
Reality Warper in MCU

A man gets transmigrated in the MCU with the mother of all the superpowers REALITY WARPING English is not my first language so read accordantly I do not own anything except my OC

superman1265789 · Filmes
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17 Chs


"A hero can be anyone even a man doing something as simple as helping a bullied kid or helping to stop a thief, you don't have to be special to be a hero you have to be a good man"

If I had heard this sentence from someone else, it wouldn't have the same effect it has on me now

In that case, I would have panicked completely because it would mean that someone has been watching me since I ended up here

But now, instead, I'm experiencing a myriad of different emotions

After Steve left, I stayed on the bench thinking about what he said, and it has passed three hours before I knew.

When I noticed the time, I decided it was time to go home, but after I got out of Central Park I stopped immediately because I remembered who I had talked to

Captain America

I do not know how it was possible that I did not remember him, that man is a legend, and although it's thanks to the memories of Kang I discovered his existence, I would have discovered it anyway if I went out on the street or watched the television.

Captain America the legendary super-soldier who saved New York from destruction at the hands of the Hydra, and was stuck in the ice for nearly 70 years

In the memoirs of Kang, Captain America is described as a man feared by his enemies and respected by his companions, the same Kang felt for him a sort of respect, but not for his strength which, compared to powerhouse of the caliber of Hulk or Thor it would result in disadvantage, but because he possessed a great will and a sense of justice that inspired many people.

But in addition to my surprise to find out who I was talking to, I also felt confused because now Captain America should be frozen in the arctic until he is rescued in 2011, which makes no sense because now is 2009.

Trying to understand, I am pleased to realize that my powers have returned to me

As soon as I realized I got my powers back, the first thing I did with them was to put my barrier back and after that, look for information on Steve Rogers' current position

A little later, a screen with a map in it appeared before me

After confirming his location, I used the transporter to get to where he was

In a moment, the scenery in front of me changed, and I found myself inside a plane and in front of me was Captain America frozen

I used my powers to warm up because I was about to freeze with the cold that was here

Having done this, I approached the block of ice with one of the most important heroes in history inside it.

Arriving in front of him, I couldn't help but be disappointed

The man who is frozen in front of me looks nothing like the old man I spoke to earlier

This means that either the old man lied about his name or he told the truth, but that would complicate things more.

I am more inclined to believe the second option, I don't know why, but the fact that the old man lied to me doesn't seem possible to me

Disappointed, I decided to go home using teleportation, but before that, I took a last look at Captain America

At that moment I thought of defrosting him, but I didn't do it for the simple reason that it would be useless, he will be saved later, doing it now or two years later, it would not change anything for a man frozen for more than seventy years

Arriving in the living room of my house, I relaxed and went to the bathroom to wash my face and then go to sleep because I felt mentally tired

When I arrived in front of the bathroom mirror, I saw the reflection of a man

What I saw was a pathetic man who despite being giving divine powers did not use it for any good, I saw a coward who was trying to escape from his responsibilities

That man that I saw is me

I began to feel anger and disgust towards myself, and what I was becoming

"I know you still have doubts about yourself it's normal, but believe me when I tell you that you're much stronger than you think you are. Trust me"

I made a promise to myself when I was about to die at Kang's hand that I would not let anyone get in the way of my dream

"Even if that someone is me"

After saying this, I felt like a weight off my shoulders, and for the first time since I abandoned the idea of ​​becoming a hero, I feel good and felt like I could do anything

Well actually I can do it with my powers, but these are just small details

Finding my new determination, I ran out of the bathroom to go to the living room there, I found my cloak in the armchair which I took, and then I teleported to my personal dimension

When I arrived at my dimension, I stopped for a moment to think about what exactly I was doing and realized that I was about to complete my experiment of going to another dimension, and despite this, however, I decided to continue the same

After I finished thinking about this, I used my powers to change the clothes I am wearing now in the suit that gives me superpowers and summons my sword in my left hand.

"Ok I'm running too much, but I can't stop and think otherwise I risk getting stuck for fear again"

After saying this, I headed to the room where I kept the machine capable of opening interdimensional holes

When I got there, I turned it on and no more than a minute later the same portal as the previous time appeared in front of me

Having checked that I had everything with me, I decided to go, but I could not move

It can't be, again I couldn't do anything out of fear

"No, I refuse to believe it, I have to move I can't let fear stop me"

But despite thinking this I still couldn't move


I'm really pathetic

"I know you still have doubts about yourself it's normal, but believe me when I tell you that you're much stronger than you think you are. Trust me"

As soon as I remembered Steve's words, I realized I could move

Incredulous, I approached the portal and I was not freezing from fear

But to say that I was not afraid yet would be incorrect since I am still terrified, but the fear of dying has been overcome by the fear that I could become the kind of man I could be ashamed of

I will not allow myself to become the kind of man who decides not to help people because he is afraid

Because I'm Superman

(3rd POV)

In an alley of an old city, you can see two boys who were arguing animatedly

"No, Storm is the most beautiful of the X-Men"

Said a black-haired teenager

"I hope you are kidding me, you would really like to compare Jean to Storm, there is no comparison between the two, buddy"

The brown-haired teenager answered

"You don't understand what you're talking about, yes Jean Gray is beautiful, but if we talk about elegance and p-"

The black-haired teenager stopped to observe how a sort of portal appeared out of nowhere

"Hey, what's the matter with you, did you realized that you are wrong"

The brown-haired teenager said jokingly

His friend, hearing him, did not answer, but instead raised his finger to indicate the position of the portal

The brown-haired teenager turned his head to the position indicated by his friend only to remain speechless when he saw the portal

"Oh snap! What is that thing "

The brown-haired teenager said to his friend

"I have not the faintest idea Mike"

The black-haired teenager told Mike

"Let's see what it is"

Mike told his friend first before going in the direction of the portal, only to be stopped by his friend who tells him

"Wait, let's forget it, is not worth it what if it's dangerous"

"Oh don't tell me you're afraid"

Mike said before he heard a voice coming from the direction of the portal

"Excuse me, can you tell me where I am please?"