
chapter 2

"I had healed myself as a baby because I had my past magic as an advanced mage with me. I did not know much about this kingdom and its people so I must tread carefully and plan every move carefully."

"Zayn,it is your father and mother."the emperor said as I awakened fron my slumber.I opened my eyes and looked up at them,they were joyful to see me awake.I coul read their mind to know they loved and were scared for me.at that moment I made up my mind to protect them with my life but at the right time I will tell them the whole truth.

I later sensed a dark energy from a corner of the room and I noticed a dark figure behind the balcony.I noticed it had stood there for a long time watching us.It then disappeared.

the demon clan,what were they doing here.This is a mystery I must solve for myself.

"He has your eyes,helen"

"and your handsome face also my love."

"But my love,I am starting to get worried,our kingdom is the largest and most powerful,he is also sick,I worry that someone might use him as a tool for getting the throne"mother said with tears in her eyes.

"especially those family members of yours.they have heirs who are stronger than our son and his brothers.They might target our sons and even our daughter. "

"no one will hurt our children especially not Zayn sice he is the weakest.our children has the support of your family.the house of the duke and general.we will make sure they grow up to be leaders .this I promise you."my father said with firmness in his tone

On the day of my cremonial baptim,all kings and queens of all kings from all continents were present and I saw my previous father.king lace and his queen and all the elder of the seven clans and even the royal tutor and mage of the holy temple performed my ritual..He even tested my affininty for magic

"we thank the gods,the fourth prince has an affinity for all five elements."

"what!my son is trully blessed.that is the royal bloodline of the artell family.ha ha ha."

my father said this proudly which followed an applause and praises from the people.

Just then I saw my father's family rushing towards my mother and I.

I quickly read their minds they were planning to take me from my mother and push her so that she would trip and they would use this to convince everyone that I had a bad omen on my life.

what a bad plan.

Mwah!Mwah! I started crying loudly and I caught everyone's attention. What is wrong with my brother mother? prince zack asked.he was the first son of my father.followed by another brother and a sister .they were the children of my father's second wife(the queen).she was beneath my mother but she wanted more power .this drove her to rebel against the throne.she was caught and all the perpetrators were killed .she was then sentenced to death.ever since then my mother raised her children.two princes and a princess and even after knowing the truth they still loved my mother wholeheartedly that even an outsider might think they were the kids of my mom.

(back to the present)

Is he okay helen.my father asked

I think he is just feeing hot

why don't you take him to the garden. I was laid in a beautiful crib and I calmed down and I also noticed the same dark power I had sensed before.but this time it cane towards me.

such a beautiful baby.you are not going to be a problem for the clan since you are already weak.the crown prince of the skyfall kingdom was a problem for us so we took him out by colluding with the queen and she willingly joined and we also killed his mother.you wouldn't understand anyway since you are a baby but I pray you don't come in our way or else I would have to take you out too.I heard footsteps and he vanished.I can't believe the demon clan was responsible for my death and also went far to kill my mother they will pay for this and also the queen of the skyfall kingdom my previous stepmother she will also pay for this but why did they think I was going to be a problem.they seemed to be planning something that I think involves my kingdom but I won't let them have their way.they will pay and I will protect my new family even if I have to stake my life on it.

the years passed by and I turned 14.I grew up to be a knowledgeable and benevolent prince so I won the hearts of the people and my oldest brother was already the crown prince and he too was loved by the people .

I was nicknamed son of tge fallen goddess because I looked very much like my mom and I also had her gentleness.a stranger could even mistake me for a girl.

I had sent one of my loyal bodyguards to infiltrate the palace of the skyfall kingdom and also another to infiltrate the demon clan.we stopped many of their plans from coming into action. but thet were never tired and continued so we als didn't give up.

A message was sent to me that they had planned of poisoning my brother the crown prince at a the ball we were to attend the next day.I had to save him but my plea fell on dead ears my father said it was an important ball where all royals and nobility were to be present at so I couldn't stop them from going but I had another plan in motion. the day arrived.at breakfast I put my plan into action.

we were on our way to the ball when I started my plan

"what is wrong zayn."my mother asked

"nothing mother I just keep getting nervous and scared for some reason"

"dad" my brother continued"I think we should go home .zayn has always been right about everything that is to happen.you know he has the goddess's gift to know any bad thing that may happen before it happens"

'alright but let us cautious today because we have already arrived.

at the ball it was lively and everyone was present.I met and talked with almost everyone since they were so fascinated by my beauty and my achievements as ayoung prince and mainly because I was the most loved son of the greatest and most powerful emperor there was.

I knew the glass of my brother was poisoned so before they toasted I asked my brother if I could have his drink since I finished mine

you seem to like wine very much zayn

of course you can have mine just that don't get drunk

okay zack thanks

after the people toasted I drank my brother's wine.the poison had no effect on me but for my brother it would kill him instantly. I put my plan into action

As I was speaking with sone of the kings I held my head.

Are you okay prince zayn.

yes I am but I feel a bit dizzy

as I said this I begun holding my stomach and I coughed up blood

zayn!I heard my father nad mother say my name as I saw them rushing over to me

I also saw my brother running to me.I fell unconscious into my father's arms and all attention was on me at the ball

"zayn talk to me.it is you mother.zayn"I saw her crying and so was my brother

fetch a physician and close all the exits and catch the person who tried to kill my son.my father ordered

"father"I said with shaking hands movin it towards his face."It hurts a lot father.I can't breathe help me father.

I am sorry father the wine zayn drank was meant for me but he asked me for it

It is okay brother I am feeling better sèe.

I spat some blood and fell unconscious

he is only unconscious you majesties we can cure him

send the prince to his quarters at once

oh no the beloved son of the emperor was poisoned what are going to do "these were the word on everyone's lips as I was carried to my room.

we have captured the person who poisoned the wine your majesty

as my father was leaving I called ou to him

Father it hurts and I started coughing up some more blood.I know it was painful for my family but I had to find a way to make them leave the hall and it worked.I fell unconscious later.

he is okay your majesties the poison has been removed from his system he should awake any moment from now

"bring the criminal to me I shall kill him myself"my father said as he walked out the door.the plan was successful and they were unharmed