
Reborn As The King Of The Jungle

Waking up in a jungle James starts to worry, "What happened? wasn't I at home?" for a moment he thought this was peace. finally he was away from all the constant yelling of the manager filled with the rage of fire. until... *Thud* *Thud* *Thud*... _______ please do go support this book on royal road the name and cover art are the same https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/78456/reborn-as-the-king-of-the-jungle

SoftBreezeWasTaken · Fantasia
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12 Chs

Reborn in a jungle?!

The man was laid his head on the pillow, the day was not one of his best for sure maybe one of the worst, his manager screamed at him like he was his son who did something wrong when in reality he was just late to give the order to the customer, "Damn it!" He said out loud "I'm tired of working at that sh*tty place"

"But what else can I do.. I can't go back to my uncle and aunt either.." his name was James and his father and mother had died when he was just 6, at that time he didn't really understand what had happened he wasn't crying rather he was looking at his parents waiting for them to wake up from sleep, he thought 'why was everyone crying and why was his parents sleeping?'

He understood the situation after 5-6 days, finally getting that his father and mother were not coming back and he was now all alone, after that realization he was sent to his aunt's house, his uncle and aunt did not like him nor did they want him but he had no one else to go to so they were forced to comply.

Because of this his uncle and aunt tortured him, barely feeding him sometimes severely beating him that he could not get out of bed, and overall just wanting him to die, so as soon as he was able to leave their house he left, he was a brilliant kid, his father and mother had left just enough for him to pass school, so he studied his ass off and got a scholarship, the full ride for free.

But he still had living expenses to cover, so he took on a part time job at a local restaurant, and it was the second nightmare of his life aside from his uncle and aunt he absolutely hated, his manager was a menace she would put all of her rage and anger into him knowing he couldn't quit as he needed the job badly.

Neither could he go to his uncle and aunt for they would refuse to help him, so he was now just a depressed 18 year old boy working his ass off at a part time job cause he couldn't afford to quit it and sleeping barely 5 hours, no matter how much of a brilliant student without studying he wouldn't pass his tests.

He was growing severely depressed day by day, on top of that he was built like a twig, so bullies saw him as an easy target, he was bullied relentlessly by some of his peers, who would've thought people had time to bully in college.

His teachers also warned him his marks were lower than ever he's barely passing exams work on your studying or else you'll soon start failing.

He finally stopped thinking about all this nonsense and sh*t he didn't wanna about anymore and closed his eyes he had one last thought before going to sleep which was 'If I ever get another chance at life... I will never trust humans is all I know..."


As James opened his eyes once again he didn't see the familiar sight of the roof his room, rather he saw trees, trees taller than he had ever seen, "what?.. is this a dream?.." he thought to himself he tried waking himself up but he couldn't, "why am I here? And where am I?! How did I even get here?!" All the shock didn't really compare to the next shock, he looked at his hands and they were small, like a babies hand, he touched his face and it was soft squishy like a babies, "HWAT?!" He said out loud but all that came out of his mouth was "Bwah?"

James was flabbergasted at his situation not only was he at an unknown place/forest, he had also somehow turned into an infant, on top of that if there were any predators in the forest which was very likey, he'd be doomed, he was no longer in shock of becoming an infant he was more scared for his life, he didn't want to die, he had survived on earth for so long through so many troubles he had created his own survival instinct.

He wanted to live and see the world not die so soon, so what if the people are sh*tty he'd just ignore them and watch the animals and the nature and the beauty of the world itself.

James's survival instinct kicked in, he started looking for a way to crawl out of the forest if that was even possible for him, god knows how old he was right now unfortunately he was fully wrapped in a blanket so he couldn't move even a muscle, but when he looked down to his chest area, he saw a strange necklace, it was shaped like a lion with red glowing eyes, it was also strange as it was emitting some kind of aura that James couldn't exactly pin point.

Soon he heard some footsteps from his left side, it was too loud to be a human, "a predator?" He thought, he was for sure damned if it was a predator, he looked at the direction of the sound he saw an odd animal, it was like a lion but it had red eyes and golden mane with shades of shades of glowing blue all over it.

The animal was 6' tall, taller than any lion, it couldn't be a lion as it got closer he saw a few features were different, he thought he was done for the lion like creature was gonna devour him until the animal spoke. "Poor cub, I guess your father and mother couldn't save themselves and you together." He picked up James by biting his blanket making sure not to hurt him or bite into his flesh, "it spoke? And it's not hurting me? He said something about my parents dying but not being able to save themselves and me, what?" "Okay, I don't need to think about this for now, I'm alive an well and not in the stomach by a lion like creature."

The lion 2.0 as he was calling it for now carried him back to the mouth of a cave, as they went inside he saw three other lion like creatures but smaller than him and 1 had a green mixed with golden fur instead of blue, the lion put him beside all his cubs and said "This is your new brother, you will treat him as your own, do not pay mind to his different body structure or face, he is one of us." The cubs nodded in synchronization.

"Elisha!" The lion sort of roared in search of someone. Soon a beautiful looking lioness came out from the back of the cave, she had green mixed with golden fur on her instead "Yes, darling?" The lioness said looking at the lion "could you bring some meat for the little cub and feed him some?" "Of course darling"

She went in the back again and came out with a big peace of meat then he bit off a small piece, James thought how old was even he? Could he eat hard food right now? On top of that even if he was old enough wouldn't he get food poisoning eating uncooked food? But like the answer to his worries she put down the small bit of meat on the floor, and out of nowhere there came fire to cook the meat, after the meat looked properly cooked only then she fed it to him.

"How did fire just come out of nowhere? Is it magic? Did was I just reborn in a world with magic?!..."

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