
reborn as the perfect original, with some tricks

warning 2-7 my mc stays out of the way for the most part and changes small things 8 on is when there will be bigger changes. Chapter 13 is the start of marvel I've never written anything before, so it'd be nice to have some slack. —————————— I had a strange dream that I died and got reborn in a mixture of The Originals and Marvel as an original. I thought that it would be an interesting topic to run with. Ethan was just your average person, He had a trucking job and when he drove, he loved listening to fanfictions. mainly about The Originals and the MCU. He always wished he had powers and was in these worlds but don't we all, but it's all in our head, that was until God made a mistake and threw a bolt of lightning on him. ————————— This will be a mixture of two different worlds, but it won't follow the story completely unlike the show it will follow the story's rules like it should, until I add my own twist and rules. "Like the older the vampire the stronger they are, not until the plot needs it to change." all credit goes to the writers of The Originals and the MCU. I only own my thoughts and character. I didn't make the cover picture and if the owner wishes for it to be change plz contact me and we can talk.

Busy_Driver · Filmes
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41 Chs

My 200 year journey pt.1

Shortly after I left England, I was heading back towards where the strixs are located to see how they were doing, and if they have any information on covens that would be useful.

Luckily, for me one night when I was sitting in a tavern, I overheard talks About this powerful witch in town.

The drunken men where nice enough to point me in her direction.

(I know that I can't compel a witch but luckily for me there is a spell that will work on a witch where I can read her mind and that way, I'll see her coven's location.)

As I show up to her house, I feel someone using a spell on me to get me to leave or let it be known that she knows I'm here by use the *pain infliction* spell but with all the blood I've drank, my own magical power, and my werewolf side, it has less of an affect it actually feels more like a tickle.

I walk closer to her in her back yard while I slowly speak.

"I do not wish to cause you any harm I just want to ask some questions to the known town witch."

"What do you wish to ask, let it be known if you attack, I'm ready."

I just chuckle at her last words while speaking.

"I just want to know where your coven is I need their help."

While this short back and forth is happening I'm still moving closer to her so I can active the spell if she doesn't tell, which I'm really not expecting her to.

"I know what you are, who you are I have no plans on telling u where they stay. The spirits talk I know what you can do and if you're going to kill me to take my power go, get it over with but it. but it'll just be me, you'll never find the coven. I won't tell."

After her words fell, I started to feel suffocated.

I remember this spell and I don't find it pleasant used on myself.

The suffocation starts to lessen when I hear her start to chant once more. with my enhanced hearing I hear the start to the neck-snapping spell, before she can finish, I run and grab her around the throat and chant.

*Ad somnum*

Putting her to sleep so I can read her memories easier.

* Dic mihi, hva du vet.*

I forced my way into her mind and found the place I needed to go.

Once done, I woke her up so I could drain her dry slowly. I wanted her to feel her life drain away for wasting my time.

I drop her to the ground and started to walk to the edge of the town to the woods. They should be meeting in this area tonight.

I found them in the open, practicing their craft. I felt like putting on a show today so as I entered the open, I spread my arms wide, with blood still on my face I asked.

"Who wishes to give their life freely or do they wish to put up a fight. if you do, I just hope it's better than the one I killed earlier." all that said with a wide grin on my face.

Before they could react, I attack the group of 6 I ran to the first and started to feed while I pulled the closest to me with my magic, then started on her when I'm satisfied that she's will not be moving. I felt my bones start to snap and my head start hurting, I just laughed as I feel stronger. already their blood is taking effect, it's been way to long since I've felt this way. they keep trying to stop or at least slow me to run but, as I use my magic and vampire powers to plow through, their tries are futile. After is all said and done, I realized I lost control there for a bit as I look at the bodies and blood all over the place. I put myself together then I ask.

Raphael (how was my harvest)

{I'm seeing that you for sure gained magical power, but I don't think it is as much as you think. You can use one more clone and a little more power in your spells, but I would still recommend not using higher tier spells at the moment.}

(Darn, that's disappointing, well more power and another clone is always helpful.)

This trip by myself has taken longer but is more fruitful than when I was with my siblings.

I found a couple more covens and two werewolf packs on my trip to the strix.

Once I made it to the base, I went straight to My clone location which is in My room. I then consumed him back in myself to get his memories.

I looked through all the memories to see what has happened around here and I like what I'm seeing.

it looks like through the last couple hundred years I change the way decisions are made around here.

There is 11 people at the table and then me at the very top.

It's designed so I can make decisions on what we do and make them happen, but if more than 60% of the table disagrees, we will talk it through and try to arrange it to be better just in case I miss something, or that could have been done better sometimes they know something that would help.

The table also can make their own plans as long as they have at least 60% of the votes and their plan does not go against what I think should or shouldn't happen at the moment in history.

After I searched through the memories, I decide to call a meeting for a month from now.

I'm now heading towards the meeting room to see if there's anything that they haven't informed me of yet and to bring up the idea of taking over Egypt within the next 20 years.

I know in my old worlds history in my past life that in 1517, Egypt was taken over by Turks. my plan is to slowly integrate ourselves into their system now, so when the Turks try to take it over, we can steer them to victory and intern fully take over with certain deaths and mind control.

This will be the first country that I'll have my Strixs take over, the plan is to try to get my people into most if not all of the big countries when they start being formed in the early 1900's so that I can steer history in the better direction, to get what I want when the time is needed.

As I walk in everyone in the room goes quiet and stands as a show of respect until I'm ready to be seated.

(The 11 vampires at the table are.)

1st. is Lucien. I kept him alive, so I bring him to the table later on, I sent the clone to invite him after the creation of the organization to be one of the seats.

He controls the France vampires in our group.

2nd. Paolo. I saved him when we were in Italy, and that small village when the five was trying to find vampires.

Now, like Lucien, he controls the vampires in Italy.

3rd. William: he controls the vampires in the new world.

4th. Alice: she controls the vampires in England.

5th. María; she controls the vampires in Spain.

then we have the people who just have a spot at the table

6th. Leonard

7th. Edith

8th. Penelope

9th. Cleo

10th. Ruby

11th. Earl

I say, "Let's get down to business, what's going on around the world." as I settle in my seat.

I'm only going to upload during the week so i can start to make chapter ahead of time.

after the 10th chapter i'm only going to start to release chapters either monday, wednesday, and friday or just monday through friday it all depends on how quickly i can get them finialized.

Busy_Drivercreators' thoughts