

Orion flew in the sky and Tengu grabbed my hand then flew after him. She tossed me towards him and I changed my staff into an axe then slashed down at Orion. He used his sword to block the attack and I grunted then blew the whistle. Aermyth swooped down and caught me on her back then roared, flying back up in the air.

Tengu and Orion clashed rapidly in the sky and Orion pushed Tengu back then flew forward with a kick, sending Tengu flying backwards through the clouds. She stopped herself and looked surprised when Orion was already in front of her.

I jumped off Aermyth's back and teleported to Orion then hit him with a close line with lightning surrounding my arm. He groaned and coughed then was sent crashing to the ground. Aermyth flew to me and caught me on her back then we flew towards Orion with Tengu flying next to us.

"I won't let you win!" Orion yelled and spread his wings then thunder boomed loudly. He summoned his fan then raised it to the sky and a powerful bolt of lightning struck down towards Tengu.

Aermyth roared and used her tail as a lightning rod, protecting Tengu from the bolt of lightning.

Tengu flew to Orion in high speeds and slashed down at him and yelled. Orion blocked the attack and they both began to fly down in high speeds. They pushed each other away and swooped down and flew back up to the sky.

"Aermyth...fly me beyond the clouds." I said.

Aermyth began to fly up to the sky and I closed my eyes. A black crown appeared on my head and a black and blue dress appeared on my body. I began to fully accept the Overlord of Thunder's power. Aermyth stopped as she was above the clouds. I jumped off her back and changed my staff into a lance.

Tengu kicked Orion away and opened her fan and smirked. She flew backwards and raised her fan in the air. Orion looked up and noticed a light shining.

I yelled and descended at high speeds then slashed at Orion. He tried to block the attack, but his sword broke and I managed to get a nasty cut on his body and he groaned loudly. Aermyth swooped down at high speeds and roared loudly then caught me and flew back up to the sky.

Orion groaned and coughed blood. "I won't lose...I won't lose!" He yelled and his dark aura surged more powerfully then began to manipulate the weather with his fan. A blizzard was summoned and Tengu groaned as she was hit with a blast of cold wind and her wings began to be covered in frost.

"Tengu!" I yelled then looked surprised when Orion teleported to me and punched me off Aermyth.

He teleported in front of me and kicked me downward. He used a burst of speed to appear under me then grabbed my leg and flew to the ground. I yelled and Tengu flew after us with Aermyth. Aermyth began to adapt to the blizzard and her wings turned into ice then she flew faster to reach Orion.

Orion laughed and slammed my body on the ground. I groaned loudly in pain as my eyes flashed white. He slammed me on the ground multiple times then tossed me up then grabbed the back of my head then dragged my face across the ground and tossed me away. I rolled on my side and grunted. I slowly stood up and my heart began to beat harder.

Tengu and Aermyth landed on the ground and Aermyth roared loudly. I held my stomach and spit out blood.

Orion laughed and looked at us. "Still believe you have a chance at defeating me? In this state I'm unstoppable! No one can stop me now! Like I said before, I'd kill you before giving you the title of Daitengu. Traitors don't deserve to have such a luxury. You are only deserving to death and humiliation."

I turned my lance into a katana and glared at Orion. The voice in my head kept getting louder. I had the intent to kill Orion and Tengu felt it. She held my shoulder and I looked at her. I calmed down a bit then looked back at Orion.

"We will defeat you as you're clearly not deserving of your title either. Tengu will become the next Daitengu and she will do far greater than you ever could!" I said then my Eyes of Raijin formed in my eyes. Only two left spinning tomoes appeared in my eyes.

"Heh...Let's see how badly you truly want it.." Orion said then flew in the air. "Meet me at the Avian Outskirts. At the mountains. We will settle things there."

He flew off and I looked at Tengu then we both nodded at each other and I hopped on Aermyth's back then we flew off to the mountains of the Avian Outskirts. Once we made it to the location, I sensed Fell Beasts in the area then knew it was a set up. Tengu looked at Orion and glared.

"You set this up...There is no way you lead us to a place full of Fell Beasts." I said.

"The power of telepathy is amazing isn't it." Orion laughed and pointed his fan at us. "Fell Zombies strike them down!"

The zombie angels flew towards us and Aermyth roared then unleashed a beam of energy from her mouth, taking down the zombies. Tengu flew straight toward Orion and they clashed multiple times and I jumped off Aermyth's back then lightning surrounded my body and I bellowed then slashed in a circle, releasing cutting waves around my body, striking down the zombies. I landed on the ground and noticed more Fell Beasts being summoned.

"Nobody but you are the traitor here! Who knows what you've done the ten years I've been gone! You secretly working with the Judgement Order?! You have the gall to accuse me of being a traitor!" Tengu yelled and slashed down, hitting Orion and sending him crashing to the ground.

Orion quickly recovered then flew to Tengu. The two clashed and entered a blade lock. "HA! For the last ten years, do you honestly believe for a moment that I didn't know what the hell you've been doing?! I am the Daitengu dammit, the moment I turned 20 I left this pathetic village to seek you out and knew of your plans to revive an Overlord who once nearly destroyed our galaxy."

"I was a young impressionable child when I joined Demon Order! I didn't know what they were doing was bad! They told me what they did was for the greater good! I was manipulated! Used! I was a child! Who are you to say that I am a traitor when I had no control! Don't even try to gaslight me, bitch!" Tengu yelled and pushed Orion away then blasted him away with a powerful beam.

I defeated the last Fell Beast and looked at the sky. There was no battleship, meaning these Fell Beasts are wandering around the world, appearing in random locations. I looked at Aermyth and she used ice to form words.

"Fell Beast can appear anywhere they please when not controlled." Aermyth said using the ice she conjoured.

"Fell Beasts can just appear anywhere when not controlled...That means we aren't safe anywhere." I said then heard thunder booming loudly.

Tengu groaned as she landed on the ground. I hurried over to Tengu and looked up at Orion. I stood in front of Tengu and she stood up and held my arms for support. Tengu looked up at Orion then grunted as she got a jolt around her body.

"Allow me to take the wheel.." I said and Tengu looked at me then nodded.

She let me go and hurried to Aermyth to rest. Orion landed on the ground and chuckled.

"You believe you can defeat me..? You saw what happened earlier correct?" Orion smirked.

"Hmph. Yeah, that was a fluke. I'm gonna show you how the battle should have went." I said then vanished and appeared behind Orion.

Orion groaned as he was hit with a flurry of slashed then I appeared in front of him and kicked him away. He stopped himself in the air then noticed me teleport in front of him. I smirked and used a burst of speed to move around him in lightning speeds while striking him with my katana. He grunted and groaned then I appeared above him spinning horizontally then kicked him, sending him crashing to the ground.

Orion groaned as he hit the ground and I landed on the ground a few feet away from him. I walked forward as he was getting up then went into full sprint and used a burst of speed to move around him and he couldn't keep up even with his 360 degree vision.

"I'll show you the true power of an Overlord!" I yelled and began to strike him with lightning attacks and he groaned stumbling in all directions as I kept hitting him. My eyes shined brightly and I struck him on his chest and he grunted then fell to his knees. I looked at him and watched him cough blood. I walked past him and walked towards Tengu.

She looked at me in awe and smiled then noticed Orion getting up. "Watch out!" She flew to me at high speeds and blocked Orion's attack with her wing. I looked back at Tengu and she looked at me and smiled.

Orion coughed blood and chuckled. "There's no way I am losing to you...I am the Daitengu. I am supposed to be the greatest...The best, but I lose to two prissy punks. Heh...Especially the Overlord. How could I lose to someone like you...Your powers aren't even that viable..."

"They are viable enough for me. Her power is what stopped you and I actually like her powers and her! You have no right to talk about her like that, traitor." Tengu said then pushed Orion back then used her gunblade to stab him through his heart, getting the killing blow.

Orion grunted and blood came from his mouth. He closed his eyes and lowered his head. Tengu took her weapon out of his body then let him fall backwards. He dropped his sword and fan and his skin went pale and his wings dispersed into feathers.

I looked at him and walked to his body then picked up his fan then walked back to Tengu, smiling. "I believe this belongs to you, Daitengu."

She smiled and took it out of my hand then hugged me. I looked a bit surprised then smiled and hugged her back. She pulled away and looked at me. "Thank you for helping me...This means a lot to me. Finally becoming Daitengu means I can truly support and help you in ways I couldn't before."

"There's no need to thank me at all...I am just doing what I do best." I smiled and held her arm.

Tengu got close to me and kissed my cheek then blushed slightly and stepped backwards. I blushed as well then we both headed to the Sky Area of the Avian Village. We went to the temple and walked in together. She walked to the throne and sat down then her body began to undergo changes. She manifested four extra wings on her back and she gained all the powers of a Tengu even the variations and then some. The process looked beautiful and she looked like a Goddess.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I finally have what I want...now I can help you obtain what you want. The downfall of the Judgement Order is guaranteed."

I looked at Tengu and walked to her then placed my hands on the arms of the throne. "Well before we do that, we have some time to kill. I actually want to enjoy the little free time we do have before we set off for war again. Let's enjoy these moments while we can because once we reenter war, our fate will be unclear."

Tengu looked at me and smiled softly. "Alright. Let's enjoy what freedom we have left."