
chapter 3

this is the person who poisoned the prince.one of the guards told my father

"who are you and why did you try to kill my son.speak or it will be the last thing you see."my father said

"I am not telling you anything."the suspicious guy said.

Ahh! the guy said as my father chopped of one of his arms

Do you not want to speak or should I take another arm.

I won't tell you anything

"make sure he speaks when I return." yes your majesty

after several hours.

"He is awake your majesty."

"Zayn can you hear me.

"Dad .I can hear you.My whole body hurts .I feel unwell."

"It is okay you will feel better."

we should leave him to rest.

I am sorry father.the wine was supposed to be drank by me but zayn drank it .I wish I was in his shoes.my brother said."It is okay you are both doing well that is all that matters.

Your majesty the guy opened up after endless torture.

I will be right back zack .you and you're mother should stay and watch zayn.

Father where is zayn I heard what happened.my sister said as she reached my room.He is okay my princess . I will be right back.

the dungeon was a place no one wanted to be. our kingdom is known as having the worst dungeon in the entire continent. a prisoner would speak a few hours after being tortured.

"I heard you wanted to speak."my father said

"the head of the demon clan wanted the crown prince zack dead because you had destroyed his plans.he also formed an alliance with the head of your extended family and promised to make his son the new emperor."

"what did you say .they dared to harm my kids for their selfish gain .they will pay for this.

at this moment all guards around felt terribly terrified. the emperor released his bloodlust and in a moment the guy was dead .even the anger of the emperor can kill someone.

"fetch me the head and all the family members."

yes you majesty

I managed to get awake and drank the tonic mother made me and I went to the garden to sit.I was enjoying the breeze and scenery of the garden and a boy my age came up to me .

"hi my name is xiel.nice to meet you."the boy exuded a mana that I disliked.

I ignored him and he got furious.

"wow the sick boy thinks he is so superior than me that he ignores me."

"shall I tell you a secret zayn.my father is the head of the family and he will become the next emperor with the help of the demon clan.and I will be the crown prince."

I immediately moved towards him

what are you doing get away from me

I touched his head and read his memories

the demon clan diguised themselves and infiltrated the palace as guards and while he was meeting the family members they would appear and kill father.

I had to do something I ran toward the main hall with the strength I had left.since I was weakened from the last plan I did.The tonic I took was to make me rest but I still had to make it there.I slipped and hit my head but that didn't stop me. I got to the main hall just in time.

"Father. "

"zayn .what is wrong.you should go and rest."

I held his head ,turned his ears to me and whispered everything in his ears.

"guards arrest these traitors.

the guards came and arrested them

xiel's father broke free and used an advanced spell.I had to help father .I stood at his place and counterattacked with another spell that sent him flying but it exhausted me .

I fell into my father's arms. Zayn it is okay rest now.

I closed my eyes and slowly opened them. I saw my whole family there.I couldn't hide anything anymore and told them everything but left the part that I was reborn out.

" I am happy you are healed zayn but this demon clan is not going to easy but we will help you you don't have to take revenge for you friend alone.

I told them that the crown prince and his mother who died were my friends.even though it was me and my mom.but I couldn't tell them tbat because I finally had a family and I wasn't going to lose it.