
Rebirth in Wilderness

Li Mei has been reborn. She was a senior high school student and used to be bullied at school and at her part-time work. The day she rebelled is the day she was murdered. After being reborn, she is a farmer's daughter in Qinxi, ancient China and her family is bullied by the whole village. She has 3 siblings: 2 elder brothers and 1 younger brother. After much bullying, the whole family is chased from the village and takes refuge in the mountains. There, they manage to discover a cave that opens the door to an immortal world. They learn martial arts and gain strength and knowledge. But they can only stay for 20 years and move back to their old village. 20 years in the immortal world are 2 days in the village world.

WeiAnji · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 22: The Path of Discipline

As the first light of dawn streaked across the sky, Li Mei stood overlooking the serene expanse of the Mountain of Serenity, reflecting on her family's profound journey. The mountain had been their home and crucible, where each member, from Li Enle to Li Jietang and Wei Chu, had been transformed by strict discipline and deep spiritual practice.

Li Mei turned to her family and gathered for their morning discussion. Her face was filled with determination and wisdom. She started, "We've grown stronger, not just in body, but also in spirit." Her voice was calm and sure. "But becoming truly skilled doesn't stop after we finish our training here. It's time to apply these lessons to our lives and see if they can handle the challenges of our world."

Jin and Li Wei, who had just returned from advanced individual training, agreed, their presence bolstering the family's collective resolve. Li Jin continued, "The mountain taught us discipline, but we must apply it in the valleys of life." His tone was calm and determined.

Wei Chu smiled, her eyes showing pride and a touch of sadness at the thought of leaving. "This mountain has served as our refuge," she stated with a soft voice. "But I too want to see how we can make it peaceful in our everyday life."

The pragmatist Li Jietang clapped his hands together to break the reflective mood. "Let's plan our steps carefully," he suggested. "Our next big challenge will be to put what we learned into our daily routines."

The family was filled with excitement and apprehension as they discussed their strategy. With Li Mei at the helm, they were ready to turn the discipline of the mountain into the discipline of life, proving the actual value of their transformative journey.

As Li Mei's words echoed softly in the early morning calm, her family, still huddled against the morning chill, listened intently, each member absorbing the weight of her statement. The mountain's peaceful aura had become a familiar comfort, yet the thought of leaving stirred a mix of anticipation and uncertainty within them.

Li Jin, always one to find practicality in his sister's visions, nodded thoughtfully and then spoke up: "The discipline we've mastered here has to prove itself in the real world. It's like training in a controlled environment; now we need to test it in the wild."

Li Wei, equally contemplative, added, "And it's not just about personal discipline. It's about how we interact, contribute to our community, and use what we've learned to make a difference."

Li Jietang, rubbing his hands together for warmth, looked around at his children with pride. "I've seen each of you grow in so many ways. Now, I'm excited to see how you'll apply these lessons to the challenges back home."

Wei Chu, always the nurturer, smiled softly at her family. "Remember, the strength we've built here isn't just physical. It's resilience, patience, understanding—qualities that will guide us, no matter where we are."

Li Enle, the youngest, who had often struggled with the early hours and rigorous routines, finally found his voice. "I guess waking up this early won't be so bad if it means we get to show what we're made of. I'm ready if you all are."

The sun rose as the family packed their belongings, casting long shadows and bathing the mountain in a warm, golden light. Li Mei took one last look, a silent promise to carry forward everything the mountain had taught her. "Let's go," she said, leading her family down the path that would take them back into the world, ready to face whatever lay ahead with discipline as their guide.

As the Li family descended from the Mountain of Serenity, they brought new meditation techniques emphasising the synergy between mind and body. Eager to continue their development, Li Mei proposed practising these techniques in different settings to better understand their adaptability to everyday life.

In the bustling marketplace of their hometown, the family gathered in a quiet corner, the noise and chaos a stark contrast to their serene mountain training ground. Li Mei guided them to close their eyes and focus inward. "Let the chaos around us not disturb the calm within us. Focus on your breath; feel it connect each part of your body," she instructed calmly amidst the din.

Trying to centre himself, Jin couldn't help but crack a joke: "I'm trying, but I think my calm is stuck in a traffic jam!" His comment elicited a round of light laughter from the family, easing the tension of the challenging exercise.

Wei Chu, always insightful, shared her experience. "It's about finding peace in the storm, isn't it? Not just escaping to quiet places but being at peace wherever we are." Her words resonated, especially with Li Jietang, who nodded appreciatively, finding a new depth to his breaths amidst the market's bustle.

Li Wei focused on aligning his breath with his movements as he picked up items from a vendor, integrating mindfulness into simple actions. "It's like turning every little thing we do into a part of our practice," he observed, appreciating the fluid motion from mindful awareness.

Li Enle struggled more than the others; the sensory overload of the marketplace made concentration difficult. Xiao Tingfeng, noticing his discomfort, offered some advice: "Imagine the noises fading into the background, like the sound of a river while you meditate on the bank. Let them flow past you without carrying you away."

Encouraged by this, Li Enle took a deep breath, envisioning the sounds of flowing water, and slowly felt calm. "Got it, thanks! It's like tuning into a station where calm is the only broadcast," he quipped, finally finding his focus.

As they continued their practice in different settings—from their bustling home kitchen to the quiet of a local park—the Li family noticed significant improvements in their inner power control, mental clarity, and overall health. Each environment brought its challenges but also revelations about the strength and versatility of their training.

These sessions deepened their mind-body connection and brought them closer as a family, each member supporting the others as they transformed everyday moments into opportunities for discipline and growth.

Back in their hometown, Li Jin and Li Wei took the initiative to introduce the family to more advanced martial arts forms they had honed at the Mountain of Serenity. These forms were physically demanding and required mental focus that was deeply intertwined with the techniques themselves.

In the spacious backyard of their family home, transformed into a makeshift dojo, Li Jin began the session by demonstrating a series of fluid, complex movements that integrated the breathing techniques they had practised in meditation. "Each movement is not just a part of the fight; it's a part of a bigger dance that involves the mind just as much as the body," he explained, his movements a testament to his mastery.

Li Wei joined him, and together, they performed a synchronised routine that captivated their siblings. "Watch our stances, our breathing. It's all connected. Try to feel the flow, not force it," Li Wei instructed as he effortlessly moved from one pose to another, his focus unbreakable.

Li Mei, always eager to learn and lead, followed their instructions closely, replicating the movements with precision and encouraging Li Enle, who was struggling with the complexity of the forms. "Think of it as a moving meditation, Enle," she suggested. "Focus on the flow of your breath with each movement, and let your body and mind be in sync."

As the training progressed, Xiao Tingfeng observed and occasionally stepped in to adjust their postures or movements. "Remember, the essence of these forms is control and harmony. Your physical strength is important, but it's your mental focus that will make these movements truly powerful," he noted, guiding Li Enle gently through a tricky manoeuvre.

The session was rigorous, and sweat beaded their foreheads as they repeated the forms multiple times. Wei Chu, while practicing alongside Li Jietang, reflected on the process: "It's remarkable how these practices fold into one another. The meditation supports our martial arts, and the martial arts, in turn, deepen our meditation."

The training session enhanced their martial arts techniques and deepened their understanding of how mental and physical discipline must coexist and complement each other for true mastery. As they wrapped up, Li Jin and Li Wei took a moment to discuss their observations with the family.

"You're all picking up on these advanced techniques faster than I expected," Li Jin complimented, proud of their progress. Li Wei grinned, "Seems like the mountain's discipline followed us home, or maybe we're just naturally gifted."

Their laughter filled the air, easing their muscles' exhaustion and reinforcing the bonds of their shared journey in martial arts and discipline.

Adjusting to life in the immortal realm presented the Li family with unique challenges and opportunities. Their rigorous training in discipline and mastery on the Mountain of Serenity now found new purpose in this mystical environment, where magic and wonder intermingled with the daily lives of its inhabitants.

Li Mei quickly became a cornerstone in the community of younger immortals who struggled to control their burgeoning magical abilities. She organised daily meditation sessions in the heart of the celestial gardens, where the air shimmered with latent energy. "Focus on the flow of your energy; let it harmonise with the world around you," she instructed softly, guiding her pupils through complex breathing patterns designed to enhance their control over magic. The impact was profound, with her students showing remarkable improvement in manipulating their energies, leading to fewer accidental outbursts and a deeper understanding of their powers.

Meanwhile, Li Jietang and Wei Chu organised the realm's archives, a labyrinthine library of scrolls and artefacts that spanned millennia. Using principles of order and focus, they catalogued ancient texts and mystical relics, bringing method to the magical chaos. "Each artefact has its place, and understanding that order helps us appreciate the timeline of our realm," Li Jietang explained to a group of immortal scholars, his hands carefully replacing a scroll in its designated spot.

With their advanced martial skills, Li Jin and Li Wei were appointed to train the realm's guards. They introduced new defence techniques and strategies, infusing the guards' routines with discipline and precision they had mastered during their training. "Remember, every move you make should be deliberate and mindful," Li Wei demonstrated a complex manoeuvre, his movements a blend of strength and grace. Inspired by their expertise, the guards improved not just in technique, but also in their mental approach to combat and protection.

Li Enle found his niche in managing the logistical challenges of the realm's frequent celestial events, which ranged from eclipses to magical auroras. His creative problem-solving and energetic approach made him popular among the realm's event organisers. "If we adjust the celestial map here and sync it with the lunar calendar, we can streamline the whole event," he suggested enthusiastically, sketching out a new layout that would later be lauded as a breakthrough in event planning in the realm.

Through these activities, each member of the Li family not only applied their disciplined training and enriched the lives of the immortal beings around them. Their integration into the daily life of the immortal realm was seamless and impactful, demonstrating the universal value of discipline and the profound effects it could have in any world, magical or otherwise.

In the immersive environment of the immortal realm, where everyday life shimmered with enchantment, the Li family soon encountered challenges that tested their mettle and the depth of their discipline. These were not mere tests of strength or endurance, but complex magical and existential crises threatening the fabric of their newfound home.

One of the first significant challenges arose when an ancient artefact, long thought to be a benign relic of the realm's history, exhibited signs of corruption. It emitted a dark energy that subtly altered the realm's essence, causing disturbances in the natural flow of magic and affecting the inhabitants' moods and abilities. Recognising the severity of the threat, the Li family convened to strategise a response, drawing on their diverse training and experiences.

Applying her deep understanding of energy flows learned through meditation and martial arts, Li Mei led the effort to contain the artefact's power. "We need to create a containment field that harmonises with the artefact's energy frequency, essentially using its own power to bind it," she proposed during their planning session. With Li Jin and Li Wei, who contributed their knowledge of physical and magical defence mechanisms, they constructed a complex array of symbols and wards around the artefact, successfully neutralising its corruptive influence.

Another challenge emerged as they dealt with the aftermath of the artefact crisis. A rift between different factions of immortals, long-simmering beneath the surface, erupted into open conflict. The discord was fuelled by deep-seated grievances and power imbalances that the artefact's dark influence had exacerbated. With the realm teetering on the brink of a civil conflict, the Li family intervened, using their diplomatic skills honed by their experiences on the Mountain of Serenity and recent successes.

Li Jietang and Wei Chu led these efforts, organising a series of mediation sessions between the leaders of the conflicting factions. They facilitated discussions, helping each side articulate their concerns and grievances while steering them towards common ground. "Let's find the ties that bind us, not just the differences that divide us," Wei Chu urged in one session, her voice calm and persuasive.

Li Enle, with his innate creativity, suggested cultural exchanges and joint magical projects to foster better understanding and cooperation among the immortals. His ideas were well received, providing a platform for collaboration that eased tensions and built new connections across the factions.

Through these challenges, the Li family protected and stabilised their adopted realm and deepened their integration into its society. Each crisis they resolved reinforced the practical applications of their rigorous training and commitment to maintaining peace and harmony, demonstrating the true power of discipline in navigating and overcoming complex challenges in the immortal realm.

In the tranquillity of an enchanted garden, where the air shimmered with subtle magic, the Li family gathered to reflect on their journey in the immortal realm. Surrounded by luminescent flowers and ancient whispering trees, they shared their thoughts on how discipline had profoundly shaped their experiences and interactions within this mystical world.

Sitting cross-legged on a softly glowing moss patch, Li Mei spoke first. "The challenges we've faced here have taught us that discipline is much more than routine; it's about adapting and applying our strengths in ways we never imagined. It's a continuous journey of growth," she mused, her eyes reflecting the garden's serene light.

Li Jietang, leaning against a gnarled tree that seemed to listen, added, "Indeed, each encounter, each conflict, has only deepened our understanding and respect for the ways of this realm. It has shown us how discipline bridges worlds and cultures."

Wei Chu, gently touching a bloom that glowed brighter at her touch, shared, "And in teaching others, we've also learned so much about ourselves—about patience, resilience, and the depths of our own spirits."

Li Enle, always the most enthusiastic, said, "Plus, it's pretty cool to see how what we've learned from the mountain can change things here. It feels like we're really making a difference!"

Together, they acknowledged that their path of discipline was far from complete, with each day presenting new lessons and opportunities for personal development. This journey altered their capabilities and enriched their lives, making each moment in the immortal realm a testament to the enduring power of disciplined growth.

As the evening descended over the enchanted garden, casting a soft, magical twilight, the Li family discussed their plans for the future. Filled with a sense of accomplishment and curiosity, they prepared to delve deeper into the uncharted territories of the immortal realm. Rumours of gateways to other dimensions had stirred their adventurous spirits, and they were eager to explore these mystical frontiers, armed with the discipline and wisdom they had cultivated.

Looking around at her family, Li Mei felt a deep connection to the paths they had walked and the ones that lay ahead. "Discipline has not just shaped our lives; it's expanded our very essence," she mused thoughtfully, her gaze reflecting the flickering lights of the garden. "Here, in this immortal realm, it continues to reveal its true depth and the endless possibilities it brings to our growth."

Her words resonated with each family member, instilling a renewed sense of purpose. They were not just adventurers or learners, but pioneers of the discipline, exploring the vast magical landscapes that bridged worlds and expanded realities.

With their sights set on new adventures and the mysteries of other dimensions, the Li family felt ready for whatever challenges and wonders awaited them. Discipline, once a practice to master, has become a cherished way of life, continuously unfolding into new realms of possibility and deepening their bonds with each other and the universe.