
Rebirth of A Dragon God

Warning: this book is satire. nothing inside should be taken seriously Shenlong has always been a great lover of women; even overshadowing the great God of Sex. Well, he's actually been cucking most of the gods in ninth heaven for a while now. Unfortunately he's a little 'too good' for his own good, resulting in the goddesses and demigoddesses flat out refuse to accept their previous masters. Using anger to mask their insecurities, several gods get together and trap Shenlong while he's having sex with the God of Sex's number one beauty. At first he was angered for being cast into the lower heavens, and forced to lose his Godly Dragon body, but once he arrived on the lowest heaven, he found himself thanking the God of Sex's generosity. Although he was cast from the highest heaven, he had fallen into an area inhabited solely by women. 35 million of them in fact. We expect Shenlong's gonna have a lot of fun. Tags: No more tags, I think my last tags got this book banned lol. This is a repost, and hopefully doesn't get banned again

Dao_of_tiddie · Eastern
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47 Chs

Sneaky Dragon

As the beautiful nude woman was absorbing the yin energy she gathered from the mountain, and was none-the-wiser about the spirit that entered her body.

While she was busy directing the energy towards both her dantians, Shenlong was making himself busy by rummaging around in her womb.

Unfortunately, it was impossible for the goddesses to bear children so he was a complete amateur in this department. 'Umm, so basically I have to find an egg and fertilize it? So am I going to be born as a human or a dragon from an egg? Why does she have an egg though, if humans are born without one? Am I supposed to hatch inside of her? As much as I've always loved being in a woman's womb, I never envisioned this…'

Inside the Empress's womb, there was a battle occurring that she never would have thought possible. Finding the egg, he was bombarding it by trying to ram into it. 'FUCK! How am I supposed to fertilize this? I don't have a body to shoot my dragon juice out of!'

'*sigh* It's such a shame I never met the goddess of fertility. Maybe then, I'd know what to do.' So for who knows how long, Shenlong swirled around in her womb, trying to find a way to enter the egg.

At this time, the Empress was bathing again, washing away the sweat from her daily cultivation session. Humming a slightly happier tune than before, she felt herself close to a breakthrough.

Suddenly without warning, her body felt a strong jolt, originating in her womb. Groaning slightly, she began rubbing her stomach.

*bang* again from her womb she felt a pain, causing her to moan out in a non-seductive way. Several more bangs were felt in her womb as she doubled over with tears flowing from her eyes. Each bang resulted in a yelp sounding like a wounded dog.

Insider her womb, Shenlong had changed tactics this time around. Using pressure from the divinity he had gained from sleeping with goddesses, he began to forcefully break his way into the egg. He was clueless about how sperm fertilized an egg, he knew that divinity could basically do anything, so it should be able to do this simple act.

Too bad, he didn't realize the pain he was putting his future mother through by letting his divinity smash into her inner walls.

With one last smash, he broke into the egg and effectively fused with it, meaning he could now control its actions. 'Not fertilized? Too bad. You are, if I tell you you are!'

By fusing with her egg, he had basically given the Empress a drop of his bloodline and divinity which resulted in her being shocked as if lightning hit her.

Sweating profusely, her beautiful eyes rolled up into her head, and she fell down face first into the water while spazzing.

Oblivious to this, Shenlong had entered into contemplation mode.

The Empress was currently lying face down in the glowing azure water, fully nude, twitching every once and awhile.

She had long passed out, but that didn't mean her body couldn't feel the pain. From her back, a golden glow arose, breaking her skin and causing blood to flow down. Starting just below her left shoulder, golden lines appeared and began snaking down into the form of an ancient golden dragon. As its body was long, it was somewhat coiled on her upper back. Slowly, it crept down until the dragon's head fully appeared on her plump right butt-cheek.

Within the lines appeared small glittering scales that ran along the whole dragon. Even though it appeared this way, in reality, it did not harm the quality of her skin. The scales were just as smooth and supple as the rest of her skin.

By the end of this, golden light began glowing from the dragon and illuminating her whole fairy like body. Instantly, she broke through her bottleneck and achieved the Transcendent Realm that most mortals can only dream of!

After an unknown amount of time, the Empress let out a groan as she pushed herself to her knees. Slightly dizzy, she stayed still, sucking in long breaths of cold air.

She jumped with a start! 'Something's different,' she noticed. It was then that she realized she wasn't tired or in pain. All the blood was washed away and purified by the pool, so she never suspected that something as added to her body.

"WHAT?!" she almost shouted. With an expression full of shock, she covered her impulsive mouth. 'I… I… broke through?!'

Releasing her mouth, she began feeling her body. 'Yes!' she noticed. Her skin quality increased greatly, and her muscles had more tension in them without sacrificing softness.

Not just that, but her dantian had disappeared and her body had improved immensely.

She began jumping around like a giddy schoolgirl as she realized just how amazing she truly was.

"Haha! Those ugly men will experience hell now! They dare use their lecherous eyes on me? Watch as I scoop them out while none of your ancestors can protect you!"

With that phrase, she smiles coldly as she remembers those disgusting men making advances on her. They were so bad that the four largest empires besides hers fought each other for the rights to take her to bed.

"Truly foolish" she scoffed, welling up with pride and arrogance as she thought her strength was on par with a several hundred year old ancestor.


Two months passed after her unexpected breakthrough, and she remained in her center garden in isolated cultivation.

She was currently quite confused however.

'How strange… I, who has never needed to eat in the past two years, am unable to go a day without food!'

Looking down, she began rubbing her stomach. 'Not only that, but the food seems to be making me fatter.'

With a sigh, she had a servant girl deliver another plate of dumplings before scarfing it down like a madwoman.

Leaning back, she sighed. "Guess I'll have to go up the mountain and ask the ancestors about this. Maybe they went through the same thing after breaking through to Transcendent."

Unbeknownst to her, she had gotten a bad habit of lovingly rubbing her tummy while she got a warm feeling in her heart.

In a good mood, she graced the world with a smile so beautiful even nature might stop and stare. Looking towards the sky, she sat there smiling like a fool.