
Rebirthed As Mechagodzilla In Another World

Ken liked Mechagodzilla. Truthfully, who doesn't? Even now, whisked away from his boring life, came the chaos he needed. Now, the missiles won't stop firing. -Will have a MC that's overpowered. -AU Godzilla universe. -All in good fun.

AFKPlayer2204 · Filmes
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Kilometres away, past the rolling hills, King Ghidorah was.

Its body reflected the sun off its scales.

As Ken watched the monster writhe around freely, its back facing him, he heard the roars. Like little annoying cackles, set on laughing at you and your foolishness.

'Should I fight it?'

Standing now, he was Mechagodzilla. A machine of missiles, beams, and metal. Yet, not only did King Ghidorah seem like a tough foe or even stronger in Ken's mind, he felt no fear.

Not a tremble, nor a whimper.

Maybe he had a boost of energy after being exposed to the outside world. Whatever the case, Ken did what any normal kaiju would do, when their enemy had no idea they were there.

He roared.

The artificial screech pierced the air like a sharply tipped knife, settling into the three-headed monster. Ghidorah's heads turned in unison.

Anger fumed within the right head, breath steaming out like a boiled kettle. Confusion surprised the middle head, and a hint of curiosity sprinkled over that confusion. Lastly, the left. He was like a dog, happy to be there.

A cackle came from each one.

As they closed in on him, Ken heard the bickering.

"Thought we zeroed this goof..."

"Quite a twist,"


As he thought about the weapons, the system replied.

[All weapons usable]

Just like that, something snapped within him. These powerful weapons, Ken knew. He knew what to do.

The shoulder cannons shifted, training on the flying behemoth approaching him.

'Perhaps...' He pondered, 'Music Player,'

[Choose the song of your choice]

'Play Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla 1974,' Ken replied with a thought, 'Mechagodzilla's theme,'

[Starting song...]

A moment later, from Ken's very core, blasted the sound of music. One of jazz and coolness.

King Ghidorah heard this perfectly.

"Let's rip off its head a second time," said the right head.

"Whether that's true, it's a substantial threat," The middle head mumbled.

"Right head, middle head, Human inside!" The left head sang with the song, rather out of tune, "Middle head, right head, Human inside the Shiny!"

The other two heads exchanged glares.

All three looked on as a wave of missiles swarmed them, like a massive tidal wave.

Ken watched on as a carpet of explosions covered King Ghidorah.

He heard the missiles eject one after another from the Back Unit. Each time, satisfaction.

'Life as Mechagodzilla is about firing missiles!' He thought, raising his arms, '...and pretending they do damage,'

As King Ghidorah crashed into the ground, Ken added the railguns to the fray, intensifying the sea of smoke and dirt.

Through everything, Ken couldn't help but be happy.

Gunning down a kaiju with missiles and gunfire, now solidifying it with his Maser Beam. It tore into Ghidorah, all working in tangent with the Mechagodzilla theme booming out of him, Ken wished for nothing more.

After a few seconds, he halted everything.

None of that would work on King Ghidorah.

An annoying cackle and an electrifying beam sprang from one of the heads.

With a quick side step, none of the explosions damaged Ken.

'I'm...Mechagodzilla,' He thought, his metal mouth opening, 'I love this!'

Another screech echoed as King Ghidorah scrambled to his feet, a mark left from the Maser Beam.

In an orchestrated attack, all three heads unleashed their gravity beams.

Ken fired back quickly, the air around his beam static. The beams clashed in a frenzy of flashing lights.

A massive explosion ruptured between them.

Trees tore off from their roots and fumes of dirt and smoke flew into the air.

Ghidorah didn't wait.

With each stomp, he lunged forward. Into the smoke, his head's jaws snapped with force, in case they were able to bite and grip onto their foe. Ghidorah rummaged out of the cloud.

It was not there.

He would be peppered with more missiles, the explosions irritating his skin.

There was nothing else Ghidorah could believe more.

In the air, thrusters activated, Ken floated, the missiles leaving him and slamming into Ghidorah. Not before long, Ken unleashed his breath weapon, slicing into the three-headed monster.

'Fucking awesome!' He was having the time of his life, 'I...weird,'

Now that he thought about it...Ken could feel emotions. He could smell. He could hear.

He roared in delight.

'That means I can enjoy it even more!'

The attack spurred a weak cackle from Ghidorah. His wings flapped with annoyance as he arose from his wounded form. On his chest, an open wound oozed blood.

"It hurt us," The middle head spoke in astonishment.

"This goof's a pain in the ass," The right head heaved.

"Right head, middle head..." The left head sang, "There's a human inside!"

By now, the other two heads understood.

Ken's mouth beam zapped across the land and tore off one of Ghidorah's wings.


All three heads howled in pain, their wings shaking. Ghidorah could feel the wind flow through the hole, nipping at his exposed flesh.

"You damn humans," The right head roared, "you and your machines!"

He let loose a gravity beam.

It nicked Ken's metal body.

'Weak,' He retaliated with another powerful shot from his Maser beam.


With both wings sliced off, Ghidorah had nowhere to go.

His two tails slammed the ground behind him in an outburst. His three heads glared in absolute fury. Yet, they wondered.

"What's your name, Shiny?" The left head chimed as if they were not in a fight, and he didn't just feel pain.

"Shut up!" The right head spewed angrily, "This isn't the time for your stupidity,"

"Quiet down, you two," The middle head ordered, "nip at each other afterwards, we-"


Ghidorah's heads halted and faced Ken again.

Dread poured into each of the heads.

"It talked?" The right head shivered, "Pfft, big deal,"

"I'm a fool," The middle head grunted.

"Godzilla!" The left head exclaimed playfully, "He came back from the dead!"

"Let's finish thi-"

Ken blasted through the middle head's speech with a Maser beam.

It pierced more flesh, chopping off two of Ghidorah's heads.

The last head screamed in fury, glaring daggers at Ken.

Meanwhile, the smell of burnt flesh, accompanied by the heat of his weapons, put him in a relaxed state.

'This Ghidorah is nothing,' he thought, 'I should finish this...'

"I WILL RIP YOU TO SHREDS!" The head roared, trying to get balance in his step, and because of this, Ken had time.

'Maybe,' Ken eyed King Ghidorah, as if studying him, 'fuck it, this is fun!'

Even now, as his mechanical body throbbed with excitement and anticipation, Ken wanted more. To fight one of Godzilla's greatest rivals, and dominate him no less. It could make anybody crazy.

This is why Ken threw his metal hands in the air, and thrust forward, his boosters giving him that extra kick.

To survive this long, there was no one else who pushed King Ghidorah this far. Not even the previous Godzilla, who he was sure was reborn. Nothing stopped the three-headed monster.

Until this humiliation.

The single head could only watch as this robot, who resembled his late rival, dashed for him, his eye lit with a flare.

Not a second later, Ken straightened himself, his arms against his sides, his feet forward, and his tail dragging lightly on the ground.

Ghidorah watched as Ken slammed his feet against his chest, throwing the giant monster back.

The dropkick was effective.

'It's about time...' Ken pondered, feeling an overwhelming sense of accomplishment, 'to end this,'

As Ghidorah stumbled up again, he heard something.

That something was from Ken.

With his chest opened up, an orb of blue whirled. Ghidorah saw the air around it as if it were cold. He felt it where he stood.

"What the hell...are you?" The right head let out, bewildered and weak from the events unfolding, "Are you...Godzi-"

The sphere of ice flew, crashing right at the middle of his chest.

A moment later, one could see a statue, and not realise it was once a living being.

Like an imploding building, the Ghidorah statue crumbled, a massive pile of tiny ice pieces were all that was left.

Ken roared.

One of satisfaction.

He couldn't believe it. Monster Zero was just a pile of ice at his feet. Ken's inner circuits went wild as he heralded his emphatic victory.

'That was awesome,' He thought, walking onto the heap that was King Ghidorah.

A dance ensued.

With each leg lifting and stomping onto the ground each time, Ken raised his arms all the way to his head, then lowered them to his sides.

He did this for a few seconds.

"Fuck yeah," He screeched, striking a silly pose, "this is all I ever wanted..."

Ken soon remembered his place.

Indeed, it was beautiful that he was Mechagodzilla and could fire away his weaponry on unsuspecting kaiju, but there needed to be a sense of humbleness.

'I'm too excited,' He listened to the house around him, 'I...don't even know where I am,'

The sounds were too natural.

'The music stopped?' Ken realized, 'how sad,'

Perhaps the system knew?

'System,' he thought, 'can you tell me where- no...can you tell me my location?'

[Host is in another world]

Ken took in the information with indifference.

'In the end, I don't care,' He thought, stepping off the pile of ice, 'I have missiles, and I must kill things,'

With that thought, Ken eyed his surroundings, taking in the destruction.


The box appeared.

He thought for a moment about how to check one specifically.

'Do I...Maser Beam,'

[Maser Beam:

Your breath weapon. Has been amped for your needs.]

Ken laughed internally. He saw what it could do in action.

'Back Unit,'

[Back Unit:

Is equipped with missiles.

It is refilled every day.]

This piqued Ken's curiosity. Refill? That was awesome. Now he knew not to fear if he truly ran out of ammunition.

Ken checked each one.

A puff of smoke appeared in the distance.

It took Ken a moment to notice it.

Not long after, the cloud dissipated.

'So we have a spectator?' He thought, stepping around on the spot, 'I'm itching to fire more missiles,'

Despite that, Ken continued to look at his inventory, while checking around to see anything on the land.