplex. "Whilst it did look cool in the manga it kinda gives off a creepy vibe when you see it with your own eyes". Manipulating the aura was easy but I struggled to make it form hands with fingers so for now they will stay tentacles, the current max amount I could make was 8 but I could but them together to form 4 bigger limbs which would increase the power in exchange for the range and versatility. I could already imagine myself using them like how Naruto used the arms when he was in his Kurama Cloak Modes.

Deciding that I should test the reinforcement I take a rock and spread my aura over it. The weapon turns black and also forms a few eyes over it. I throw the rock towards the tree and it manages to completely smash through the rock. "Huh, I didn't really put that much power into that throw."

I couldn't really test the intangibility, teleportation or memory insertion but I knew the theory behind them. The intangibility merely required me to infuse my body with the aura which would let attacks pass through me. The teleportation just required me to insert my aura into a place and open a gate to it with the aura around my body but I couldn't, do it as I wasn't really well versed with my devil fruit powers and the memory insertion just required me to insert my aura into a person.

"Righty, I'll stay on this island for more or less half a year to get used to the devil fruit powers and learn 3 powers of the Rokushiki."


It's been 9 months since I got my devil fruit powers. I could form a total of 12 arms with my aura now and could extend my aura 25 metres. I've also gained greater control of the things under the effects of my omnireceptable as I could use them to form things like golems instead of having them just float around at insane speeds trying to hit my targets.

Learning soru and geppo were quite easy as soru only required me to kick off the ground 10 times in the blink of the eye. At first my soru was more like what Kuro ( The main antagonist from Syrupp village ) did as I couldn't see where I was going, but after refining my technique more I managed to be able to see where I was going.

Geppo required great technique and excellent leg muscles to be able to kick off the air itself, Currently I was able to kick geppo about 10 times before I started straining my muscles. I also managed to combine geppo and soru to be able to perform extremely fast movements in the air though it drained my stamina quite a bit.

Tekkai was a bit harder as it required me to tense my muscles the right way so I could harden them and take the blow of a hit properly. Tenses my muscles in the wrong way was also a problem as doing that would just tear my muscles which hurt quite a bit. I also incorporated my reinforcement into tekkai to form a pseudo armament haki.

I also noticed a side effect of my devil fruit, in Petals of Reincarnation Kouu states that to correctly use omnireceptable one must believe that they are the strongest and that all of creation should kneel before him, after all the true nature of omnireceptable is domination. Lately, I've been feeling more arrogant. Other then that all was well, I've built the raft which I will use to leave the island .

Before I left I went to the stream where I woke up. I've once again gotten taller as I was now 195cm now, my hair was reaching my lower back, The sclera of my eye was now black and one of my eyes had 2 pupils now due to the effects of the fruit. I slowly covered my body in aura to see what it looked like and damn did I look cool as fuck. One half of my face had a large eye with a tiny eye under it whilst the other half had multiple eyes on it, my body was also covered with these eyes.

Looking back at this island I remember all my struggles and chuckle to myself. I push the raft and jump into it and let the waves take me away.

Hey there guys, thanks for reading this chapter. As our MC who's name shall be Kouu grows stronger he will become more arrogant but to a bearable extent. I made this chapter 1700+ so if it is still too short please inform me again. I will be adding a few pictures so you can get an idea of what he looks like when he is covered with his aura. I'll post pictures of his face in a future chapter after he freshens up and gets new clothes. Anyways this is getting a bit too long now so see ya next time.

Toodles :)

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