
Rebirth in Wilderness

Li Mei has been reborn. She was a senior high school student and used to be bullied at school and at her part-time work. The day she rebelled is the day she was murdered. After being reborn, she is a farmer's daughter in Qinxi, ancient China and her family is bullied by the whole village. She has 3 siblings: 2 elder brothers and 1 younger brother. After much bullying, the whole family is chased from the village and takes refuge in the mountains. There, they manage to discover a cave that opens the door to an immortal world. They learn martial arts and gain strength and knowledge. But they can only stay for 20 years and move back to their old village. 20 years in the immortal world are 2 days in the village world.

WeiAnji · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 21: Harnessing Inner Power

After learning about the 20-Year Rule, the Li family felt more determined to be strong and capable. The discussions and insights of immortals and scholars made them realise how important it is to survive and thrive with purpose and strength.

One morning, the family gathered around their wooden breakfast table when the sun shone brightly in the sky. Everyone was happy and excited to start a new day. Li Mei, always the catalyst for their adventures, shared her vision. Her voice was filled with determination and excitement.

She started by stirring her tea carefully and carefully. Now, let's explore the vast potential within ourselves. It's time to use our own strength.

Li Jietang, usually the more reserved member of the group, nodded in agreement. His interest was piqued. The idea of mastering one's inner strengths is attractive. It's a journey that could change how we view things outside ourselves.

The guide and friend, Yu Xiaobo, smiled warmly. The path to mastering inner power is ancient and deep. The practices you will learn are not just exercises; they are transformative experiences that connect deeply to the soul.

Wei Chu said, "It sounds like a journey of healing and improvement." I believe this can help us get to know each other better.

Li Mei finalised their plan after her family's reactions. Let's start today! Yu Xiaobo, will you help us?

Yu Xiaobo, who has been practising these arts for many years, said gently, "It would be my pleasure." The journey is challenging but rewarding. Prepare to discover aspects of yourselves you never knew existed."

The Li family finished their breakfast, eager to start this new journey of self-discovery, guided by ancient wisdom and the promise of personal transformation.

Yu Xiaobo guided the Li family to a monastery in the immortal realm. Here, they met Master Lin, a mystic known worldwide for his mastery of inner power. The monastery's serene gardens, filled with the soft murmurs of flowing water and rustling leaves, provided the perfect backdrop for their introduction to the ancient arts of inner power.

Master Lin, a gentle yet imposing figure, welcomed them with a warm, knowing smile. "Harnessing inner power begins with understanding the mind-body connection," he explained as they gathered around him in the monastery's airy pavilion. "We shall commence with the practices of meditation, controlled breathing, and mindfulness."

Eager to dive in, Li Mei was the first to sit cross-legged on a mat, trying to emulate Master Lin's calm demeanour. "Focus on your breath," he instructed. "Let it flow naturally, and let your mind settle on the rhythm of your breathing."

As Li Mei tried to calm her mind, her thoughts buzzed like bees. Yu Xiaobo offered gentle advice: "It's normal for thoughts to wander. Acknowledge them, but do not engage. Let them pass like clouds in the sky."

Meanwhile, Li Jietang and Wei Chu teamed up to practice mindfulness. Master Lin guided them through a sensory exercise, encouraging them to concentrate on the sounds of the garden, the feel of the breeze, and the scent of blooming flowers. He encouraged them to focus on the sounds of the garden, the feel of the breeze, and the smell of blooming flowers. "Mindfulness is about being fully present in the moment," Master Lin noted. "It's the essence of truly living."

Li Enle, the youngest, found controlled breathing especially difficult. His breaths were either too shallow or too hurried. Watching this, Master Lin approached and smiled. "Imagine you're breathing through a straw," he suggested. "Slow it down, make it steady. Control comes with practice."

As the afternoon sun cast long shadows over the garden, each family member gradually developed a personal rhythm and connection to the exercises despite initial discomfort. Li Wei, who had been practising meditation quietly, finally felt a moment of true stillness, a profound calm that enveloped him like a soft blanket.

"It's working," she whispered to Li Mei, who nodded, her face a picture of newfound peace.

The day came to an end, with Master Lin commending their efforts. "Today was just the beginning. These practices are simple but not easy. Your paths to mastering them will be as unique as you are."

After the session, the family felt a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration. They saw how much inner power can do, and each had small successes that showed more critical things to come.

The Li family travelled to the Sanctuary of Harmony, a place known for its guardianship of energy mastery. They were to meet with the energy masters, custodians of knowledge about the subtle energy flows within the body.

As they entered the sanctuary, a serene environment filled with the gentle sounds of flowing water and rustling leaves, Master Chen, a venerable figure known for his profound understanding of body energy dynamics, greeted them.

"Welcome," Master Chen began, his voice calm and inviting. "Here, we explore the very essence of life energy. You will learn to channel this energy for healing, emotional balance, and physical enhancement."

Fascinated by the prospect of mastering such control, Li Mei asked, "How can we begin to perceive and manipulate this energy?"

Master Chen smiled, leading them to a tranquil garden decorated with crystals and stones arranged in intricate patterns. "It starts with awareness," he explained. "Close your eyes, feel the energy in and around you. Imagine it as a stream of light flowing through your body."

As the family followed his instructions and practised deep, rhythmic breathing, Yu Xiaobo spoke, his tone a mix of reverence and sadness. "I must leave you now. My guidance was but a part of your journey. What you learn here will take you further than I could."

The family expressed their gratitude, surprised but thankful. Li Jietang told Yu Xiaobo, "Your wisdom has greatly helped us. We will miss your presence greatly."

"With the knowledge you gain, remember, the true journey lies within," Yu Xiaobo replied, his parting words lingering in the air as he slowly left the sanctuary.

Turning their attention back to Master Chen, the family continued their session. Li Enle started to feel a warmth spread from his core. This showed that he was becoming more adept at harnessing internal energy. "I can feel it," he exclaimed softly, "like a warm wave inside."

Wei Chu, always sensitive to the healing arts, practised directing this energy to tension in her body and felt relief as the energy did its work.

Master Chen walked among them, giving gentle corrections and encouraging them. "Energy is all around us and in us. Harnessing it is not just about control, harmony, and understanding," he taught.

By the end of the session, each family member had learned the basics of energy manipulation and gained more insight into their own abilities and how they might use these new skills to improve their daily lives. Yu Xiaobo's departure was a sad reminder that they were still learning and growing.

As the Li family continued to develop their practice of energy manipulation at the Sanctuary of Harmony, each member faced unique challenges that tested their resolve and understanding of the new skills. It was hard to learn such deep techniques, and each person faced personal barriers that stopped them from progressing.

Li Mei, who is typically quick to grasp spiritual concepts, struggled to maintain consistency in energy flow. She became more upset when her efforts didn't work well. She was disappointed during this problematic session: "I thought I would be better at this." I feel like I am taking two steps forward and two steps back.

Master Chen, overhearing her, approached with a reassuring smile. "Li Mei, the flow of energy, like life, is not always steady or predictable. Embrace the fluctuations; they teach you resilience and adaptation."

In the meantime, Li Jietang faced a mental block; his analytical mind sometimes overcomplicated the simple purity of energy practices. "I keep analysing each step instead of just experiencing it," he confessed.

Wei Chu, who was making small but significant improvements, told him what she learned. Perhaps you should let go of the need to control the experience. Trust the energy and your connection to it."

Li Enle, the youngest, felt out of his depth when he initially felt out of his depth. His youthful impatience made it hard for him to work at a slow and deliberate pace required for energy work. "How do you guys get past the feeling of getting nowhere?" he asked during a quiet rest.

Li Wei, who had noticed his brother's struggles, advised, "Focus on small victories, Enle. Celebrate the moments when you feel even a little shift or success. Energy work is a journey, not a destination."

Encouraged by their family's support and Master Chen's guidance, each member began to see their challenges as part of the learning process. They learned to change how they do things and overcome their difficulties by being persistent and thinking about themselves. This journey into mastering energy helped them become more self-aware and emotionally resilient, making them closer as a family and individuals committed to personal growth.

As the Li family's training at the Sanctuary of Harmony progressed, they began to use their newfound energy manipulation skills in their daily lives. This change made them better at what they do and made their interactions, decisions, and overall health better.

One evening, while gathering in the tranquil garden of their temporary home in the realm, Li Mei shared her observations. "I've noticed that I'm much calmer in situations where I would generally react quickly. It seems like the energy practices are helping me use my responses more constructively.

Li Jietang, who uses energy flow techniques in his decision-making, said, "It's true. I feel more grounded, and my thoughts are clearer. It's... as if the energy work has improved my cognitive processes."

Xiao Tingfeng, the scholar they had met earlier in their journey, joined them and now came to see how they were doing. "Your growth is remarkable," Xiao commented, noting their more harmonious interactions. "It's a testament to how such ancient practices can benefit modern lives."

Reflecting on the changes within their family dynamics, Wei Chu mentioned, "Not only have our skills improved, but I feel that these practices have brought us closer as a family. We have a deeper understanding of patience than we had before."

Li Enle, always enthusiastic, added, "And it's not just us!" Remember Kong Qiang? When he first learned these practices, he said how they saved his relationships and health.

The family nodded and remembered their conversation with Kong Qiang, another seasoned practitioner of energy manipulation whose personal stories had initially inspired them.

As they talked about their experiences, it became clear that using what they learned to improve themselves and make their family stronger and closer together was essential. These moments of reflection allowed them to see how mastering inner power has changed their lives and reaffirmed their commitment to keep practising and exploring these ancient techniques.

As the sun set behind the verdant hills of the immortal realm, casting a soft golden light over the Sanctuary of Harmony, the Li family convened for a tranquil moment of contemplation. The calming sounds of nature surrounded them as they contemplated the profound journey they'd taken to tap into their inner strength.

Li Mei started the conversation, her voice filled with gratitude and wonder. "This trip changed how I see myself and my abilities. It's more than just learning techniques. It's about finding a deeper layer of our existence and connecting with it."

Li Jietang looked at his family, nodding in agreement. I have seen changes in every one of us. We're not only stronger as individuals but also more attuned to each other. It's a change that goes beyond physicality."

Wei Chu, who is always reflective, added, "It's a path that requires constant dedication. What we're doing here is just the beginning. I believe these practices will continue to make our lives better in ways we can't even imagine yet."

With his usual enthusiasm, Li Enle added, "And think of all the new adventures and discoveries we still have to tackle as we keep practising!"

Xiao Tingfeng, who had joined the family for their final reflection, gave his perspective. "Your journey is inspiring. It's a testament to the enduring relevance of these ancient teachings in modern times. Keep exploring, and keep sharing your insights."

With the sky now painted in twilight hues, the family agreed to continue harnessing their inner power, recognising it as a lifelong journey that promised personal growth and a deeper understanding of the world around them. After talking, they felt confident with their new skills and closer as a family. They were ready to face any challenges ahead with more strength and wisdom.