
CHAPTER 30(No More Games)

Read auxiliary chapter World Info before starting the story.

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and changes etc)

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"LADY TSUNADE, LADY TSUNADE, HE'S AWAKE!" Shizune yelled as she ran down the hallway of the hospital wing, drawing the attention of all within earshot.

Moments later, Tsunade approached the door Shizune had been checking on flanked by Ino and Sakura closely behind her. Both girls appeared a bit apprehensive as they walked toward the room guarded by two chunin.

As Tsunade opened the door, the figure of a young boy, not even 13 years old can be seen below the covers. Heavy burns covering his face and most of his hair completely gone.

"Mmm, what's going on?" Jin asked, unmoving from his bed.

"JIN!" Ino yells in excitement, tears flowing down her face as she approaches the side of the bed, unsure if to touch the boy or not.

"You did the impossible and survived" Tsunade announced.

Hearing the new voice Jin immediately opened his eyes, revealing his light brown pupils.

"What do you mean?"

"Breaking a purple barrier should be impossible, touching a flame barrier even more so. Yet somehow you did both and survived. I'm Tsunade Senju, your doctor."

"Hmm, princess Tsunade healed me, of course, I'd survive. Why are Ino and Sakura here?"

"We, we've been learning medical jutsu from lady Tsunade, she's the strongest kunoichi so who better to help us catch up to you," Ino announced, nervous as she awaits his response.

"Huh, that's pretty useful." As he tries to sit up he finds that he's having trouble getting up. Ino gently helps him lean back on the headboard of the bed.

"So... I guess a mirror is a bad idea right?" Jin says, heavy sadness in his voice.

"Well, the damage was extreme. We can't do any more for you so now that you're awake you don't have to stay here much longer." Tsunade informs him.

"Where is everyone else, what happened after I got knocked out?" Jin asks, trying to get his bearings.

"Um, you bought us a few days with lord third by interrupting his jutsu, unfortunately, he passed away from the battle after Orochimaru escaped."

"Damn it," Jin says, sadness clearly in his voice. Even with his outlook on this world he has become attached to certain individuals over time, others he has come to look up to more than he'd ever admit.

"Did any of our friends get hurt, where are they?"

An awkward silence befalls the room as this question hangs in the air.

"Your friends are fine, currently they are on a mission to retrieve Sasuke." Tsunade finally says.

"WHAT! What happened?"

"Uh, Sasuke-Kun. Sasuke-Kun is on his way to join Orochimaru" Sakura admits in a defeated voice, on the verge of tears.

"Argh!" Jin exclaims as he tries to get out of bed, almost flopping straight to the floor before Ino holds him and puts him back into the bed.

"What's going on with me, my body isn't responding. Painkillers?" Jin asks, clearly annoyed.

"No, your injuries were far too extensive, unfortunately, your arms couldn't be saved, I'm sorry," Tsunade says.

As Jin finally takes a moment to look at himself, his entire chest is burnt and where his arms were he now possesses two stumps from mid-bicep on each side.

"You sacrificed so much for this village, we can never truly repay you. That is why as my first act as The Fifth Hokage, I named you an official Jounin, honorably discharged for injures sustained in the line of duty. You have the gratitude of Konoha" Tsunade says while bowing to Jin.

As a long moment passes for Jin to process what he just heard. His loss and confusion begins to boil. Completely replaced by anger.

"What the hell did you just say?" he asks through gritted teeth.

"You've been made jou---"


"I... what do you mean?" Tsunade asks, now a bit confused by her patient's words.

"You, you were gambling and drinking while we were dying, and now you walk in here and become Hokage, you're just a usurper!" He angrily yells.

"JIN!" Ino berates him, obviously worried about the consequences of speaking like that to the Hokage.

"And now you let Sasuke just betray the village, to join the man that attacked us. That killed lord third, YOUR SENSEI!"

"I, I believe Naruto will bring him back to us," Tsunade says in a shaky voice. Clearly, Jin's observations have made her doubts in herself surface once more.

"Too many people died for him to just betray us like that, I'll kill him myself," Jin says as he tries to get out of bed once more only to be held down by one palm of Tsunade.

"You don't have any arms and still need bed rest, lay down. I don't care how you feel about me I won't let you make your condition worse."

As this conflict builds, Sakura and Ino are already close to the door of the room, as far from the two shinobi as possible.

"LET.GO.OF.ME." He growls through his teeth.

"You need to rest!" Tsunade argues.

As she keeps him pressed gently to the bed, she suddenly feels her strength being sapped away, immediately leaping back toward Sakura and Ino.

'That feeling just now, he was absorbing my chakra, touching him is dangerous' Tsunade thought as she calmly observed Jin.

"Do you really expect to do anything with no hands Jin?" The Sannin calmly asks.

Taking a moment to throw his legs over the side of the bed, Jin looks down at his devastated body with a sour expression in his heart. A minute of contemplation later he looked toward the three kunoichis.

"Ino, would you help me make some hand seals please?" Jin pleads to the young girl.

"Don't you dare Ino!" Tsunade commands, freezing in response to both instructions Ino is unsure of what to do.

After a moment she finally speaks up.

"I-I." Sigh, " I'm sorry Jin, but I believe Sasuke can come back, I won't let you go after him!" She says as she steels her will in the face of the boy she deeply likes.

"You, I'm disappointed, I'm surrounded by traitors. The Usurper who turned her back on her people. The fangirl blinded by a dumb crush. And you Ino, the worst of all. I trusted you." Jin says coldly as he steps out of bed, leaning back on the bed to keep his balance.

"You're in no position to even handle your friends much less me, just get back into bed," Tsunade commands once more.

"Unlike Sasuke, I'd never betray Konoha, I'd never spit on the will of fire!"

With a stomp on the ground, keeping his eyes closed Jin commands his jutsu to take effect.


Suddenly arising from a ring of red fire a large head rises out of the floor. The three women in the room are completely caught off guard, even more so when Jin jumps into the creature.

"Did he just, no way. He just killed h---"

Interrupting Sakura's observation. The creature's mouth suddenly slams open as a familiar hand reaches out and holds onto the side of the mouth. Using his grip for support, a fully healed Jin steps out of the creature.

Completely stunned by this revelation, the woman can only stare in amazement as Jin walks over to the bed and rips himself a new blindfold from the blanket.

"I can only do that once in a lifetime, I was hoping to use it on lord third, but this will have to do," He lied effortlessly as he tightens his blindfold.

"Usurper, will you order me not to hunt down the traitor?" He asks Tsunade as he walks toward the window.

As her mind races through the implications of the question she studies every variable.

'If I order him not to go then he goes anyway and could become a rogue ninja himself just because of my decision to trust Naruto, this boy is way too dangerous to be an enemy. If I try to stop him our fight could destroy the hospital... fuck'

"No, consider this your practice for Jounin missions in the future. As fifth Hokage I order you to stop Sasuke from leaving the leaf by whatever means necessary, IF, Naruto's words fail," She says, watching Jin immediately leap out the window and into the village.

"LADY TSUNDADE YOU SAID YOU'D TRUST NARUTO!" Sakura yelled at her teacher.

"Sakura, if I denied him this hunt, we'd have two rouge ninja potentially. This is me trusting Naruto to find Sasuke before Jin does. Naruto's team has a major head start. Everything should be fine"

"Oh, uh... I don't know. Jin is really scary when he's on missions. According to Hinata, he becomes a monster."

"I trust Naruto to protect his friends. Come we have more patients to check on," Tsunade says as she puts on her best Hokage face and walks out of the room.

As Sakura and Tsunade leave the room, Ino is left behind. The girl leans against the wall before sliding down into a crouch hugging her knees, silently crying to herself.

'He hates me now!' She thinks as she recounts what just happened.

Making his way into his home through the window Jin quickly gets dressed before using his least used ability.

Placing his hands together as if praying, he slowly separates them as a 6ft staff made of black chakra metal is formed from his right palm. Brandishing his new weapon he gets all of the gear he needs before throwing his dark red Akatsuki-style robe above everything.

"Time to make the Uchiha go extinct, sorry Itachi"


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

---Traitors get put down, simple.

keanu_eugenecreators' thoughts