
The Raven Becomes Angel

A few days pass, and Tengu and I continue to grow strong together by training with each other, but Tengu brings something interesting up as we get finished training.

"I have always wanted to take the Trial of the Skies and whoever finishes it obtains a special weapon. I want to become a master of Aerokinetics...ah...the humans call it Wind Manipulation. You see I am a naturally one of the weather since I am a Tengu. Only the Tengu Masters can use their 100% and I want to become a Master Tengu or Daitengu which is the official name for my race." Tengu said and closed her fan.

"What is this special weapon and can you explain more about your race? I'm curious." I said and made my staff disappear.

Tengu took me to sit down by a tree and we sat down under a tree. "The special weapon is a fan that only Daitengus can use. My race is connected with three variations of Tengu. Forest Tengu, Mountain Tengu, and Sky Tengu. A Daitengu like I explained is a Master Tengu and I am apart of the Sky Family of Tengu so if I complete the trial, not only will I become the new Daitengu of the Sky, but I will obtain the special weapon wielded by the Daitengu himself. If I become the Sky Master, I can help you more since I will be able to control the Wind and Electricity."

"How does one even become a Daitengu? What is the trial?" I asked.

"You must defeat the current Daitengu in a duel. It's like your Valkyria exams. The current Sky Daitengu is a douchebag who doesn't know how to handle his power. I want to overthrow him and claim my crown that I've wanted since I was a little girl." Tengu explained.

"Well now you have a chance at claiming the crown and I'll be here rooting for you." I smiled.

"I want you to come up there with me actually. I'll feel more confident if you're around in the crowd." Tengu said and looked at me.

I shrugged and smiled. "Sure why not."

"Yes!" Tengu celebrated slightly.

"When are you going to challenge the trial?" I asked.

"This afternoon. The entire Sky Tengu will be watching and since he is the Daitengu of the Sky, the Sky Tengu would be on his side so it would be nice having someone on my side." Tengu smiled and hugged her left knee.

"I'll be on your side since you're the only one I really know in this village." I said then gently bumped my shoulder onto hers.

Tengu giggled softly and bumped into me gently back. We smiled and laughed softly with each other then got up to go back home.

We walked into the house and we both took showers to freshen up then we went to the living room to sit with Snowflake and Ares. They looked at us and greeted us.

"Done with your training?" Ares smiled at us.

"Yeah." Tengu nodded. "I was thinking this afternoon, I go challenge that Sky Trial finally and take my crown as Daitengu."

"Are you sure? The current Daitengu is really strong and the Daitengu for a reason." Snowflake said.

"I believe in her. After all, she's been training with me, a literal Demigod. Tengu can actually hold her own against me, so if she can match me then the current Daitengu shouldn't be too much of an issue." I said.

"The Daitengu are on par of ability and strength as a Ruler and Overlord. Plus a Tengu isn't only an Avian. A Tengu like our daughter is a Yokai Spirt and an Avian. Daitengus are Yokai Lords. That means they are as strong as S Rank Valkyrias who hold the power of a Ruler or Overlord. Continental Levels of Power." Ares explained.

"A Full Power Ruler and Overlord can destroy an entire galaxy if they wished based on our history. A Daitengu might be strong as a beginning level Ruler and Overlord, but they aren't as strong as a full power version of us." I said.

"Are you full power?" Ares asked.

"Well...no. I am a beginning level Overlord, but still-"

"Daitengus are as powerful as you in your current state. I just feel as though this battle will be too much for Otengu." Ares said.

"Hey! You promised to never say my full real name!" Tengu blushed.

"Sorry it just slipped out, but still. Plus everyone who's challenged a Daitengu has died since killing is allowed in the trials. I have no doubt in my mind that he will kill you. I can't live with myself allowing you to fight in that trial knowing that fact." Ares said.

"Don't worry Papa. I've trained long and hard and even had outside experience with fighting when I used to work with Silent Fox. I've trained with people who were seen as legends. I'm sure I'll be fine." Tengu gave Ares a determined smile.

"If anything goes wrong, I'll save her. I won't even hesitate to get her out of danger." I nodded.

He looked at us then at Snowflake. She looked back at Ares with a worried expression. He looked back at us. "Alright...as long as my daughter is safe.."

"You have my word that I will keep her safe." I said.

He nodded then Tengu and I got up to get ready for the trials. We left the house and I called for Aermyth then got on her back. We flew up to the skies to an arena. We heard cheering coming from the arena.

"The Daitengu of the Sky is named Orion. He was one of my old elementary school friends at the time...well acquaintances. I didn't really like him much." Tengu said and watched the ongoing battle.

Orion was the Daitengu with long white hair, red horns, and wore a black kimono. He had six black wings and his eyes shined purple.

Orion kicked the man away then was about to dish out the killing blow.

"I surrender!" The man yelled and whimpered.

Orion stopped his blade and smirked. "Well well...At least you're smart enough to surrender, but you'll live with this humiliating defeat. As the winner, I command you to kiss my feet and become my loyal servant."

The man hastily agreed and crawled over to him and began to kiss his feet then Orion kicked his face and laughed.

"You disgusting pig! People like you would do anything for your life wouldn't you?! You're not even worth the debris between my divine toes! Not even worth the sweat on my balls. Get up and get the fuck out of here!" Orion laughed.

Tengu and I glared at Orion and my eye twitched slightly.

"Is there anyone who can give me an actual challenge?! This trial is a bore and my audience wants a real battle!" Orion laughed.

The crowd cheered and chanted Orion's name.

Tengu flew down to the battlefield and landed on one knee. I flew down onto the crowd and got off Aermyth then she flew off.

Orion looked at Tengu and smirked and laughed. "It's you...Otengu."

Tengu stood up and opened her fan then her red eyes shined brightly. "Orion. I will be your next opponent and I WILL defeat you. No question about it."

"Do you all hear this little hatchling?" Orion laughed and crossed his arms. The Sky Family all laughed with him and he looked at Tengu, smirking. "The traitor has come to try to fight me.."

Tengu watched Orion walk to her and glared.

Orion took her chin. "Why are you here..? If you have hopes of trying to become the Daitengu then you've got to wait for another few decades to pass because I won't be losing to a little mockingbird like you, but I'll humor you. If you beat me in a battle, you become the next Daitengu...if you lose, you become my slave."

Tengu slapped his hand away and closed her eyes. "I will defeat you and take the crown and become something noteworthy in history. I have no intentions of losing to you."

Orion flew backwards and twirled his sword then smiled. "Then let's just get this show on the road."

I watched closely and glared at Orion. I crossed my arms and sat back in my seat.

The avians blew on their horns and Orion dashed forward to Tengu. Tengu swiped her fan rapidly, sending razor winds towards Orion. Orion blocked them all and dodged a wind cutting wave then punched Tengu's stomach and she groaned loudly. He uppercut her face, knocking her into the air then grabbed her ankle and flew up in the air. He flew back down and slammed her body onto the ground. She grunted loudly then managed to kick Orion off her and stood up.

The crowd chanted Orion's name as they were all in favor of him. I looked around and felt outnumbered but I still cheered for Tengu. Tengu wiped her lip then manifested her wings on her back.

They both dashed to each other then Tengu flipped on one hand then flipped to the sky and bellowed then swiped her fan downward, sending a powerful blast of wind at Orion. He broke through the blast of wind and flew up towards Tengu then teleported above her and tossed his sword in the air then interlocked his fingers together then slammed his fists against her head, sending her crashing down to the ground. He teleported in front of her and punched her stomach. She coughed blood then crashed into a wall. He caught his sword and sent multiple razor winds at her that began to hit her body.

I watched at Tengu was easily overpowered by Orion, but she didn't give up. She was determined to win. Determined to become the best. I felt her determination and cheered for her even more. I didn't care who looked at me strangely. All that matters was I believed in Tengu.

"You're only making a fool out of yourself!" Orion laughed and struck Tengu's chest with his arm that was surrounded by lighting.

Tengu grunted and fell to her knees. Her hair covered her eyes. She grunted as she was slightly paralyzed.

"Well...that didn't last very long now did it." Orion smirked and held his sword at her neck. "You did good for what you're worth...but like the other guy, you're not even worth the feather particle from my wing. Now do you give up or will you be foolish enough to be slain by my blade."

Tengu didn't say anything and just stayed silent.

"Heh...I see your spirit is broken. You honestly thought you had a chance at beating me? This traitor really believed she had a chance against a Divine Being like me!" Orion laughed.

The crowd laughed along with him, taunting and belittling Tengu.

"Know what, bitch? You betrayed us and tried to get our world killed! So how about this?! We are going to test your endurance!" Orion laughed then grabbed Tengu by her hair then tossed her up then began to rapidly stab Tengu in all places on her body, making sure he doesn't hit her vital areas.

"Once a traitor, always a traitor." One avian said.

"She deserves every bit of this." Another said.

I clenched my teeth and lightning crackled around my arm. A voice screamed in my head to kill everyone who mocked Tengu, but I ignored the voice.

"Now let's see you survive this!" Orion said then shoved his sword through Tengu's body and she coughed a lot of blood. He took his sword out of her body and she fell onto her knees again. "Hahaha! Everyone she's still alive! Let's all give her a round of applause for enduring all of that! She's more than a traitor! She's a very special enhanced traitor!"

The crowd began to chant "traitor" and I couldn't take it anymore.

"Shut up!" I yelled and stood up then thunder began to boom loudly and a bolt of lightning struck down on the battlefield.

The crowd immediately got quiet and looked at me. Orion looked at me and rose an eyebrow.

"None of you pea brained birds know what kind of shit Tengu has been through! You all mock her not knowing she's suffered throughout these years with someone who's a monster! She's grown tired and wants to change herself for the better and you all sit there and laugh!" I screamed and my voice echoed throughout the arena.

Tengu slightly looked up and her red eyes shined a bit.

"Tengu! What are you doing down there?! You've trained with me and held your own! Don't let this...this pathetic six winged chicken overpower you! You're better than this! Don't tell me he's gotten the best out of you! Get up and take him down!" I screamed.

Tengu had a slight smirk on her face and her wounds began to heal slowly. She slowly got up and grunted then her eyes flashed purple then she looked at Orion. She tossed aside her fan then summoned her secondary weapon which was a gunblade and her mask. Her battlesuit appeared on her body then she put her mask on.

Orion smirked and laughed. "It took your little girlfriend to make you get serious huh..? I sense she has Overlord energy as well. I wonder how you tricked her into joining your cause."

Tengu pointed her gunblade at Orion. "I didn't trick her. She joined me because our goals aligned and we share a common past. She's my friend and she supports me!"

I smiled and my energy had calmed down.

Orion smirked and cracked his neck then dashed to Tengu. Tengu dashed to Orion and their blades clashed producing sparks. They clashed one last time and entered a brief blade lock. Orion pushed Tengu back then Tengu flew backwards and shot five bullets at him. Orion deflected the bullets and flew after Tengu.

They took their battle to the skies and clashed rapidly then flew higher in the air. Orion made multiple illusions of himself and they all flew around Tengu rapidly. Tengu summoned her fan in her hand then the bellowed and spun around and summoned a typhoon around her body, hitting the illusions and Orion. He grunted then was blown away.

She made the typhoon disappear and pointed her gunblade at Orion then pulled the trigger and a powerful beam of energy was headed straight towards Orion. He flew around the beam and flew towards Tengu then grabbed her face and flew straight down to the ground. He bellowed and slammed her body into the ground. The crowd cheered loudly and Orion stepped back then noticed Tengu getting up slowly.

"I won't quit..! I won't give up!" Tengu yelled and her aura surged powerfully around her body. Her wings turned white and her eyes shined a bright purple. She began to look a lot like Snowflake now.

Orion looked surprised at the fact that Tengu evolved right before his very eyes. He gained back is composure then got on his stance.

Tengu looked at Orion and opened her fan. "You're finished."

She flew towards Orion and used a burst of speed to fly around Orion at hyper speeds then began to strike him rapidly in all directions. He groaned loudly and she began to fire multiple energy bullets that pierced his body. She appeared in front of him and her eyes shined then she knocked him away with a gust of wind then sent a powerful bolt of lightning crashing down at Orion and he yelled in pain.

A huge explosion happened and the crowd exclaimed loudly. The smoke cleared and everyone noticed Orion falling to his knees and fell on his side, defeated.

"She won!" I said happily then cheered for her.

Tengu smiled and looked at me then we both felt dark aura coming from Orion's body. He got up slowly and we felt his intent to kill grow strong. His sword surged dark aura and began to turn into a demonic weapon.

"I won't let you win so easily...I'll kill you before I allow you to become a Daitengu!" Orion yelled and flew towards Tengu.

I teleported in front of Tengu and summoned an electric barrier over us to block the attack. I summoned my staff and glared at Orion. "Sore loser much..?"

"Stay out of this...you aren't a part of this!" Orion yelled.

"Now I am...I won't let you hurt Tengu." I responded.

"Then so be it. You both will die!" He yelled and his dark aura surged.

Tengu and I looked at Orion and knew he needed to be stopped at all costs. We both prepared ourselves for the real battle against Orion.