
Rebirth : System created by a person who reincarnated 800+ times

" Life is so messy that it requires a single bad day to turn the sanest man into a lunatic." - Joker, Stan Lee. Eris, a being who was even special and stronger than god's. Who had the power which can be found in only a single individual in hundreds of trillions of beings. He was fighting the great almighty God of the universe 6778 was tricked and killed by that God with the help of other gods. Sirius, your everyday normal introvert. He had a weird fate, from childhood till now he had suffered many incidents which would lead to death. It was not the fact that he always had deadly accidents occurring to him that was surprising but the fact that he always survived. Most of the time even without doing anything special he always survived. After being tricked and killed by the God Eris was going to get a chance as she always got but this time she decided to do something different. After all, she was bored of doing the same thing again and again. At that time for the first time Sirius died but even after death his fate didn't give him eternal peace as he was called by Eris. " Live for me." Eris said to Sirius. " Beautiful miss, it usually 'die for me'." Sirius said, mesmerized by her beauty. " No, Live for me so that I can die." When Eris said that Sirius was a bit confused. Little did he know that the most precious thing he ever wanted was never going to happen to him :- DEATH!!. —————— Hello guys, Author here~, I was writing for my other two novels when I suddenly got a weird idea with an urge to write. I will shamelessly admit that I have decided to write this novel just because of that idea and maybe I will take a break from my other novels if I get support on this one. I am not a good writer as both of my novels had a lot of info dumps, that's why this time I have decided to go with a mainstream novel. I am paranoid that's why please expect a bit of info dump. I won't give you many spoilers but this novel is a fantasy novel but it is also practical. That's why please don't expect a sad backstory or something because those things, at least according to me, are not practical. You can expect sad things which are more practical and tragic. Like even a top student who is praised by everyone can face depression to the point that leads to sucide. Except for that you can expect this novel to be like my ideal Author ' Pancakeswitch '. If you have not read her novels please I will highly recommend her novels for those who don't want a serious plotline and just want to enjoy Slice of Life. - Daily updates [ 1 day off ] - Chapter length : 1000-2000 Additional tags : Bloodline, Dragon, undead, beast, pheonix, romance, Harem, Griffin, God, Angels, Devil etc

DukeofDemon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Prologue - 2

"Beautiful miss, I might have a personality disorder but that doesn't mean you can just fool me by changing the lines. It's 'die for me'." I said as I was mesmerized by her beauty. I thought she had made a mistake with what she said.

"No!! Live for me so that I can die in peace." When she said that with an annoyed look I finally got out of my nirvana.

I looked around once again and the only thought which came to his mind was that he finally died and was standing in heaven while the woman in front of him was a goddess.

"Are you a goddess ?" Just to be sure I asked.

"Hell no!!" She replied as if she felt disgusted being called a goddess.

"Ah, you are a mortal. To explain to you I need to first understand you." She said and brought her beautiful right hand near my chest. After a few seconds I felt all the memories stored in my mind appear again. It was like I lived my whole 24 years again.

"Oh, this is going to be easy….." she muttered while taking her hands back.

"So let me explain everything to you." She said while a chair appeared behind me. I didn't think much and sat on the chair while I listened to her.

"So you died or more like I killed you. Let me introduce myself. I am Eris, a Rebirther. Now before you ask what is a Rebirther and all it is just like reincarnation in the novels you read but just a bit different." She continued.

"I am practically immortal because even if I die I will be reincarnated again and again. Though there are some requirements for that I basically ignore them because I complete them while I am living. For me a body is just a vessel which is required by me to live. I have literally been reincarnated 800 plus times, that's why I can't even tell you how old I am."

"The reason why I was able to meet you was because I was fighting the God of this universe to usurp his position but I was tricked by his subordinates leading to my death again. I was going to be reincarnated again when I sensed you for the first time. Do you even know how special you are ?" She asked to which my only reply was :-


"Well then let me tell you that you are born with a unique fate. Your fate is the reason why even though you were alive you were also standing on the shore of death. Even now though you are dead you are still standing on the shore of life which will cause you to lose your memories and get rebirthed."

"Now this fate has led me to you so that I can help you or you can help me ?" She said this sentence with a confused look.

'Even though you have been born 800 plus times yet you are still clumsy. I guess this is what my father said that the word woman can never be explained.' I thought while staring at Eris.

"Whatever, I want you to take my position as a Rebirther. So that I can enter eternal slumber." To her seemingly request I just answered with a question :-


"Hmm, don't you want power which will allow you to get born again and again no matter how many times you die?" She was not expecting that question.

"Then why are you giving this ability to me when it is so overpowered?" I didn't care but I tried to think practically.

"I am tired of living my life like this. Even though I have reincarnated more than 800 times I have many regrets. I never tried to bind myself to a particular world and stay immortal or even care about those who were close to me because I knew that once I die they will be replaced. This and many other things caused me to live a life of regret and depression." She continued.

"And this is how I ended. A battle maniac who forgot what life really was. You are emotionless and way smarter than me, I think you will live a better life than me."

"The other reason was I can't die without giving this power to someone else but as paranoid as I am, instead of giving this power to anyone else who is powerful I am giving it to you who don't even know much about your own world let alone the universe." She finally concluded her explanation.

I had many questions but I decided to keep it short and talk like a businessman.

"Is there anything else you can give me?" After all, what she was saying was completely out of a fantasy novel to me. That's why even though I was satisfied by this overpowered ability I still wanted something which will help me survive until I grasp my situation.

"You will get everything that belongs to me and I will also create the best possible circumstances for you. For example a perfect vessel, my memories, my system—" When she said system I got up and looked at her with a serious expression.

"Deal" I said.

She knew what I was thinking when she said system that's why she smiled mischievously and said :-

"Don't worry the system will be even way better than you imagine."

While saying that she explained some more essential things for two hours or so because I didn't know what time it was or time even existed in this place.

"So are you ready ?" She looked into my eyes and asked. I took a deep breaths as if preparing myself and said :-


"Remember no matter how you live your life, live it to your fullest and without any regrets." She said with seriousness in her eyes while I simply nodded my head.

She closed her eyes as her body started glowing for a bit. Then her body started dispersing in small light particles and moving towards me they started entering my body one after another until her whole body was dispersed in light particles and entered my body. Even before she could completely merge I had already fallen unconscious with my final thoughts being :-

'Even though I don't know I had any love but I thank you and love you for being a part of my life. Maybe if someday I found a way to return I will surely return.'


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