
Themis, God of knowledge


Simon walked out of an interview room. He sat down in the waiting room.

Man: Hey, how'd you think the interview went?

Simon: Oh, I think it went splendid.

Man: I just went in, when I came back a mutant walked in. Bastards have been showing up all over the place. Stealing our jobs. Sorry brother, we probably ain't getting this.

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Simon went to get a coffee. Excited about the new job he signed up for. There were two lines. Since the recent influx of people. Of course they ended up being segregated into meta and human lines. Simon looked at the two lines. The meta line was super fast moving, and the human line was very sluggish. Simon stepped into the meta line, who was going to stop him?

Meta: Hey, what's a human like you doing in our line? Trying to slow the line down? Usually animals and humans are separated. And that's what we are to you, right? Animals.

Simon: What? I never said anything of the sort.

The meta pushed Simon back. He knew it wasn't worth it. Things could end badly.

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Simon went home. He looked at a large whiteboard, and crossed off another job, He turned around and looked at a picture of a woman. And then a picture of him standing with her at their wedding. He left the house and got in his car, he drove to the graveyard. He stood in front of a gravestone that read Alice Akir. He threw down another flower on her grave. He looked to his side. He saw a meta standing at a gravestone. It was Amelia.

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Simon: Hey! Millie! Nice to see you made it!

Millie: Hey Simon.

Simon: Where's everyone else?

Millie: Lobo went on a mission, and Tempest. Well, you know. Hey, it's alright that I brought Amelia, right? I wouldn't want to go to whatever this is alone.

Simon: Right. It's alright. The Detonator will keep you company!

Simon walked the group past security.

Security: Hey! Those are two metas! What are they doing here?

Simon: They're with me.

Simon walked them over to some seats.

Simon: I had no idea you two were passionate about meta and human equality.

Millie: I mean, yeah. I do want equality for everyone. I really just came because you wanted us to. Maybe I can learn a thing or two about your outlook on things though.

Simon: I'll be speaking soon. Wish me luck.

Simon fist bumped the Detonator.

Millie: Yeah, good luck.

Simon left.

Millie: Amelia, nothing to say?

Amelia: There's something that worries me. What if we get recognized as metas?

Millie: Well um, we're fucked. But I'm sure Simon will protect us.

Amelia: What if things get bad? I don't want to use my speed to hurt people if I can help it.

Millie: It'll be okay.

Simon went onstage. He stood in front of tons of angry humans.

Simon: Men and Woman. We are in a crisis. A terrorist let millions of monsters out of their cages. And we're their prey. Humans have stood through many disasters. We won't fall to these...maniacs. They killed many of our men. The men fighting for law. And simple men who just were on their way back from work to their families. Humans with dreams, killed by monsters who are only possessed by instinct. They are humans, yes. Humans reduced to their primal human instinct.

Amelia: Because of what humans did…

Simon: In a misguided attempt at justice, Terra Lorenz, a terrorist, set free millions at once. 40 million Metas and mutants. All as unprepared for society as the next. They push us around because we aren't threats to them. It's time we fight back, show that we will push back!

Millie: It's like he's a different person…

Amelia: He's gonna cause a riot. We should do something.

Millie: We can't sway the opinions of a bunch of opinionated people. It isn't worth it.

Simon: We have to do something about it. Drive them off the streets. Put them back where they belong! We'll make America our land, the land of the free.

Amelia: How's anyone free if all mutants get locked up?

A circle of humans looked at Amelia.

Amelia: ...Yeah. I said what I think. Sorry.

Woman: Look! We've got one here! That's a mutant! With super speed!

Man: She could kill us all! Everyone back away!

Amelia: Look! I'm not going to hurt you! Just stop!

Woman: Stop what!? Stop believing you are a monster!?

Man: Monster!

Woman: Your a fucking monster!

Amelia: Don't you see I don't want to hurt you?! Stop!

Amelia was whimpering at this point. She crumpled into a ball on the ground. She closed her eyes. Still hearing the chanting.

People: Monster! Monster!

Millie looked around for an exit. There was no way out.

Millie: Back off!

A man grabbed a pole and swung it down at Amelia. Millie jumped in the way and got cut on the side. Her power activated and hit a man in the circle.

People: Their attacking us!

Millie looked up at Simon. He smiled at her and shrugged. Millie ducked down to Amelia's level. The humans started swarming her. They pummeled Millie from the back.

Millie: Amelia! S-speed!

Simon: Everyone! Stop!

All Simon's supporters moved off of Millie and Amelia. They looked up at him, confused.

Millie: Thank god…

A sniper bullet shot straight into Amelia's chest. Amelia was slammed to the floor from the pressure. Millie immediately fell to Amelia's aid.

Millie: Amelia! Come on! Hold on! I'm getting us out of here.

Millie stood up. Another sniper shot was fired. Millie held out her robotic hand and blocked it. A man swung a wooden board at her. She threw a knee, and split the piece of wood in half. She pushed the man down.

Millie: Everyone back up! Stay the fuck back! You! With glasses! You know exactly what I'll do if you lay the heat on me any longer. So back the fuck off!

Mille picked up Amelia and ran off.

A man in a mask reloaded his sniper. He stuck a bead on Millie, while she was running. A com in his ear turned on.

Simon: Leave her. You did just what I wanted. Wouldn't want to dispel the threat.

Simon looked down at the people in front of him.

Simon: Metas and mutants will not hold us down! Go to the streets! Protest against them. If they threaten you, I will help you. I'm on your side!

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Themis walked into a bar with Lobo at his side.

Themis: Stay close to my side. Don't let your eyes wander in a place like this.

Themis sat down in a booth across from a woman.

Themis: Hey Akane.

Akane had long pink hair. With a sleeveless skin-tight turtle-neck. With a breast-window. She wore a black coat lined with red over it. She had leggings along with black heels. She had tattoos on her cheeks that looked like scales. Along with a tattoo on her chest. She had two small fangs coming from her mouth.

Akane: Themis. I can't believe I'm seeing you now. It's been so long! Last time I saw you you couldn't even drink!

Themis: Yeah yeah right. Let's worry about business. I want information.

Akane: *sigh* always on business. Whose this little one next to you?

Themis: That's Lobo. She's here as extra protection.

Akane: So, what do you need?

Akane put her feet on the table.

Themis: I want to find someone. Her names Terra Lorenz. She shouldn't be too hard to find.

Akane: Terra Lorenz? What happened to her?

Themis: Remember when the brooklyn bridge fell?

Akane: Yeah. What about it? That was her?

Themis: Yeah. She's a little monster. Her and Delta, Delta as in Artemis's predecessor Delta were fighting, when they disappeared.

Akane: Disappeared? Explain.

Themis: They fell into the water. There was a flash of light, and they disappeared.

Akane: Oh...I know who that sounds like. Sounds just like Polybus. He delivers souls to me from time to time.

Themis: Who the hell is Polybus?

Akane: When a god dies, they are replaced essentially. Even though Zeus doesn't see it that way. You knew about Hermes. But not Polybus. He could've picked up their souls.

Themis: And?

Akane: Well. If they got into contact with an Olympian god, there's only one place they could be.

Themis: Skyland.

Akane: Guess what time it is too?

Themis: Shit.

Akane: The end of Olympian reign,

Themis: Which means Yuri is coming soon.

Akane: You'd better get a move on.

Themis grabbed Lobo and ran out of the bar.

Lobo: What does that mean?

Themis: Fucking Yuri's going to be free soon.

Lobo: Free?

Themis: We have to go back to the underworld.

Themis punched a brick out of the wall next to them.

Themis: Fuck!

Lobo: Themis! What's wrong!?

Themis smiled and laughed.

Themis: Last time I went to the Underworld, all my friends died.

Lobo: Themis...I'm…

Themis: That's why you and me, it'll never work. Unless you want to die.

Lobo: At the very least, I owe it to you to go to the underworld and fight Yuri.

Themis: You have to take care of Tempest. I couldn't face Yuri alone. So maybe we can send a message to Terra. That's the most I could do.

Lobo: Why can't you go there?

Themis: Go where? Skyland? Oh no no no. We don't wanna jump down that rabbit hole.

Lobo: It's the best way you could send a message to Terra.

Themis: Let's just go meet up with Millie.

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Lobo and Themis walked into the headquarters. They went to check on Tempest. When Lobo was surprised to see Amelia laying down next to Tempest. Practically gushing blood. Millie's hands were shaking as she was trying to text them. She had tried to cover up Amelia's wound.

Lobo: Shit! What the fuck happened?!

Millie: I was at the rally, which turned into a protest and then the next minute...Amelia got…

Lobo: Okay okay! Back up!

Themis: Calm down Lobo! You can't do surgery like that!

Lobo: Shut the fuck up! What does it say on the computer?!

Themis: She's stable, Hey, looks like her mutant gene can't be seen though.

Lobo: How's that possible?

Themis: I have no idea!

Millie: Your saying she can't access her powers?

Lobo: It's uncertain! I'm doing what I can!

Millie: Themis. What did you find out?

Themis: You remember a while back, when I wanted Terra to go to a place called Skyland?

Millie: Yeah, I do. Wait. Don't tell me…

Themis: Terra got a one-way trip straight to Skyland.

Millie: What? Really?

Themis: Yes. Really. We can't do much about it. We just...have to wait.