
Rebirth in Wilderness

Li Mei has been reborn. She was a senior high school student and used to be bullied at school and at her part-time work. The day she rebelled is the day she was murdered. After being reborn, she is a farmer's daughter in Qinxi, ancient China and her family is bullied by the whole village. She has 3 siblings: 2 elder brothers and 1 younger brother. After much bullying, the whole family is chased from the village and takes refuge in the mountains. There, they manage to discover a cave that opens the door to an immortal world. They learn martial arts and gain strength and knowledge. But they can only stay for 20 years and move back to their old village. 20 years in the immortal world are 2 days in the village world.

WeiAnji · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 7: Seeking Sanctuary

A sense of peace and burgeoning prosperity filled the air in the lush valley that the Li family and their newfound allies had begun to call home. Their diligent work had turned once-barren land into fertile fields, and the children's laughter mingled with the songs of birds in a symphony of contentment. Around the communal fire one evening, the families shared stories of their day, the air rich with the aroma of a shared harvest feast.


Li Mei, her face alight with the fire's glow, shared her hopes for the next planting season. Her optimism was infectious. "Think of how much more we can achieve next year," she said, her voice full of excitement.


However, her father, Li Jietang, wore a contemplative expression, his gaze lost in the flames. "Yes, we've done well," he acknowledged. "But we must remain vigilant. Nature is a fickle ally."


His words, meant as a gentle reminder, cast a shadow of tension over the group. They all knew the truth in his caution; their success was as fragile as the changing winds.


That very night, their fears materialized. A fierce storm, unlike any they had witnessed, descended upon the valley, its wrath a clear signal that their time in this sanctuary was ending. As the storm raged, tearing at the heart of their community, the realization dawned on them all: they would have to leave to seek safety and a new beginning elsewhere.


The storm's chaos mirrored the turmoil in their hearts. "We must prepare to leave as soon as the dawn breaks," Li Mei announced, determination steeling her voice despite the swirling emotions. The decision was met with solemn nods; their brief period of peace shattered, but their resolve to find a true sanctuary remained unbroken.


The storm came upon them with a personal fury, as if nature itself was determined to uproot the foundations of the sanctuary the Li family and their allies had so painstakingly built. Winds howled like wounded beasts, and rain fell in relentless sheets, flooding the fields that had been their pride and hope. The community, once a symbol of their resilience and determination to start anew, lay in disarray, the dreams of its inhabitants scattered like leaves in the storm.


As dawn broke, revealing the extent of the devastation, the Li family surveyed the damage with heavy hearts. The fields that had promised a bountiful harvest were now mud-choked wastelands; homes built with love and hope were reduced to splinters and debris.


"We can rebuild," Li Mei said, her voice a mixture of defiance and despair, as she helped her family salvage their belongings. Yet, as they worked, the truth became increasingly evident: the land that had once welcomed them with open arms was now a stranger, its resources stripped bare by the storm's wrath.


Li Jietang, ever the realist, made the difficult call. "This land has given all it can. To stay would be to fight a losing battle against nature itself. We must move on, find a place where the earth can support us again."


The decision was met with silent nods, the gravity of their situation settling in. Despite their efforts to nurture this piece of earth into a home, they faced the stark reality that some battles could not be won. The disaster had not just destroyed their physical surroundings but had also uprooted their hopes for stability.


With resolve hardened by their trials, the Li family prepared again to embark on a journey into the unknown, seeking a new sanctuary where they could rebuild their lives and dreams from the ground up.


In the aftermath of the storm, as the sun began its descent, casting a golden hue over the ruins of what was once a promising start, the Li family gathered in what remained of their communal area. The air was thick with a mix of earth and sorrow. Li Mei's eyes, reflecting the resolve that had always characterized her family, initiated the discussion that none wanted to have but all knew was necessary.


"We've faced many challenges," Li Mei started, her voice steady but soft, "but this... this is beyond our control. The land can't sustain us anymore. It's time to leave."


Her father, Li Jietang, sighed deeply, the lines on his face telling stories of past hardships and resilience. "Leaving now feels like admitting defeat, but Mei is right. Our priority is to survive, to find a place where we can rebuild and flourish."


Wei Chu, always the nurturer, looked around at her family, her heart heavy. "Starting over is daunting, but we have each other. That's our greatest strength."


Li Enle, the youngest, struggled with the concept. "But this was supposed to be our forever home," he protested, the innocence in his voice starkly contrasting with the discussion's gravity.


Li Mei knelt beside him, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Our forever home is not a place, Enle. It's where we are together and can live freely and safely. We will find it again, I promise."


The decision, once voiced, became a catalyst for action. With heavy hearts but unwavering spirits, the Li family began to prepare for their departure. They salvaged what they could, packing essentials with the efficiency of those accustomed to the nomadic trials of survival.


As they readied themselves to face the unknown once more, their bond was a beacon of hope—a reminder that as long as they remained united, no challenge was insurmountable.


The journey into the unknown commenced under a sky that mirrored their turbulent emotions—a canvas of dark, swirling clouds threatening more rain. With their few belongings strapped to their backs, the Li family stepped into the wilderness, the remnants of their shattered dreams behind them.


"Keep close, and watch your footing," Li Mei instructed, her voice cutting through the howling wind as they navigated the treacherous, muddy path. The initial leg of their journey was marked by relentless rain, turning the ground beneath their feet into a slippery morass that threatened to swallow them whole.


"We should have waited for the weather to clear," Li Jietang muttered, his concern for his family's safety etched in every line of his face as he helped Wei Chu over a tough stretch.


Wei Chu, maintaining her optimism, replied, "The weather is like life: unpredictable. We must adapt and keep moving forward."


The scarcity of resources further tested their resolve. Food and clean water became precious commodities, rationed carefully to ensure survival. Li Jietang, trying to lighten the mood, joked, "Who knew I'd miss Wei Chu's cooking this much?"


Despite the jest, the gravity of their situation weighed heavily on them. The realization that they were truly alone, without the safety net of their community, was a sobering thought that lingered in the back of their minds.


Yet, this very isolation forged a stronger bond among them. Faced with adversity, the Li family's resilience shone brightest. Each obstacle, whether fording a swollen river or finding shelter from a storm, was met with a collective determination.


"We are each other's strength," Li Mei reminded them as they huddled together one cold night, their shared warmth a testament to their unity. "As long as we have each other, we can face anything."


And so, they pressed on, driven by the hope of finding a new sanctuary—where they could again put down roots and watch them flourish.


The path forward led the Li family to the edge of a dense forest, its towering trees standing like sentinels, blocking their way. The underbrush was thick, the air heavy with the scent of earth and the unknown. It seemed an impassable barrier, nature itself challenging their resolve.


"We could go around," Li Jietang suggested, surveying the forest's edge with a wary eye, considering the additional days, perhaps weeks, it would add to their journey.


Li Mei, however, felt a pull towards the woods, a whisper in the wind that spoke to her in ways she couldn't fully articulate. "No, we go through," she decided, her conviction rooted in the deep connection she had always shared with the land. "The forest may hold challenges, but also a path forward if we know how to look."


Her family trusted her despite their reservations. As they ventured into the thick of the woods, Li Mei led with an almost uncanny sense of direction, navigating through the dense foliage with a grace that belied the difficulty of their passage. She pointed out edible plants that could sustain them and found clearings where they could rest.


"Watch," she said softly, guiding her younger brother's hand to a vibrant plant with leaves. Nature provides, even in the most unexpected places."


Their journey through the forest became a testament to Li Mei's bond with the natural world. Challenges arose—rivers that needed fording, thickets that seemed impenetrable—but they found their way under her guidance.


Emerging from the forest's embrace, the family was in awe of nature's resilience and bounty and Li Mei, whose intuition and knowledge had seen them safely through.


"We've made it through," Li Mei said, looking back at the forest they had conquered, a smile spreading across her face. "Together, there's nothing we can't face."


As the Li family emerged from the shadowy embrace of the forest, their weary eyes were greeted by the sight of a hidden valley sprawling before them, bathed in the gentle light of the setting sun. The sight was so suddenly and starkly beautiful that it brought them to a standstill, a collective gasp escaping their lips.


"Look at this place," Li Mei whispered in awe, her eyes wide with wonder. The valley, nestled between two protective ridges, was a tapestry of green, dotted with wildflowers and crisscrossed by streams of crystal-clear water.


Li Jietang, usually reserved, couldn't hide his elation. "Could this be it? Our new beginning?" he mused aloud, the possibility igniting a spark of hope in his heart.


As they descended into the valley, the land seemed to welcome them, the grass soft under their feet, the air fresh and invigorating. Li Enle ran ahead, laughter filling the air as he discovered a stream teeming with fish. "We won't go hungry here," he shouted, his youthful enthusiasm infectious.


Ever the caretaker, Wei Chu knelt to inspect the soil, rich and dark with promise. "This land... it's fertile. We can grow anything," she said, a sense of peace settling over her as she envisioned their future.


The family spent the next hours exploring their newfound sanctuary, each discovery reinforcing their belief that they had finally found a place to call home. The valley, with its abundant resources and natural beauty, offered survival and the chance for prosperity and happiness.


As they gathered under the first stars of the evening, Li Mei spoke, her voice filled with emotion. "This valley, it's more than just land. It's a gift. Here, we can lay down our burdens and build anew. Together, we'll create a home honouring our journey and the love that carried us through."


The family, united by their trials and dreams, looked out over the valley with renewed determination. Here, in this secluded haven, they would seek sanctuary, not just from the hardships of the past but for the bright promise of the future.


With the hidden valley offering a canvas of untold possibilities, the Li family set to work, their spirits buoyed by the promise of this fresh start. The lessons of their past—the hardships faced and the wisdom gained—guided their hands and hearts as they began to build anew.


"Let's make sure we work with the land, not against it," Li Mei proposed as they planned the layout of their new home and fields. "Every structure, every crop we plant, should enhance the valley's natural balance."


Her father, Li Jietang, nodded in agreement, his years of experience melding with the innovative ideas that had always set their family apart. "Water management will be key," he added, recalling the past droughts and floods that had challenged them. "We'll need to create a system that sustains us and respects the flow of nature."


As they broke ground, every member of the family contributed. Wei Chu took charge of the garden, selecting plants native to the area and ensuring that their agricultural practices would enrich rather than deplete the soil. "This land has given us a second chance," she said, planting the first seeds with a gentle touch. We'll honour it by fostering life, not just taking it."


Li Enle, ever eager, helped wherever he could, his laughter a constant reminder of the hope and joy that this new beginning represented. "One day, we'll look back at this moment and see how far we've come," he said, carrying water to the newly planted seeds.


Building their new home was more than just a physical task; it was a manifestation of their journey, a testament to their resilience, and a commitment to live in harmony with the world around them. Each stone laid, each tree planted, was imbued with their gratitude and determination to create a lasting sanctuary, not just for themselves, but for future generations. Here, in this secluded haven, they would weave their dreams into the fabric of the land, a family reunited with nature, building a legacy of sustainability and hope.


As the first harvest in their new sanctuary approached, the Li family gathered around the dinner table, a simple yet profound symbol of their milestones. The air was filled with the aroma of freshly cooked food, a bounty that was a direct testament to their hard work and harmony with the land.


Looking around at her family, Li Mei couldn't help but feel a swell of pride. "Remember when we thought we had lost everything? And now, look at us."


Li Jietang chuckled and added, "I remember when our biggest worry was getting rid of those pesky weeds. Now we're building a future."


Wei Chu smiled warmly at her family. "Every seed we planted, every stone we laid, it was all worth it. This... this feels like a true sanctuary."


Li Enle, always ready to lighten the mood, piped up, "And the best part? No more moving! I'm getting too good at packing."


Their laughter echoed in the warm kitchen, a sound as comforting as the crackle of the fire. Moments like these underscored their realization: sanctuary was more than the safety and abundance of their new valley. The peace came from knowing they had weathered storms together, had each other's backs, and could face whatever the future held with shared resilience.


Li Mei's gaze settled on the window, where the setting sun painted the sky in hues of gold and pink. "Sanctuary is here," she said, her voice soft but filled with conviction, "not just in this place, but in us. Our unity, resilience, and courage to embrace the unknown. Together, we've built more than a home; we've woven a tapestry of hope for the future."


And in the heart of their sanctuary, surrounded by the evidence of their renewal, the Li family shared a meal that was as much a celebration of their past struggles as it was a toast to their future.