
Reborn as a wayne

'what the f*ck' those were the thoughts of David Wayne known as Andrew Grant in his former life, a 28 year old soldier with the best achievemen was killed along with his fiancée by his best friend now he's reincarnated as a wayne one of three great immortal families that protect the world from vampires, werewolves, witches and strange beasts that live in the world of fantasy and horror follow David on his adventures as he encounters hardship, horrors, pain, laughter and romance

Ricon3 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

CHAPTER 8: Darkness

"General we are ready to move and we got information that the portal is beginning to react" a young man not more than 30 stood outside the tent as he spoke.

"then mobilize the knight squads we are going into the portal also the Athenians will be joining us" jack said as he walked out of the tent wearing a fitting grey armour with a silver covering at the side.

"understood sir" the young knight walks walks towards a horse as he rode towards a giant orange tent as another knight 40 years of age walks towards jack.

"this sure is gonna be a glorious raid, finally we are going to put the dark continent down for good and we have the king of knights here with us".

jack smiled as he felt a great change will befall erandile ( the planet is called erandile ) a change that might lead to chaos. as he gave a warm smile towards Felix nodding slightly.


"general we of the Athenians are ready to move as we got word from the knight squads that the portal is reacting and they have begin mobilization" a black haired woman with a thin steel bow at her back spoke as she saluted with her hand raised towards her chest.

"then tell the commanders to also begin mobilization as we will be at the rear of the knight squad" Lin said as she stood up from her chair wearing a plain silver armour with two daggers on her waist.

"yes general" the black haired woman rushed out as a trumpet was blown signalling the mobilization of the Athenians.

"so it begins" Lin smiled worriedly as she frowned.


Deep inside floqine forest as slashes were heard "so do you really think we can make the dark continent peaceful or we are just going to leave erandile unprotected" yama said as he cut down a tree with a one sided Spartan sword.

"you should know by now that something is wrong, stop doing like your not of the immortal" Gabriel replied in a mocking tone.

"tch, then why are we still going if something doesn't feel right" yama emitted a faint aura causing the plants around to wither.

"because it's the elders decision, and I suspect that we are going to play a huge part in this" Kayla spoke out as she walked behind them.

"Jacob what do you think" Anna asked as she looked at Jacob with a worried gaze.

"don't worry whether it's a trap or hell we walk into, it's all gonna be a easy trip for us, and I'm sure the elders won't make such rash decisions" Jacob gave a warm smile as he patted Anna's head.

"mhm" Anna hummed as silent descended only the sound of yama slashing a path could be heard.

"isn't it dangerous bringing me along to the dark continent cause I'm also a dark creature" Fred finally broke the silence.

everyone gave an evil smile as they looked back at Fred "don't worry about that if you ever lose control we will be having extra wolf meat" yama commented as a drool seemed to slide down his mouth

"yama don't scare him we are just gonna help him by beating the wolf out of him" Gabriel grinned "nah nah don't mind them Fred I'm gonna personally help you by using a silver maze" Jacob chuckled evily.

"hey come on stop scaring him" Anna yelled cutely.

"don't worry Fred we chose to keep you alive cause your unique so nothing like that is gonna happen" Kayla patted his cold stiffed shoulder as sweats dropped from his head.

"y-yeah th-thank you" Fred stuttered as the others laughed their way to a burnt up area filled with nothing but ashes with a small black hole floating in the air.

"guess we are here now" Gabriel waves his hand as a scythe appears in his hands while Fred readies his one edged axe.

"Anna will you do the honours" Jacob said as he crossed his arms smiling.

Anna nodded as she closed her eyes as her body envelopes in flames opening her eyes she punches towards the portal as a heavy blue fire shoots towards it.

the portal sucks it all in as if it were nothing "alright it's clear, are we ready" Jacob asks as a gauntlet appears on his hand.

"let's smash a few pest" yama smirked swinging his sword.

"Fred you ready?" two daggers and a spear fly around Kayla as she draws out a sword from her pocket dimension.

"yes I'm ready" Fred steadies his axe as his muscular bulges and his body becomes hairy.

"oooh man wolf fist stage, I guess Fred is a beast among men ehehe" Gabriel commented rolling his scythe.

"hey I thi..." before Anna could finish her word darkness suddenly descended from nothing covering the whole world in peak blackness as only the dark blue lights from the portal could be seen.

"eh this is n.." Gabriel got sucked into the portal as he was about to speak followed by the others as it continues to devour everything.


at the knights squads location

the Athenians and the knights split in three unit towards three portals waiting for it to open so they can march straight into it.

"today we bring down the dark continent, today we claim glory, today we are the champions of erandile, be proud knights of erandile" jack punched his hand in the air as cheers and rumbling could be heard.

"you really know to get the mood on the right vibe" Lin commented at his side as he was to give a come back when the darkness swallowed them whole as chaos started to ensue.

jack was about ask what was wrong when the portal grew bigger and sucked them whole devouring the land itself.

darkness covered the whole of erandile and those who went to the portal where sucked in, suddenly the portals closed short leaving behind destruction and chaos as hundreds of red glowing portals appear giving birth to the dark creatures that hacked and took over all of erandile.


hours before the darkness descended

James dashed into the mansion as he made a oddly crafted silver staff appear in his hands as he yelled "elviandom crinton" a dorm descends as the whole mansion and it's property in its vicinity about 2 kilometers wide were covered by the dorm as a strong earthquake took place before the Elze Wayne's mansion disappeared from erandile.

sorry I wasn't able to write a chapter yesterday

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