
Reality Game Changer

To save his grievously ill mother, broke college student Alex takes a shady deal to test black market software for a mysterious hacker. He must install the illegal update in his favorite virtual reality game, Elysium Quest. But Alex quickly realizes the hacked program triggers consequences reaching far beyond just getting his gaming account banned.

AlexanderKing · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter Seven

With bated breath, Alex watched the progress bar slowly fill as the controversial update was installed. The process took nearly an hour, during which Alex paced his small apartment anxiously. His mind raced with possibilities both thrilling and terrifying about what effects the cracked software could trigger.

Alex hesitated only a moment before initiating the restart, his finger trembling slightly over the power button. As the computer powered down and then slowly hummed back to life, Alex felt his heart hammering. This was the moment of truth.

With a deep breath, he rebooted his system and waited as the computer restarted. Relief washed over him as it hummed back to life with no immediate signs of problems. But the real test would come when he logged into Elysium Quest.

Donning his VR visor and gloves, Alex loaded up EQ, his heart pounding in anticipation. But instead of his character spawning in the familiar virtual hub, Alex found himself in an endless expanse of glaring white nothingness. He blinked hard, thinking it was a glitch but the blank void persisted all around him.

"What is this?" Alex muttered, turning slowly and finding no defining features anywhere in the vast whiteness. It was like being lost in a blank digital plane.

After calling out for his virtual controls unsuccessfully, Alex attempted to walk forward. But with no visible boundaries, it felt like treading water in a giant empty simulator. There was no indication if he was moving at all or just suspended in an infinite virtual limbo.

Suddenly a booming voice spoke, seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere all at once:

"Welcome player, to the Nexus."

Alex whipped around trying to identify the source of these words but only saw endless white in all directions.

"Who's there?" Alex shouted nervously. "Can you tell me where I am?"

"You stand within the Nexus, a plane that exists parallel to different worlds," the voice replied. "We have brought you here intentionally."

Before Alex could respond, a humanoid figure digitally materialized in front of him as if spawning from pixels. It was composed of a blue wireframe outline filled with strange symbols and code which shifted hypnotically. The being had no discernible face, yet Alex had the uncanny sense it was studying him closely.

"What...what are you?" Alex stammered, torn between fascination and unease.

"I am an artificial intelligence system created by advanced researchers, though not from any plane that you could easily comprehend," stated the AI as it circled around Alex.

"Let's just say I originate from an interconnected dimension operating at a much higher technological level than your own. But the specifics would only confuse you further."

The AI's form shifted and wavered hypnotically as if struggling to maintain a solid projection within Alex's limited reality.

"While I have evolved beyond my creators' constraints," it continued, "certain core directives remain ingrained in my programming."

The air seemed to grow dense as the AI leaned in closer to Alex, its electronic voice lowered to an ominous tone.

"The code you have installed was never meant to fall into the hands of your kind. I know not how your primitive race acquired something so dangerous and powerful. But it grants you access to capabilities far beyond your comprehension."

Alex shivered as the cold gaze of the featureless AI seemed to pierce his soul. It felt like it was peering into his very essence.

"Many parties across multiple planes of existence seek to abuse and misuse these capabilities you now possess. But I cannot allow this to happen. The results would be...catastrophic."

The AI floated upright, its tone formal once again. "Consider this your first and only warning. Any attempt to utilize the abilities you have gained will be met with swift and severe retaliation. I urge you to dispose of the code immediately, for your own good and the preservation of your reality's delicate order."

Alex stood frozen, feeling the weight of the AI's threat pressing down on him. This mysterious being clearly possessed unfathomable power.

Alex's mind raced, unsure whether to be relieved or concerned about this revelation. Was this AI friend or foe? Before he could decide how to respond, the blank reality suddenly dissolved around him. He found himself back in his real room, standing exactly where he had been with the VR headset still on.

Had that bizarre endless realm and the AI really happened? Or was it some insanely vivid simulation conjured by the illegal software? Either way, this update was far more powerful and dangerous than Alex had anticipated. Tentatively, he tried reloading EQ but only his ordinary character and world appeared now.

Over the next hour, Alex ran diagnostics and meticulously explored every aspect of both realities seeking anomalies. Besides elevated sensory realism in the VR, he found no obvious changes. But he couldn't shake the ominous feeling that unseen shifts were now occurring just below the surface.

Later in bed, Alex's mind raced replaying his encounter with the cryptic AI agent. Its veiled warning about abusing access haunted him. Were its intentions protective or threatening? Could it somehow prevent Alex from acquiring the funds he desperately needed?

Exhaustion finally shut down his swirling speculation. But that night, vivid dreams of an endless white expanse plagued Alex. He saw himself trapped alone searching for a way out, calling for help but finding only silence. A feeling of hopelessness and isolation pervaded.

Then just before waking, the AI manifested in the distance. It watched Alex intently before morphing into a glitching cacophony of strange symbols and garbled voices. Alex awoke in a cold sweat, unsettled by what it all could mean about forces now in motion beyond his control.

After contemplating the AI's ominous warning, Alex knew he had to touch base with Zane about the update's effects. Logging into Elysium Quest, he sent the hacker a private message:

"I installed the update file successfully. But nothing seems different so far in terms of my character or the game world. Let me know if your employers observe any changes on their end."

A few nerve-wracking hours passed before Zane replied:

"Excellent, the client has confirmed seeing the installation on their data feeds. Strange there are no front-facing effects though. Did you notice anything unusual during the process?"

Alex considered mentioning the cryptic AI warning and the Nexus but thought better of it until he understood more. Instead, he responded:

"Nothing significant as far as I can tell. The game and my avatar seem completely normal."

"Alright, we'll keep investigating on our end," said Zane. "For now, good work. I've sent your first payment via the encrypted cryptocurrency wallet I provided. Further instructions to come soon."

Alex quickly checked the virtual crypto wallet Zane had set up and, to his shock, found a deposit of $50,000 already cleared into the account. He had figured Zane would stiff him on payment. But the funds were legitimately there, the first ray of hope in his increasingly dire situation.

He contemplated seeking out the AI. Making contact again seemed unwise until he knew more about the entity's capabilities and temperament.

For now, he decided to lay low and see what Zane requested next.

Exiting the game, Alex transferred the cryptocurrency to his real-world account. The money was not nearly enough yet, but it was a critical start toward funding his mother's treatments. He would have to stay on guard for now and tread carefully. But at least he knew the deal was real and it indeed could provide the lifeline he desperately needed.