
reborn in dragon ball ᵂᶦᵗʰ ᵃ ᵗʷᶦˢᵗ

a man dies and gets 2 wishes. that's about it

lemon_bread_0912 · Anime e quadrinhos
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12 Chs

chapter 7

Matsuna: "Nappa wait!"

Nappa just lowered his hands and dropped his guard seeing she was in control of her oozaru form

Nappa: "jeez kid you gave me quite the fright"

Matsuna: "sorry Nappa"

Nappa: "no need to be sorry, you didn't have any control over your size"

Then Nappa went over to his spacepod and turned off the fake moon

Nappa: "now we wait"

Matsuna: "for what?"

Nappa: "for vegeta to wake up"

1 hour later Matsuna went to sleep as there wasn't anything interesting

Another hour later Vegeta woke up and looked up at the fake moon but this time having a little more control, but not enough to not rampage again getting a jolt of electricity sending him straight to dreamland.

This went on for 12 more hours until Vegeta could control his oozaru form.

Vegeta: "Ahah, I only took 14 hours to control the oozaru, you probably haven't controlled it yet"

Vegeta said smugly not knowing that she instantly controlled her oozaru form

Nappa: "about that."

Vegeta: "what do you mean?"

Nappa: "she never rampaged"

Vegeta: "what do you mean she didn't rampage? Explain now!"

Nappa didn't explain and just went to his spacepod telling vegeta to also go in his and Matsuna to wake up

Nappa: "set your course to planet Vegeta"

Vegeta and Matsuna set their course to planet vegeta and proceeded to fall asleep along with Nappa

10 days later

The saiyans all woke up as they got to planet Vegeta's atmosphere

Nappa: "now, everyone land in the landing zones"

The saiyans then landed their spacepods and opened their doors

Nappa: "now that we've completed our oozaru training time to learn how to fly"

Vegeta: "about time"

Matsuna: "finally"

Nappa: "ok so first concentrate your energy to your feet and use it to boost yourself up"

Matsuna tried but accidentally shot a ki blast from her feet thankfully it wasn't very strong

Then Vegeta tried but got the same outcome as Matsuna.

And just like that 2 hours passed of them trying to fly and getting steadily better at flying.

1 hour passed with Matsuna figuring it out

Another hour passed again this time with Vegeta figuring out how to fly

Nappa: "well aren't you two geniuses"

Nappa was amazed

Nappa: "welp, I've taught you two all you need to know, now you two can relax for the rest of the day"

I wrote this in between dbz kai episodes

lemon_bread_0912creators' thoughts