
Rebirth in Wilderness

Li Mei has been reborn. She was a senior high school student and used to be bullied at school and at her part-time work. The day she rebelled is the day she was murdered. After being reborn, she is a farmer's daughter in Qinxi, ancient China and her family is bullied by the whole village. She has 3 siblings: 2 elder brothers and 1 younger brother. After much bullying, the whole family is chased from the village and takes refuge in the mountains. There, they manage to discover a cave that opens the door to an immortal world. They learn martial arts and gain strength and knowledge. But they can only stay for 20 years and move back to their old village. 20 years in the immortal world are 2 days in the village world.

WeiAnji · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 6: The Flight to Freedom

Following a period of trial and tribulation, the Li family had finally carved a niche for themselves within the heart of Qinxi village. Their innovative farming techniques, once the subject of scepticism and derision, had proven instrumental in averting a devastating harvest failure. As the crops thrived, so did the villagers' respect and admiration for the Li family. Whispers of doubt transformed into open discussions on how the village could benefit from such progressive practices. Once on the fringes of village life, the Li family found themselves at its very core, embodying the change they had long championed.


However, just as the family began to relish their hard-won acceptance, a new and ominous challenge loomed on the horizon. An unforeseen threat, more severe than any drought or pestilence, cast a dark shadow over the village's future. Initial reports of a distant calamity began to trickle in, each account more dire than the last, until the reality became inescapable: Qinxi and everything they had worked so hard to build was in peril.


Faced with this existential threat, the villagers turned to the Li family, not just for leadership but for a solution that would require all their ingenuity and courage. The time for celebration had passed; now was a moment for action, a decisive leap into the unknown to secure their survival and freedom.


As summer waned, bringing with it the whispers of an approaching autumn, the Li family's deep connection to the land sounded an alarm before any word reached the village. Li Mei first sensed the disquiet through the subtle shifts in the natural world around them. The birds flew differently, and the ancient trees groaned under a tension that spoke of more than just seasonal change.


Gathering her family under the cloak of an early dusk, Li Mei shared her observations. "The river," she began, her voice laced with urgency, "swelling beyond any seasonal norm. The patterns of wildlife have changed. Something significant is amiss."


With decades of experience, Li Jietang knew not to doubt his daughter's bond with the earth. "We must verify your observations and alert the village if they hold true," he decided, the protective patriarch emerging in the face of potential disaster.


The confirmation came sooner than they had hoped. A scout from the neighbouring village, breathless and wide-eyed with fear, brought news of a dam upstream, weakened by relentless rains and on the brink of failure. The threat was not just imminent; it was catastrophic.


Armed with this knowledge, the Li family convened an emergency meeting with the village elders and shared their findings. "We stand on the precipice of a disaster that could sweep away everything we hold dear," Li Mei addressed the gathering, her resolve firm. "Our connection to the land has given us a warning; we must heed it."


The initial shock gave way to a flurry of activity. The villagers, recognizing the gravity of the situation and the Li family's foresight, rallied to prepare for the impending calamity. Evacuation plans began to take shape, guided by the Li family's warning. In the face of nature's fury, the village found unity, driven by the need to survive and the hope for a future beyond the disaster's shadow.


In the dim light of their humble kitchen, the Li family gathered around the old wooden table that witnessed their struggles and triumphs. The room was filled with a heavy silence, each member grappling with the reality of the impending disaster and the inevitable decision before them.


Li Jietang, always the pillar of their strength, voiced the hard truth. "The land we have nurtured and that has nurtured us back faces a threat we cannot fight. We must leave to protect ourselves and ensure our future."


With her hands clasped tightly in her lap, Wei Chu softly added, "Our home is more than these fields and this house. It's wherever we can be together, safe and alive."


Li Mei, who had always felt a deep bond with the land, felt her heartache at the thought of leaving. "But can we truly find a place that feels like home again?" she asked, her voice tinged with sorrow.


Her younger brother, Li Enle, looked up, his young eyes filled with fear and trust. "As long as we're together, we can make any place home," he said, echoing his mother's earlier sentiment.


Li Jietang nodded, solemn yet resolved. "Then it's decided. We leave at first light, taking what we can carry and our memories of this place."


The decision, once spoken, seemed to lift a weight from their shoulders. The discussion turned to preparations, the practical steps of their departure, but the undercurrent of loss remained. Leaving their home was a sacrifice, a testament to their survival instinct. Still, it was also a commitment to each other, a promise to carry their family's legacy no matter where they found themselves.


As dawn broke over Qinxi, casting a gentle light on the village that had been their home for generations, the Li family, accompanied by a group of villagers who had chosen to join them, began their meticulous preparations for departure. The air was thick with anticipation and the poignant sorrow of farewell, but beneath it all lay a current of determined resilience.


Taking the lead, Li Mei moved with purpose among the gathered group, her voice steady and reassuring. "We need to be swift but thorough. Pack only what is essential—food, clothing, and any tools to aid us in our journey. Remember, we carry our most precious possessions: our community and people."


Alongside her, her father, Li Jietang, mapped out the route with a minor assembly of village elders who had decided to brave the new beginning with them. They pored over old maps and recent reports from scouts, plotting a path to avoid the immediate danger and lead them towards hope.


With a heart heavy with goodbye, Wei Chu walked through their home, touching the walls that had sheltered them and whispering a silent farewell. She gathered keepsakes, small items that carried the essence of their memories, tucking them safely into her pack.


Outside, the villagers worked together, loading carts with supplies, their movements a testament to the unity that adversity had forged. Li Enle and his siblings darted between the adults, helping where they could, their youthful energy a beacon of light in the sombre morning.


As they made their final rounds, ensuring no one was left without aid, Li Mei stood for a moment, looking back at the village that had seen the ebb and flow of their lives. "We leave not just to survive," she thought, "but to find a place where we can live freely, where our dreams can take root once more."


With a deep breath, she turned, facing the road ahead, the family and villagers ready to follow her lead. Together, they stepped into the unknown, carrying with them the hope for a new dawn beyond the horizon.


As the first rays of dawn pierced the horizon, the Li family, alongside their fellow villagers, embarked on their arduous journey. Their chosen path wound through the dense forests that skirted the edge of Qinxi, leading into the unknown. The terrain was uneven, fraught with hidden roots and rocks, making their progress slow and painstaking. Each step was a testament to their determination, a silent vow to persevere despite the odds.


Li Mei, ever vigilant, led the procession, her eyes scanning the path ahead for signs of danger or difficulty. "Keep close, and watch your step," she cautioned, her voice returning to the others. Their collective safety bore heavily on her shoulders, yet she moved with unwavering confidence.


Their supplies, though carefully rationed, quickly became a source of concern. Water was scarce, and food needed to be conserved. With her innate understanding of nutrition, Wei Chu devised ways to make their provisions last, combining ingredients that offered sustenance and comfort. "We may not have much," she said one evening as they gathered around a small fire, "but we have enough to share among us."


The journey tested them in ways they had not anticipated. Fatigue set in, tempers flared, and despair sometimes threatened to overwhelm their spirits. Yet, it was in these moments of vulnerability that their bonds were reinforced. Li Jietang's steady leadership, Wei Chu's nurturing warmth, and Li Mei's resilient optimism were pillars for their community, rallying their spirits against the spectre of doubt.


One night, under a canopy of stars, Li Enle asked, "Are we almost there?" His voice, filled with a mix of exhaustion and hope, echoed the sentiments of all.


Looking up at the sky, Li Mei replied, "Every step takes us closer, not just to our destination, but to becoming stronger than we ever thought possible. We are together, and that is our greatest strength."


Their journey was a flight from danger and a pilgrimage towards freedom and rebirth. Each day, they drew closer to their new beginning, their unity, an unbreakable chain that bound them to each other and the future that awaited them.


Midway through their journey, when the challenges of the road seemed insurmountable, and the path ahead loomed uncertainly, the Li family and their fellow villagers stumbled upon a surprising beacon of hope. Nestled in a valley that seemed to embrace all who entered with open arms was a community of travellers, much like themselves, who had been shaped by trials and forged by the necessity of survival.


As they approached, wary but curious, an elderly man with a face as weathered as the mountains surrounding them stepped forward. "Welcome, travellers," he greeted, his voice as rich and deep as the earth. "We, too, are wanderers in search of safety and peace. Perhaps, together, we can share the burden."


Li Mei, always the diplomat, responded with cautious optimism. "We're grateful for your welcome. We carry not just our belongings but our hopes for a new beginning. Might we learn from each other?"


A woman in the group laughed, her mirth infectious. "Learn? From us? Unless you want lessons in singing the worst campfire songs, you might be out of luck!"


The ice broke, and the two groups shared stories, food, and some questionably tuneful songs around a shared fire. It was here, among new friends, that the Li family learned of a fertile land just beyond the following mountain range, unclaimed and ripe for cultivation.


"We've been there," explained a young scout, his eyes alight with the memory. "It's a hard journey, but the land... it's as if it's been waiting for someone like you."


Armed with this new knowledge and buoyed by the support of their unexpected allies, the Li family felt their spirits lift. The road ahead remained daunting, but the promise of a place to call home, shared by those who had become friends in a single, starlit night, filled them with renewed determination and hope.


"We may have started this journey as strangers," Li Jietang mused, a smile touching his lips, "but we continue as a family, both old and new. Together, there's no obstacle we can't overcome."


After what felt like an eternity traversing rugged terrains and weathering both literal and metaphorical storms, the caravan led by the Li family crested a final hill to behold a vista that spoke directly to their weary hearts. Before them lay a valley, bathed in the golden hues of the setting sun, its fertile lands sprawling and untouched, whispering promises of hope and renewal.


"We made it," Li Mei breathed out, her voice a mixture of relief and awe. Her eyes, reflecting the beauty before her, shimmered with unshed tears of joy.


Her father, Li Jietang, placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "This is the beginning, Mei. Our new home."


The travellers, though exhausted, were invigorated by the sight. They descended into the valley, each step imbued with the moment's significance. As they began to set up their initial camp, the air was filled with tentative laughter and the crackle of fires being lit—a symphony of survival and the heralding of a new chapter.


Wei Chu, ever the heart of their family, looked around at the assembled faces, now alight with the glow of the campfire. "We've carried our home within us all along," she mused, her voice carrying in the quiet night. "Now, we plant it here, in this soil, and watch it grow, nurtured by all we've learned."


Li Enle, bubbling with youthful energy despite the journey's toll, grinningly declared, "I'm going to build the biggest house!"


His simple proclamation drew laughter, easing the tension of the unknown future.


As night settled over their new domain, the Li family and their companions gathered, sharing stories of the journey, plans for the morrow, and dreams of what their new community could become. With each word spoken, the foundation of their future society was laid, a mosaic of their hopes, fears, resilience, and, above all, their unbreakable spirit.


"Let this land be a testament," Li Jietang said, steady and sure, "to our journey, struggles, and triumphs. May we build here not just homes but a legacy of unity and innovation."


Under the stars, a new beginning dawned, rich with the potential for greatness, guided by the lessons of their past and the boundless possibilities of the future.


As the first light of dawn broke over their new home, the Li family stood together, surveying the land that represented their future. "We've lost much," Li Mei reflected, her voice soft yet full of resolve, "but what we've gained is immeasurable. This journey has taught us that freedom lies in facing adversity, adapting, and innovating."


Her father, Li Jietang, nodded in agreement. "Our roots are deep, not in the land we've left behind, but in the bonds we share and the dreams we hold. Here, we'll grow anew, stronger and more united than ever."


The family, encircled by the untouched promise of their new surroundings, felt the weight of their past struggles lighten. They were ready to sow the seeds of their future, a testament to their journey from the shadows of uncertainty to the light of hope and freedom. The path ahead was uncharted, but they stepped forward with confidence, knowing that together, they could overcome any challenge and thrive in their new beginning.