

In the luminescence of the campfire Kakashi had a serious look on his face. " No hand signs. No vocalization, just thought and it happened? This is obviously a bloodline limit then. No recorded clan has ever had an ability exactly like this. The closest would be the Kaguya clan with their bone manipulation. What else can you do? "

" At this moment this is kind of it, I can change both of my arms like this, and even my legs, but that makes it impossible to move. For now the change takes a few seconds. It's not instant yet. I have a few instinctual things I feel like I could do, but my body isn't mature enough, or I don't have enough chakra, or I lack the control needed. "

" What else? "

" Well my overall physicality is much better than kids my age or even older, and I assume that's because my chakra system is a second nervous system, but with even more tendrils throughout my body. I think my body is under permanent activation? I don't know if that's the correct term. Secondly I feel like I'm super close to being able to form an armor around my body, I could also choose to create 2 smaller blades from my hand, which I suspect will eventually become a claw. "

" Hmm. I have idea's, and a bad feeling. I'm going to teach you something really quick, a D rank jutsu called Substitution jutsu. It's a non elemental jutsu so we don't have to worry about your affinity. "

Kakashi Motioned towards my eyes, and began showing me the hand signs slowly. Activating my sharingan, and pouring chakra into them I paid close attention. Ram - Boar - Ox - Dog - Snake. With a poof a nearby log took his place.

" Alright try it out. "

Ram - Boar - Ox - Dog - Snake. I felt how the chakra moved throughout my body, but something didn't feel right about it. Instead of switching places with a nearby object, a log just fell on my head.

" Did I make a mistake? "

" Kind of? You did everything right, but your chakra took too long to move throughout your body to properly produce the jutsu's effect. You only accomplished half the intended effect. Maybe it's just a control issue. How has the leaf training been going? "

" Making a leaf stick isn't very hard. I can keep it up for around thirty seconds. "

" Make it last five minutes, and then we will try this again. I have a feeling your bloodline is what created your abomination of a chakra system, and thus is creating these issues for you. Maybe more effort can make up for it. Or worse case scenario you'll be unable to use any known jutsu, and will have to create all your own. "

" How hard would that really be? "

" Unless you're highly intelligent, or have a lot of innate talent, it's very hard. However I do think you're very talented as you currently have two gekki kenkai active at once, and you don't seem to be sweating over it. You clearly have a large amount of chakra, and perhaps once you master moving chakra consciously in your body then you'll be able to use jutsu's normally. "

" Thank's Big Boss for not totally destroying my hopes for the future. "

" Even if you can never use typical jutsu's I'll do what I can to help you develop new ones, In addition I have a suspicion your bloodline will more than make up for it. Now what do you know about the sharingan? "

" That I shouldn't have it. I'm not a Uchiha. I feel like I just have their eyes. "

" Nobody told you about how we found you, did they? It would make sense, and since I already spilled the beans about Naruto I should tell you as well. "

" What about me? " Naruto returned, eyes slightly puffy, but not worse for wear. I'm amazed he dealt with that so quickly, and so well.

" Haru! You're showing him that?! "

" Yeah, He gave us trust, so It's only fair we do as well. "

" I am quite amazed by his abilities, and I even feel excitement over helping you develop your abilities. Now about your origins. You're not an orphan. You didn't lose your parents. "

" Huh? "

" You were created by a rogue ninja named Orochimaru. I found you inside a lab hidden deep under the hospital after the ninetails destroyed half of it. The destruction revealed a hidden tunnel. Deep inside it was a laboratory, the insides were all scorched from an explosion. We assume He set off to destroy all his tracks, and insure nobody found you. The only issue is you somehow survived the explosion. "

" Well shit. I had a feeling about it, I had these memories that weren't mine, and I saw him killing people. I have a feeling that you confirmed for me. I'm an amalgamation of probably all the major clan's from the hidden leaf, plus a few others.. I think he created me as a weapon then. "

" That was our theory as well. So we stashed you away in the same orphanage where we hid our other secret, and after fate brought you two together, and then us three together. "

" Wait Kuro, You have my blonde hair, does that mean we're related? "

" We could be? I don't know if your dad's DNA was used in my creation, but I have no idea how Orochimaru would have gotten his hands on it. "

" Lord fourth fought in many battles throughout the years, based on Orochimaru's talent in science it is possible he got it from some blood samples. Your father must have remarkably strong genes for his blonde hair to stand out in both of you. The big question is how he managed to use that much genetic material without your body tearing itself apart. I'm not an expert on the subject since it's all very forbidden. "

' I know how, but I don't think I can trust him with my full abilities yet. I know he's a good guy, and would probably keep it a secret, but I wouldn't wanna meet an early end for trusting him too much.

" So you're keeping me hidden from him? "

" Doing all we can to make sure he's unaware of your existence, but he will find out eventually, and I'll do my best to keep you safe. "

" I don't want you to keep me safe, I want to protect myself. I want you to teach me how. "

" Me too Sensei! I wanna be super strong, so strong nobody will dare mess with our village! I'll protect everybody! I think that's going to be my ninja way. When people look at me I want them to feel hope, and security! "

" Noble goal you got there Naruto. What about you Haru? "

" My dream? I'm not sure. I just wanna find a nice girl, and settle down I guess? "

... Blank stares met my eyes, and then they both had the nerve to burst out laughing!

" Haru, you're only four how can you possibly be thinking of that already? "

" I have an old soul, Kakashi Sensei. "

" Yeah, whatever kid. Seriously, what goals do you have? "

" Get strong enough that orochimaru cannot threaten me. Then strong enough to be dependable for Naruto, and then settle down, and have a family. "

" Maybe you guys really are brothers. "

" No way, I'm much more handsome than him. " I replied with a smug grin.

" No I'm handomer! " Naruto was huffing, and puffing while we laughed at his expense.

" Hmmmm, the more time I spend with you two the more alike you seem. "

" Well he's been my only friend since forever so naturally we would be similar. "

" Yeah, yeah. Pack it in for the night. Tomorrow I'm going to introduce you to a friend of mine, an expert in taijutsu. While I can hold my own I more specialize in Ninjutsu. So I'll be delegating your fighting style to him. Naruto I'll spend more time with you on control, Haru I'll be teaching you kenjutsu as that will complement your abilities better. Goodnight kids. "

Alrighty guy's please review, and share your thoughts. This is one out of four to make up for only putting out two yesterday when i said I was going to do three. Were nearly at another 50 power stones so High propability that tommrow will also be three chapters. However I do work full time, and yesterday and today are my off days for the week. I'll do my best to pump out chapter, but I need ou guy's to help me. Please leave a review, and vote for Haru!

Balthizar_Blakecreators' thoughts