
Rebirth of A Dragon God

Warning: this book is satire. nothing inside should be taken seriously Shenlong has always been a great lover of women; even overshadowing the great God of Sex. Well, he's actually been cucking most of the gods in ninth heaven for a while now. Unfortunately he's a little 'too good' for his own good, resulting in the goddesses and demigoddesses flat out refuse to accept their previous masters. Using anger to mask their insecurities, several gods get together and trap Shenlong while he's having sex with the God of Sex's number one beauty. At first he was angered for being cast into the lower heavens, and forced to lose his Godly Dragon body, but once he arrived on the lowest heaven, he found himself thanking the God of Sex's generosity. Although he was cast from the highest heaven, he had fallen into an area inhabited solely by women. 35 million of them in fact. We expect Shenlong's gonna have a lot of fun. Tags: No more tags, I think my last tags got this book banned lol. This is a repost, and hopefully doesn't get banned again

Dao_of_tiddie · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

Mother? I choose you!

After what felt like an eternity, Shenlong arrived at the lowest mortal realm; Banjiu . The name Banjiu was made many millennia ago by the inhabitants after they fully mapped the world.

As a result, they noticed that the whole world consisted of several land masses that formed a rough shape of a turtledove. This coincided with an ancient legend about how the heavens had sent down a solitary bird and planted a seed from which humans sprouted out of.

To entities like Shenlong, they gave no heaven beneath the ninth a glance, so they never bothered to name each world.

As he descended from the second heaven, he opened his eyes. With his body dissipated, he was only left with an ethereal form of a majestic gold dragon- invisible to mortals.

Glancing at the whole of the continent beneath him, he noted that it was broken into four distinct zones, each with a different climate. Each climate sat next to each other with distinct borders. They fell under: Fall, winter, spring, and summer.

Although Shenlong found it both beautiful and intriguing, that wasn't what caught his attention.

Immediately, his eyes popped wide and his jaw dropped. "W… Woman wonderland!"

The whole continent was virtually inhabited by only women. With a cursory sweep of his divine sense, he did sense some men here, they were all situated around the coasts. He also noticed that the women had a great deal of animosity towards these men.

Suddenly, every bit of anger he held for the gods expelling him vanished. "If I'm not wrong… that's… THIRTY FIVE MILLION WOMEN!"

"Oh Xing Shen, bless you! You have literally made my dreams come true! Your dragon may be like a worm next to mine, but I will owe you this one!"

If he still had his body, one might see tears falling from his eyes… and probably his massive raging dragon, towering towards the sky. Just the thought… 35 million women devoted to serving his big dragon…

Suddenly getting serious, he began focusing. The highest amount of yin on the continent was found in the winter zone. He decided to start at the highest mountain peak there.

At the very peak sat a woman in a lotus position covered in snow. From his estimate, she must have spent over a decade on the peak, absorbing the yin energy from the world. 'Hmm. Talents a bit too lacking,' he thought, scrutinizing the motionless woman. She was in no ways ugly, but for his plan, she wasn't good enough.

Moving down the mountain, he discovered a cave with three women motionlessly cultivating with their hands together forming a triangle. Each woman had strength below the woman above, and were in a state of pseudo-enlightenment.

Once reaching the mid-point of the mountain, he noticed a slight anomaly. Any of these humans would never feel it, but he could immediately. It seems the woman he is looking for has just revealed herself! He sensed that there was an individual capable to forcing residual yin energy to her location for mass absorption.

This peaked his interest because based on prior knowledge, this talent hasn't been discovered below the fourth heaven. If so, then she could be considered a heaven defying talent all the way until the fifth realm.

'Congratulations,' he chuckled to himself. 'Look like you've won the prize!'

As such, he allowed himself to be pulled along with the yin energy, excitedly looking forwards to this 'heaven defying' talent.

For nearly an hour he drifted past as he watched tens of thousands of women and girls practicing their martial arts and swordplay.

Inner disciples were situated slightly better. They would closer to the capitol, and practiced in smaller groups with better materials and resources.

Watching each and every woman, he noted that there was no such thing as an ugly woman here. Sure, some possessed plainer faces than others, or flatter chests and butts, but being the kind soul he was, he wouldn't discriminate against them. He would surely bless them by letting them have a chance to taste his big dragon too!

Just thinking about it, he smiled and directed his attention forwards. 'Seems my trip is coming to an end,' he nodded. Up ahead was the most ornate and luxurious building within the whole land he's traveled.

'Good for me,' he thought. 'Seems the talent is royalty then.'

The massive ornate building was white and blue in color, with upturned edges to the roofs much like a traditional pagoda. The blue tiles were coated in a thin layer of white frost, matching the stark white walls. There were hundreds of female guards roaming around the palace; each roughly on the strength level of an elder.

The grounds were richly decorated with intricately carved walls and statues depicting great battles and beautiful women.

Giving them a glance, he looked back towards where he was being led.

The palace was shaped in a square leaving only the center with open air. At this center, bathed a woman, washing her hair while in a pool of glowing azure liquid. Surrounding her were odd yin fruits that can only glow in a climate such as this.

This very woman often coined the term 'most beautiful' be it in the world or under the heavens; she has heard it all. In her mind, she agrees that: all men are disgusting pigs who only lust after her body, but unfortunately as the Empress, she is forced to deal with these creatures occasionally.

With a sigh, she stuck one leg high out of the water as she gracefully used the glowing water to stroke it clean.

Her eyes remained closed as she hummed a lonely tune and gently (and sensually) washed her body. Unbeknownst to her, an uninvited guest had just arrived to view her in all her glory.

After several minutes, she stood up and opened her eyes. Moving to a stone platform beneath a large ice bonsai tree, she sat down in a lotus position and began cultivating. As such, Shenlong noticed the yin energy being sucked into her body.

"What a woman!" he shouted knowing no one will hear him. Compared to every other woman he's observed here, she was definitely the most spectacular. He can tell that this woman is only 19, yet was at a stage almost comparable to the old women on the mountain. Not only that, but she was practicing both body and soul arts.

On the moral heavens, this is almost unheard of; so Shenlong suspected only she knew this.

"Hope you're grateful towards my gift… mother."

Hmm, didn't want to do reincarnation, but i'm not sure if this is considered reincarnation

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