
Reborn As A Mayfly: What did I do to deserve this…

[This is my first novel so please don’t judge it too harshly :), Artwork is not mine found it on Google, if you would like me to change it or credit you just ask, just writing this for fun so will likely remain free] Alright…I know I wasn’t an amazing person in my last life…but this is just unfair! As I stared at the system menu only five words hovered in my vision [Unique Trait: 24 Hour Species] The gods must have it out for me!

Monotones · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


"Thank Christ" I'd begin gorging myself on all of the vegetation around the shoreline

[Quest Complete!]

[Skill [Food Store] Acquired]

but then…a sweet scent filled the air, kind of like honey from my old life..but much better..I flew towards the smell in a rush to find it's source but…ugh..

A Venus Flytrap. Of course it was, if it weren't for my rebirth I'm sure I would've fallen for its trick but not today..but as I was buzzing around the plant gloating at my victory over its trap, it..stood up.

Name: ——

Race: ——

Level: 13/15


STR (220)

AGI (10)

VIT (100)

INT (20)

WIS (5)

"What the hell! Why is it so freakishly strong? I need to get out of here" I'd yell but as I attempted to flee a vine tied around me like a rope "Let go of me you stupid plant!" I'd pull with all my might but it was no use, I was stuck in its grip

[Urgent Quest: Survive!]

[Reward: {?}]

"Yeah thanks for the tip! How exactly am I supposed to do that? I'm stuck in here!" I'd try to fly away from its grasp again but it would keep its hold on me.."there's no way out of this..I'm just going to have to accept my death..well it was a short second life but it was never meant to be long anyways." Just as I began to give up and accept my fate I felt the plants grip loosening

[Skill: [Advanced Pheromones] Activated]

As I heard the system, I realised that suddenly the sky had been filled with many other insects and they were biting and stinging the plant "what the hell! Why is there so many? Just how powerful is that skill? It's not like the only insects here are mayflies either!" I'd exclaim while noticing the sever different insects "Well whatever I'm not complaining about a powerful skill at least I'm safe now!" I'd fly back towards the riverbed so that I would be out of that..monsters reach

"Wait…system?" I'd ask quizzically


"Would that skill allow me to ask those insects to fight that thing?"

[That is correct]

Would I get xp if they killed it instead of me?

[Yes, you would be assisting them so you would get less xp than the others but you would still get a large amount]

"Fine with me! It's level 13 I'm bound to get tons anyways, if everything here attacks it we might have a chance..I've made up my mind, I'll attack it, after all, if I'm going to die later I should at least have fun with this life."

As soon as I made up my mind, wasps and hornets swarmed the monstrous plant injecting it mercilessly, I'd almost feel sorry for the thing if it hadn't tried to kill me moments prior, as it was relentlessly being attacked fireflies suddenly appeared, blinding the monster, with the assistance of the light I now had a much better luck at it, it's maw was filled with jagged teeth and it possessed thorny vines all over its leaves, it's jaws glistened with some sort of sticky, acidic liquid.

"That's kinda gross..thank god I'm not in there…" I'd mutter under my breath, the plant would stumble and almost fall to the ground, proving to me that this was working, one final push could be all I need to defeat this thing, with the plant weakened, I decided to seize the opportunity, id quickly fly towards it, my wings buzzing with determination but as I did so..a vine flung towards me

[Compound Eyes]

The vine seemed to slow down by several seconds, as a result I easily dodged and after I did so everything returned to normal. "Interesting…some type of enhancement to my reaction time? I'll think about it later there's no time right now, it's getting darker the longer this fight goes on for.." the wasps and hornets continued to sting the monster but the fireflies were now illuminating its roots

"That's brilliant, who knew these guys would be so smart, if I take out the roots then the whole plant should fall" I'd command some beetles to begin devouring the roots and as I did so the plant monster had started shrivelling up "I…I think we did it!"

[——— Destroyed]

[Quest Complete]

[Reward: Life Cycle Awareness]

[Merging Life Cycle Awareness With Skill Insect Spawn]


[Calculating XP]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

Name: {Currently Unnamed}

Race: Mayfly Dun

Level: 9/10

Stats: 40

STR (40)

AGI (10)

VIT (20)

INT (0)

WIS (0)

Unique Skills:

[Sealed] [Devour][Flight][Insect Spawn][Aquatic Creature][Advanced Pheromones][Omnivore][Compound Eyes][Shed]


[Ancient Insect][24-Hr-Life][Member of the Swarm]

Unique Traits:

[24 Hour Species]

"Nice! Four whole levels although…I have no idea what that skill did but it went into the one about having kids so I guess that's what it was about..speaking of..maybe I should mate with another mayfly…might as well, better than dying for nothing I suppose."


[User has shown initiative!]

"Huh? What the hell's that suppose to mean? damn you're so rude to me all of a sudden what's gotten into you?"

[User has grown stronger]

[System has grown stronger]

"Ah yes…tied to my soul and all that, does that mean you're gaining sentience or something..? anyways..I guess it's time for me to do this then it is getting late..my life is almost up anyways.."


[User Has Recovered 25% Of All Wounds]

[Level Up!]

[Evolving Into Mayfly Spinner]

I'd hover over a nearby pond, the water shimmering, the sound of wings buzzing permeated through the air. 'I had better get this over with..' I'd find myself trying to say but nothing happening as I no longer had any mouth to speak with. I'd steel my nerves and land on a lily pad near the rest of the mayflies, an individual would approach me.

"Ah a new arrival! How are you doing tonight?" They would politely ask using what seemed to be telepathic communication

"Perfectly fine.." I'd reply

"Well fair maiden, I hope you will enjoy yourself." They'd say kindly

"I will, thank you." I would answer back as they left "what a nice guy. wait..what did he say? Come back here! What do you mean maiden!?"

Sorry this is late everyone! tried to pack it full of action to make up for it!

Monotonescreators' thoughts